"I'm gonna get me a NICE house, with BIG-GGG windows!! They're gonna be OVERSIZE windows. It's gonna look like a CHATEAU inside!!!! I'm gonna get me a BIG ASS cool truck!!!. It's BLACK, with TINT!!!! Fack man, ... it's the DARTH VADER of trucks!! It's gonna TOWER over the other vehicles!!! I will LOOK SO COOL getting out of it and strolling through the Air Canada Centre parking lot to see a Leaf game. I'm wearin' my official Leafs jacket man; it's got the felt body and white LEATHER sleeves; FEEL IT man; I'm LOOKING GREAT in this jacket!!! I'm guessing that DARCY TUCKER probably owns a truck and jacket JUST LIKE MINE!!! The Friendly Divorcee across the street from my chateau will dig this truck!! She's always smilin' at me. I KNOW it's the WHEELS, man!! If I could loose 80 pounds and firm up a bit I bet I could stand a chance with her; know what I mean; but the job at Mississauga Tool and Die has just been crazy and I haven't had time to work out; know what I mean, and I got to put in overtime to pay for this house, ya' know?? BUT, FACK MAN!!! I have ARRIVED!! I am LIVING THE UPPER MIDDLE CLASS LIFE!!!!