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(Also, a side note: I think I'm up to like my 3rd or 4th second-hand confirmation, someone who knows someone who totally bought drugs from Doug back in the day. I dunno how these boobs ever thought they could hide it and I can't imagine how hard it must be for Tory to not say something every time Doug rants about how transparent his resume is. [I know it's easy for Chow because even if someone handed her campaign verified VHS footage of Rob and Doug openly dealing, she'd bury it, saying it's an irrelevant distraction and doesn't do anything to help the children and the lady who can't get on the crowded streetcar.])
Maybe I am guilty of thinking that The Wire was a documentary ... but is it not Police 101 that when a suspect takes off running with a GARBAGE BAG FULL OF SUSPECTED EVIDENCE that some cops should follow the suspect and other cops should follow the garbage bag?!
Had no idea that the G&M was working on the story...
This is why I think it's so incredibly crazy that, if Doug was anywhere near as prolific as it sounds like he was in the 80s, no one thus far has been able to solidify the teenage drug mogul story. The Globe and Mail did their story, which was well reported; Doug did his typical "all lies and I'm going to sue but not really"; and that was essentially it. In the simplest terms: why isn't there so much more on this??
Husband is watching CP24. Report on the debate during the 11 pm newscast shows Tory, Chow and Goldkind speaking, shows Renee being ejected, but nothing about Tory's comment.
Doug's original intent was to use the councillor position as a stepping stone to the leader of the PC party of Ontario...and Premier.
Our digital sub included with print sub to g and m.
So will this Deco story get less coverage due to Tory's comment? I hope not.
Well, if he had to have a religious schools moment this was the night to do it.
I didn't see the exchange that prompted this but I'm guessing it has to do with Chow - who goes by her "maiden name" and so should be addressed as Ms. She is not "Mrs. Chow", to call her "Mrs." you'd have to use the surname Leyton, which she has chosen not to do. I always address women as Ms. unless I know that they prefer Mrs. (I hate, HATE the use of "ma'am" - it makes me feel about a million years old and I wish retail staff would be instructed never, ever to use it).
This is why I think it's so incredibly crazy that, if Doug was anywhere near as prolific as it sounds like he was in the 80s, no one thus far has been able to solidify the teenage drug mogul story. The Globe and Mail did their story, which was well reported; Doug did his typical "all lies and I'm going to sue but not really"; and that was essentially it. In the simplest terms: why isn't there so much more on this??