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Rollerblading Laws


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Jan 24, 2009
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I am an avid rollerblader in the city and I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find the city laws around this activity.

Should I be rollerblading on the street? Sidewalk? Bike lane? I have been told you should rollerblade on the street or bike line (if available) as it's the law, but drivers are always honking their horn and trying to run me down. So, I try to rollerblade on the sidewalk and I get the same attitude with pedestrians.

I am not looking to break the law, just trying to find some clear direction around rollerbalding rules in Toronto.

Also, is it true Ottawa banned rollerblading?
This is slightly off topic, but once when I was rollerblading, I came home to my building. When I was just about to go in, my superintendent comes from nowhere and tells me to take off the rollerblades and go through the ENTIRE building to my apartment in socks. It didn't even say anywhere that they weren't allowed, and it doesn't say they're not allowed on the TTC either. One mus just guess the law :rolleyes:
Thankfully I moved now.
Screw rollerblading. Rollerskates are where it's at now!

Not even. It's all about LOLLERskates.

Haha, post of the thread. Sorry, but that's all I see in my head when I see rollerbladers.
This is slightly off topic, but once when I was rollerblading, I came home to my building. When I was just about to go in, my superintendent comes from nowhere and tells me to take off the rollerblades and go through the ENTIRE building to my apartment in socks. It didn't even say anywhere that they weren't allowed, and it doesn't say they're not allowed on the TTC either. One mus just guess the law :rolleyes:
Thankfully I moved now.

well, rollerblading, rollerskating, skateboarding, etc shouldn't be done indoors. It's dangerous since there are people passing by. It also damages the floor with scratches and such. I find it really rude for those who do it at the path. They don't care that it damages or scratches floors because they don't have to pay to upkeep it. I saw an old security guard chasing after some kids from 255 King west to Royal Thompson Hall path. The kids seem to think it's funny. But it's dangerous and damages property.
Rollerblading on the street is not safe. Until suitable paths are built for commuters who cycle or rollerblade, people need to learn to share the side walk. I'm not about to put my life at risk because someone is selfish enough to direct me on to the street.

They can holler all they want, or go walk on the road themselves if they aren't willing to share the only safe area that exists.
well, rollerblading, rollerskating, skateboarding, etc shouldn't be done indoors. It's dangerous since there are people passing by. It also damages the floor with scratches and such. I find it really rude for those who do it at the path. They don't care that it damages or scratches floors because they don't have to pay to upkeep it. I saw an old security guard chasing after some kids from 255 King west to Royal Thompson Hall path. The kids seem to think it's funny. But it's dangerous and damages property.

Rollerblades and skateboard wheels scratch floors. I see.
Would that be because they're made of steel wool or finely-crushed gravel?

Are you approaching 90 by any chance? :p
Rollerblading on the street is not safe. Until suitable paths are built for commuters who cycle or rollerblade, people need to learn to share the side walk. I'm not about to put my life at risk because someone is selfish enough to direct me on to the street.

They can holler all they want, or go walk on the road themselves if they aren't willing to share the only safe area that exists.

I agree with you. Streets are not safe. If I am biking, I'll take the sidewalk. If I was to rollerblade, I'd do the same. Better my life over some pedestrian's convenience.
I agree with you. Streets are not safe. If I am biking, I'll take the sidewalk. If I was to rollerblade, I'd do the same. Better my life over some pedestrian's convenience.

You can get fined $90 for riding a bike on the sidewalk.o h... I just found the law that applies to all things you can ride on the sidewalk.

"A City bylaw allows cyclists with a tire size of 61cm or 24 inches or less to ride on the sidewalk. The intent of this bylaw is to allow young children to cycle on the sidewalk while they learn to ride. "

"The Toronto bylaw states that riding a bicycle with tire size over 61cm (24 inches) on sidewalks is prohibited, as is riding/operating a bicycle (or roller skates, in-line skates, skateboard, coaster, toy vehicle) on a sidewalk without due care and attention and reasonable consideration for others. "

Rollerblades and skateboard wheels scratch floors. I see.
Would that be because they're made of steel wool or finely-crushed gravel?

Are you approaching 90 by any chance? :p

Skateboards, rollerblades etc. can be a liability issue on private property which is why many places post signs at point of entry.
This is why I resort to my bike. I used to get around the city on rollerblades as a method of choice. They seemed like a logical solution, but there really is no where for rollerbladers to go.

Bike lanes are ok, but they are sparse in the core and the speed of most cyclists is quicker than a rollerblader.

Sidewalks are where I usually hang out when on my rollerblades, but many Toronto sidewalks are much to small for this. There is not enough for me and the pedestrian.

If the city really wants to promote a healthy city, with various methods of transportation such as rollerblading and longboarding, they really need to widen sidewalks (i.e. YONGE). Until then, I don't recommend you rollerblade in Toronto unless you can determine a safe route beforehand.

Rollerblades and skateboard wheels scratch floors. I see.
Would that be because they're made of steel wool or finely-crushed gravel?

Are you approaching 90 by any chance? :p

So you need to be 90 to respect other people and property? It's a wonder kids have no respect for others? Try rollerblading and skateboarding inside your parents house and see what they have to say about it.

Also, if the kids had any respect, they would have picked up their skateboards and walked with it and apologized to the old security guard and promise not to do it again, rather than running off on skateboards having the guard chase them. Basically they are breaking the law by skateboarding on property that's not allowed.

As for rollerblading and skateboarding outside. I think the city should have a courtesy rule restricting rollerblading or skateboarding on the left or right side of the pavement. Although the streets would need to be widened as well. Currently it is a hazard to pedestrians. I remember being honked from behind by a bicycle to get out of their way. You would think pedestrians have right of way on the pedestrian sidewalk. Rather they don't seem to have right of way. They need to give way to the ones moving faster on roller blades, skateboards or bicycles or risk getting hit or cursed at.
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As for rollerblading and skateboarding outside. I think the city should have a courtesy rule restricting rollerblading or skateboarding on the left or right side of the pavement. You would think pedestrians have right of way on the pedestrian sidewalk. Rather they don't seem to have right of way. They need to give way to the ones moving faster on roller blades, skateboards or bicycles or risk getting hit or cursed at.

I live in an area where people cycle on the sidewalk all the time. There are probaly forty years old and are seemingly unaware that this is Illegal. I can understand bikes on the roads, but rollerbladers and skateboarders should be allowed to use the sidewalk as well. Should people who jog be told to use only one side as well, or should they be forced to "run only" lanes?
