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Rob Ford's Toronto

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The Star reports "Ford said he is also currently suffering from pneumonia." People suffering from pneumonia - and with weakened immune systems - do not normally wander around meeting people [in City hall in this case]; exposing them to possible infection and certainly exposing themselves to more. Is he a liar, a superman or an idiot. Pick two of three.

One of my favourite hockey players had pneumonia but played till the team was eliminated. It probably depends on the type of pneumonia. Also, I hope someone asks the doc Monday if Ford really has it.
Until I started reading this thread, I thought politicians had to punch their timecards in the clock like the rest of us lunch buckets.
I don't know why anyone would think politicians punch timecards. Management doesn't punch timecards. Most white collar workers never did, although maybe they do something similar now when everyone needs to log in to a computer. Politicans never would. It would be considered undignified, not consistent with their need for autonomy.

I know I've been on the subway, travelling to watch the council meeting, with no need to be there by a certain time since I'm only an observer, it's maybe about 9:50 (council meetings usually started at 9:30), and there sitting on the train is Jaye Robinson. If you've ever been to a council meeting you'll know that councillors flow in and out of the council room, are often gone for long periods, and when they're in the room don't seem to be paying much attention. Except for Holyday they'd all return from lunch at least 15 minutes late. It's a bit disenchanting.

On the other hand, there's is not a 9-5 job. They often have meetings on weekends or during evenings, and they're supposed to be responsible leaders of the community. We need to trust them to perform their duties without asking them to account for each minute. Many of them clearly put in considerable effort. Despite his claims, and many people's willingness to believe and repeat his lies, I truly doubt that Rob Ford ever did.
The Star reports "Ford said he is also currently suffering from pneumonia." People suffering from pneumonia - and with weakened immune systems - do not normally wander around meeting people [in City hall in this case]; exposing them to possible infection and certainly exposing themselves to more. Is he a liar, a superman or an idiot. Pick two of three.

I had the walking pneumonia twice and even with that being the "easier" of the pneumonias, I was knocked the hell out and coughing up a storm. I don't think I heard him cough once during this afternoon visit of CH. The idea that he would be "working" through it is ludicrous. At the very least he would have been sweating and wheezing and not sounding like he smoked a j instead.
Here's what I've been thinking for a while:

Rob has been thinking all along that this cancer thing is no big deal really. I've got tons of money, the best doctors in the country, lots of people beat it, I'm a big strong guy etc. BUT I can milk it for all it's worth, pick up a shit-ton of sympathy votes, get the NightScratcher to play it up and the folks will fall for it. I'll do the sympathy selfie tour, sound real sick, shave the head etc.

Reality is that it's way more serious than he realizes and, with today's prognosis, perhaps he's started to conclude that he's in way deeper than he thought. It's entirely possible that he was diagnosed as early as May and played theses games all summer with a very serious health issue. Of course his entire POS family of power enablers encouraged and went along with everything and likely that hasn't changed.

Hearing him speak today, I was getting a real "I've made a huge mistake" vibe. I could be wrong about some of this but I bet I'm right about at least some of it. On some level, I'd really like to feel some sincere empathy for the big incompetent, racist, wife-beating, narcissistic, homophobic, sociopathic, lying, manipulative prick but he sure doesn't make it easy.

I think reality has finally hit Rob. He went through 2 rounds of chemo with no real improvement. Now he's looking at another 2 to 3 rounds just trying to shrink the tumour, so he can have surgery. It will be a very invasive and painful surgery, no keyhole incision for him, with at least 6 - 8 weeks recovery. Then probably more chemo and maybe more surgery. The future isn't looking very rosy for Rob right now.
He's got a big problem and for the first time in his life, money isn't going to fix it.
Here's what I've been thinking for a while:

Rob has been thinking all along that this cancer thing is no big deal really. I've got tons of money, the best doctors in the country, lots of people beat it, I'm a big strong guy etc. BUT I can milk it for all it's worth, pick up a shit-ton of sympathy votes, get the NightScratcher to play it up and the folks will fall for it. I'll do the sympathy selfie tour, sound real sick, shave the head etc.

Reality is that it's way more serious than he realizes and, with today's prognosis, perhaps he's started to conclude that he's in way deeper than he thought. It's entirely possible that he was diagnosed as early as May and played theses games all summer with a very serious health issue. Of course his entire POS family of power enablers encouraged and went along with everything and likely that hasn't changed.

Hearing him speak today, I was getting a real "I've made a huge mistake" vibe. I could be wrong about some of this but I bet I'm right about at least some of it. On some level, I'd really like to feel some sincere empathy for the big incompetent, racist, wife-beating, narcissistic, homophobic, sociopathic, lying, manipulative prick but he sure doesn't make it easy.

I agree with you. When he was talking about potential appointments, being deputy mayor and being a councillor, it is just a brave front.

Whoever said "idiot and his enabler" was bang on. Just stay home, Rob. Seriously. We've got this.

My wife and I were talking tonight about the pneumonia, and how insane it was that no one around him thought to keep him from going to the post-election party. When I saw first saw the video of him pawing his way through the crowd, I almost couldn't believe it. Surely no one could be that stupid? But here we are.
We need to trust them to perform their duties without asking them to account for each minute. Many of them clearly put in considerable effort. Despite his claims, and many people's willingness to believe and repeat his lies, I truly doubt that Rob Ford ever did.

Why doesn't Rob have an itinerary?

Don Peat:

"Despite Mayor Rob Ford's return, Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly is still putting out a daily itinerary (something the mayor never does)"

I guess experiences vary. We actually had an atomic clock where I worked. They must have bought it sometime in the 1960's, because it was there when I started. Every clock and wrist-watch was synchronized to it. You could hear them all day and night over the radio punching paper into mechanical clocks as they broadcast your times into a dicta-belt.

No one expects that level of on-time-performance from Rob, but would an itinerary be too much to ask?
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From NOW:

"I'm not feeling too good. I got some news that I really didn't want to get two days ago," Ford said, sounding tired. He confirmed that two rounds of chemotherapy have failed to shrink the grapefruit-sized tumour in his abdomen, and doctors have told him he will have to undergo three to five more rounds so the tumour can be reduced to a point where it can be surgically removed."

"According to Ford, his third round of chemotherapy had to be delayed after doctors diagnosed him with pneumonia, which he continues to suffer from. The chemotherapy will resume on Monday, and the mayor is expected to be in hospital for several days at least. His previous treatments have left him feeling fatigued and "sore throughout my body," he said, and he acknowledged he was in for a "rough ride."

No one deserves this crap... that's all I got.
I don't think they are stupid, otherwise they wouldn't have gotten as far in the corporate world as they did, just unaware to the point of being wilfully ignorant. They freely admit they don't follow municipal politics closely and are happy to get their info from 1010 and perhaps the late news soundbites. I think what really struck me was how effective the Ford brothers messaging are with this level of voter engagement. They bought it lock, stock and barrel! And......they get to vote!!

And, to answer King of Kensington, it's a he and his wife. But they sure sounded like SAL and hers.

No they stupid
No one deserves this crap... that's all I got.

Yeah, I agree. It's in no way pleasant to think about the physical pain and grim fears that Rob Ford is likely to be going though these days.

I will qualify the rest of this post with the word guess, as I don't want to put words in the mouths of other UTers.

My guess is that the jokes about Rob's possibly imminent checkout and the criticism about hanging out with big crowds stem from intense frustration, and that not many, if any, are really hoping for maximum suffering. The guy has been an idiot, a bully, a destroyer, and a supernaturally bad influence for a huge number of voters, and he's given every indication that he'll keep doing that absolutely as long as he can draw breath. Hard to cheer for him to survive when he keeps throwing shit in our faces.
Randy lives in the house he grew up in, in Diane's house.

He's, what, 52? Living with mommy? Something for 20-something thugs (as he was) to look forward to, I guess.

Did Mayor Troy take Mayor Frod's fish tank, I wonder...


I'm kinda amazed that we didn't make the Troy McClure connection earlier. He's Tory's spitting image.

Unlike regular city employees, Robbie seems to be able to come and from work whenever he pleases. It never has been entirely clear to me what does when he is there. Apparently, he doesn't use his office computer. The bosses I had were always firing off memos.

Until I started reading this thread, I thought politicians had to punch their timecards in the clock like the rest of us lunch buckets.

I think it's reasonable to expect that politicians will often work irregular hours. But they should still be punching a metaphorical timecard - and that's where the offensive nature of both Doug and Rob's attitude toward their jobs comes in.

Hearing him speak today, I was getting a real "I've made a huge mistake" vibe. I could be wrong about some of this but I bet I'm right about at least some of it. On some level, I'd really like to feel some sincere empathy for the big incompetent, racist, wife-beating, narcissistic, homophobic, sociopathic, lying, manipulative prick but he sure doesn't make it easy.

Full agreement here. He gets some basic empathy from me; as John Oliver said recently, at a certain point you feel bad for laughing at him (no such point for Doug though...). I think I really came to this watching the NOW video of Ford Fest - there are a few lingering close ups of Rob while Doug or whoever is blathering on. Rob has a persistently awkward expression, betraying an almost detached and vacant thought process, someone who isn't really all that aware of what's going on and probably doesn't recognize the situation he's in.
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