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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Screen Shot 2014-10-27 at 3.52.54 PM.png

Casita, you haven't been making 'phone calls again, have you now?


  • Screen Shot 2014-10-27 at 3.52.54 PM.png
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It doesn't bother me, especially. CityTV hasn't been barred from the location, just a partisan commentator who is/was connected with a rival campaign. Lisa can still say what she wants to say on air. Sending her to Tory HQ is just a gimmick on the part of the station.

I believe CityTV has already announced that they will put her on air from their studio. (Not that this would induce me to watch CityTV any more than if she had been allowed into the event.)
Is there no early reporting on how the election is going? I'm not from Toronto so I'm not sure how things work there, but in the US you typically start getting early election results in the mid-afternoon.

In country-wide elections, in both the US and Canada, you would start getting results in the western time zones after the eastern time zone polls closed and counting could start. (Although it's still technically illegal in Canada to report them in any region where polls have not closed.)

But this is a municipal election in a single time zone; all polls close simultaneously at 8 pm. With machine counting, we'll be getting first numbers 10 or 15 minutes later, with the result probably certain by 8:30.
As distasteful as I find Warren Kinsella and Lisa Kirbie, this kind of bullying of media by a candidate for election is unacceptable if you believe in a free press. I find it even more egregious given that this isn't Tory's first offence.

Bullying? Whatever it is, it's not bullying.
As distasteful as I find Warren Kinsella and Lisa Kirbie, this kind of bullying of media by a candidate for election is unacceptable if you believe in a free press. I find it even more egregious given that this isn't Tory's first offence.
I agree. It's her job ffs.
I forget the exact context but it was something like Donato was implying that Miller was authoritarian or shutting down dissent or something. It was a real stretch in any case.

Also, as another bizarre detail, IIRC the Fuhrer-stache was rainbow-coloured.
Ari Goldkind was at my door last night chatting with me and my neighbour across the hall. Nice guy, good sense of humour - and by far the best platform. It broke my heart that I couldn't tell him that he has my support. Hopefully he comes back and gives it a go again in four years. I just got in and voted for Olivia, Kristyn Wong-Tam and Chris Moise (Ward 27). Now we wait.

So thanks to all you "folks" for the thousands (?) of great laughs, the insight, great discussion and the scoops. Special thanks to the terrific mods. here, who must have had their hands full with this thread over the past two or so years when things really started getting crazy.

Here's to a 'Ford Free' Toronto! See you at Nathan Phillips Square tonight!
Ari Goldkind was at my door last night chatting with me and my neighbour across the hall. Nice guy, good sense of humour - and by far the best platform. It broke my heart that I couldn't tell him that he has my support. Hopefully he comes back and gives it a go again in four years.

I think the best thing he could have done would be to run for a council seat, build up his name recognition for a term or two, then run for mayor based on that. Otherwise he risks ending up as the perennial fringe candidate that no-one will vote for because he always runs and gets at most 1-2%. It's a bit of a vicious circle - running for mayor but getting no traction leads to running for mayor but getting no traction again because he was seen as a fringe candidate last time. Do that a couple of elections running and you're a spoiled candidate. If he'd run for council this time, got elected, and made some waves with high profile bills etc, he'd become one of the serious candidates. As it is, it's a lot harder to win when your opponents are saying "I have political experience as a councillor for X years" and your boast is "I've run for election X times and never got more than 1% of the vote."
My wife and I voted. For some reason, she wasn't on the list, so she had to get a form filled out. She was amazed that over 60 people were on the ballot for mayor.

It is very quiet at the camping office.
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I ended up voting for Chow. I wanted to vote for Ari, I really did. But there is no chance he will get into double digits and I think there is a chance for Chow to take second, and maybe even a slight hope she might win (I know very slight)

I just couldn't bring myself to vote for Tory, his policy just doesn't connect to mine. He flip-flops way to much. I could possibly look past him endorsing Ford, but I just couldn't look past three years of him as a talk radio host and always giving the Fords excuses and benefit of the doubt and a platform to spew their lies. I just couldn't vote for that. Maybe in a ranked ballot situation he could be in a top three contender. But the way ballots are now, if Tory was 80 or 90% of Chow I might be willing to vote strategy wise, but political is closer to Ford to get my vote.

Rob Ford said Doug will get 45%. Interesting number for guys who always said EVERYBODY agrees with them. Now they are not even trying to even convince themselves they can get 50%

I heard Doug is bussing people in from community housing.
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