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September 11th: Real or Fraud?

Was 9/11 an inside job?

  • Yes

    Votes: 46 33.8%
  • No

    Votes: 90 66.2%

  • Total voters
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It was destiny.

no, it was density. ;)

Very Important :

It's funny how Graphic took my side earlier but is now back to mocking me.. Give it a chance, that's all I'm asking.. is that so hard? When you use the excuse "that's not proof" when I'm not offering it as proof, or mocking the fact that it's a youtube video therefor implying that it has no credit? It's a documentary that happens to be hosted for free on Youtube and I'm trying to get people do realize that maybe what everyone's being told isn't the reality behind it.. Also read some comments or reviews.

It's funny because no one ever discusses my logic(Go back and read it, it's a very simple logic that no one has discussed) I explained and instead generalize and use distractions and that's exactly what these recent posts have been doing, that and useless mocking in an attempt to make me look foolish with a few words like Graphicmatt here.

I can tell people here do not have any depth to their mind. It takes a curtain amount depth to understand open mindedness and after you thought about and learned the psychology behind how for example how ignorant works in the mind and how you're subconscious can prevent them from learning about things they don't want to know.

Now watch, no one here will discuss the simple logic that I just described and the reason is simple. If you're mind is preventing you from taking a look at the alternate point of views with an open mind then you won't be willing to discuss the logic because you know deep down(so subconsciously) that learning more about our government and how it's run etc. will lead to you being closer to being faced with something you don't want to know.

It's psychology and none of you will discuss it because I can very simple tell that most of you are narrow minded. Therefor there's no way you are aware of how your mind and emotions work hence you're a slave to emotions that you can easily take care of.

NOW WATCH: No one will discuss the logic just explained but instead will continue to either mock me or generalize about the whole thing etc(other distractions)

It's too bad I know how ignorance/narrow mindedness in the mind works, it's actually quite simple.
When I saw that Kamuix had posted on this thread once again, I was looking forward to the sufficiently verifiable evidence that has so often been requested regarding his conspiracy theories about the events of 9/11. Of course, I can't say that I was disappointed that, once again, he offers nothing whatsoever in that regard. Instead, there is the usual link to a fellow believer in all things conspiratorial, and not much more. There are also the unsubstantiated allusions that Kamuix has a special insight into the human mind (and of course he offers no evidence for these beliefs either - a rather idiosyncratic quality of his). He never quite explains why he buys - hook, line and sinker - every muttering of his fellow conspiracy theorists, but can never entertain the obvious (that there is no dark, world-spanning connivance to do awful things to us all for no apparent reason).

No, Kamuix still fashions himself as the Moses of youtube for the benefit of all of here at UT, posting his links and promising imminent revelations. The cursed non-believers and evidence-seekers are warned that they shall be humiliated and he, Kamuix, shall be forever vindicated (cue in choral voices in the background). Of course, we all have to wait an undisclosed number of years for all this to happen.

In the meantime Kamuix, how about some evidence to back up your claims? Still have nothing more than your starry imagination to offer? That's rather sad.
Kamuix, the reason no one "discusses" you logic is because ... it isn't logical.
And that's a great way to try to convince people of your arguments -- saying that we have no depth in our minds and that we are narrow-minded. Poor unenlightened ignorant us.
See, I believe 911 was an inside job, but unlike y'all, I know the evidence is out there. Youtube is maybe only .5% of the evidence. Much of the evidence remains hidden from public view, probably in some warehouse in suburban Maryland....

Kamuix: Alex Jones is not a good source. He's part of the MSM--youtube is today's version of CNN meets USA Today.
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Despite Kamuix' insider knowledge of my brain, I don't believe I'm narrow minded. I'm quite sure there is more to 911 and many other events than meets the eye, but I don't think the various YouTubes and disconnected sets of coincidences provided as "evidence" are actually evidence. They're theories and ideas, often based on the slimmest of circumstantial evidence. Governments have always kept certain information locked away in top secret vaults, but that doesn't necessarily mean that governments spend of all their time involved in highly complex and convoluted machinations to keep the unwary little people complacent and unsuspecting. And sometimes things are indeed what they appear to be, i.e. planes hitting a tower. How that came about may be up for discussion, but it's pretty hard to fake something like that and keep the fakery a secret given the number of people who were involved.
Kamuix, the reason no one "discusses" you logic is because ... it isn't logical.

Ha. see you gotta love it. If what i said wasn't logical then you'd have no problem explaining what's wrong with the logic, so tell me what's wrong with the logic I explained?

And that's a great way to try to convince people of your arguments -- saying that we have no depth in our minds and that we are narrow-minded. Poor unenlightened ignorant us.

See now you're making it look like I'm generalizing and that I just accused you guys of those things when I actually went into depth and explained the logic myself, and yet you've yet to discuss the logic I explained. You're almost as manipulating as the Grissie character.

but I don't think the various YouTubes and disconnected sets of coincidences provided as "evidence" are actually evidence.

I never offered it as evidence, but it seems you're just making it seem like it's being offered as evidence to make it all look less credible...

They're theories and ideas,

Your subconscious mind must be trying to convince you that because it's more then just that.. common.. you obviously haven't taken a step back and looked at it with an open mind yet.

Honestly I can tell that you're struggling in the mind to convince yourself what you want it to be. I know you're a smart person but there's a big different between intelligence, depth, and open mindedness. You can have an IQ of 200 and be ignorant to something that many others will see as obvious. You need to go more into depth and learn to be more open-minded..

See, I believe 911 was an inside job, but unlike y'all, I know the evidence is out there. Youtube is maybe only .5% of the evidence. Much of the evidence remains hidden from public view, probably in some warehouse in suburban Maryland....

Kamuix: Alex Jones is not a good source. He's part of the MSM--youtube is today's version of CNN meets USA Today

Love to hear it! And yes I've been told by others even on the Prison Planet forum that using Alex Jones as a source is a bad idea and I agree but I'm now more interested in unlocking peoples minds because that's the source of the problem in many cases so I've learned from just trying to wake people up right here. And of course I'm not just talking about 9/11, but all the government corruption that's taken over our society and freedoms etc. But I'm really glad to see that you're starting to wake up!
Ha. see you gotta love it. If what i said wasn't logical then you'd have no problem explaining what's wrong with the logic, so tell me what's wrong with the logic I explained?
We have. And every time we've gotten back the same totally illogical "it's a conzpirazy!!" and "just believe me please!!!" arguments. So sorry, no. Your logic is worse than flawed. It's corrupted by a pathetic attempt to be victimized and make the big men representing the larger sum of society seem like fully evil people. If you want to hide in your own little world free of the evil outside people, do everyone a favour and disconnect your internet, close your blinds and lock yourself inside.

I'm not even trying at this, because I know two things. Firstly is that there is no convincing you. If we showed you proof in the form of a motherfucking grassroots documentary produced by Al-Quaida including radio-relayed footage from the inside of the hijacked planes and full scale experiments showing that planes could easily have brought the world trade center down, either Al-Quaida would be in on the conspiracy or it would be an elaborate hoax by the US government. If god descended from the heavens to say that 9/11 is not some elaborate conspiracy, well I guess he'd be in on it too. For some reason that would seem to escape every other normal person on Earth, there is absolutely no possible way that it was just a terrorist activity. That's the entire basis for it. "It's a conspiracy so it's a conspiracy." A kind of deviant psychopath evolution, I suppose.
Secondly, I wouldn't myself be overly joyed in seeing you convert, because I know you're still the same psychopathic person that believes everyone in the world has the potential to be an evil secret-harbouring madman. Are some people? Yes. But when you have thousands of people that are apparently "in" on the 9/11 conspiracy for a gain that hasn't even been explained (is it the oil or something?) credibility looses focus very quickly. The sheer psychology of it doesn't work. But you won't realize that, because your ego is propped up by irrational fantasies of being some sort of enlightened being. You need to believe that you're so much more special than the rest, a kind of morbid Jesus complex where you have to enlighten the world so we can destroy the evil oppressors. To what end, may I ask? If you were asking for highly localized governments and economies, than maybe that'd make sense. But you just don't.
after reading this thread yesterday, i can honestly say that i woke up today and smelled the coffee. i am no longer asleep.
What the heck? Kamuix you say I'm finally waking up?

Well sorry to break the news, but on 911 as I sat eating breakfast at my parent's place listening to it all live on WABC New York (the radio station) I said to my dad--I bet they blame it on Saddam Hussein and the Muslims! Well shucks, I was right. At 9:30am Sept 11th I said "this doesn't make sense and is unbelievable" and I still believe in that statement!

We will probably never know the 100% truth. Use your imagination, not Alex Jones'!
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Last night "The Fifth Estate" did a piece on 9-11 conspiracy theorists on CBC NN. It may or may not repeat however it's also available online in it's entirety, "The Unofficial Story".
We have. And every time we've gotten back the same totally illogical "it's a conzpirazy!!" and "just believe me please!!!" arguments. So sorry, no. Your logic is worse than flawed.

If you're so correct, than why is there the need to manipulate, generalize and dodge & ignore? You're answering the question I asked about why you wouldn't discuss my logic. I was referring to the specific logic I just explained in my recent post and you know that so why are you manipulating it to look as if i was referring to a statement that I didn't even make? :S. Again.. Why the need to manipulate, generalize and dodge & ignore?

It's corrupted by a pathetic attempt to be victimized and make the big men representing the larger sum of society seem like fully evil people. If you want to hide in your own little world free of the evil outside people, do everyone a favour and disconnect your internet, close your blinds and lock yourself inside.

But it's worse.. now you're attacking the poster on a personal level? Over something you manipulated and turned around to make it look like something the completely different? Common man..

This is what I mean by you need to learn more depth and open-mindedness in the psychological mind or you'll be trapped in it.

I'm not even trying at this, because I know two things. Firstly is that there is no convincing you.

Well not if you can't discuss what I present without manipulating, generalizing, dodging & ignoring no. But I promise if you were to do so then there could be an even discussion.

If we showed you proof in the form of a motherfucking grassroots documentary produced by Al-Quaida including radio-relayed footage from the inside of the hijacked planes and full scale experiments showing that planes could easily have brought the world trade center down, either Al-Quaida would be in on the conspiracy or it would be an elaborate hoax by the US government. If god descended from the heavens to say that 9/11 is not some elaborate conspiracy, well I guess he'd be in on it too.

Hey if you showed me one of those I'd be convinced.. but there's a reason there's nothing like that out there. You're really convinced that Al-Quaida was responsible for 9/11 which is really sad considering either side has been proven or dis-proven.

For some reason that would seem to escape every other normal person on Earth, there is absolutely no possible way that it was just a terrorist activity. That's the entire basis for it. "It's a conspiracy so it's a conspiracy." A kind of deviant psychopath evolution, I suppose.
Secondly, I wouldn't myself be overly joyed in seeing you convert, because I know you're still the same psychopathic person that believes everyone in the world has the potential to be an evil secret-harbouring madman. Are some people? Yes. But when you have thousands of people that are apparently "in" on the 9/11 conspiracy for a gain that hasn't even been explained (is it the oil or something?) credibility looses focus very quickly. The sheer psychology of it doesn't work. But you won't realize that, because your ego is propped up by irrational fantasies of being some sort of enlightened being. You need to believe that you're so much more special than the rest, a kind of morbid Jesus complex where you have to enlighten the world so we can destroy the evil oppressors. To what end, may I ask? If you were asking for highly localized governments and economies, than maybe that'd make sense. But you just don't.

I can tell you focus on things that help you convince yourself that there's no way it was a conspiracy, you haven't looked much at the other side and especially not with an open mind. You've been conditioned and are probably too far gone from what I can see.. sorry.

In order to be willing to understand my posts you need to have some depth and an open-mind.. not much since it's quite simple but posts like yours is why I encourage people to learn more about things like open-mindedness.

urbandreamer: Either way I'm glad you're not as ignorant as some people. and when something like 9/11 happens it's important to get to the bottom of it especially when there's politicians involved and you'd know this if you learned from history. Because if everyone were to simply just use their imaginations and just move on then it'll happen again. It's important to educate people to make sure things like this don't happen again, and if it has to do with who's running the country then it's even more dangerous to just forget about it and leave it a mystery.
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