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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Ben Spurr ‏@BenSpurr
Chow booed when she brings up mayor's scandals hitting front pages. "Go home Olivia! Back to China!" shouts one man.
After Doug went on about "the youth" and how "the youth" relate to him way more than any of these other loser candidates, Tory actually said, "I'm guessing those $20 bills you hand out smoothed the way."

It's a little thing but, damn, I'm happy he dropped that one on Doug.
Chow is losing my support really quickly.

Tory was spot on exactly on protected bike lanes. Painted lanes like Chow enjoys, are far from ideal. She can't even get her progressive views correct.

I agree that we need more protected lanes, but this is the first Time Tory has said anything about cyclists during this entire mayoral race. There is absolutely nothing about cycling in his platform and policy papers. And what he didn't say tonight is that he will oppose anything (including bike lanes) that will remove car lanes, which is well demonstrated by his idiotic opposition to Eglinton Connects. As a cyclist, I am completely unconvinced by Tory on this issue, and his ever changing views on everything.

If you had actually looked at Olivia's bike strategy, you would see that she would:
- Build 200 km of separated or designated bike lanes within four years
- Fast-track pilot projects for separated bike lanes on downtown streets
- Improve bike lane maintenance, including fixing potholes and introducing better snow removal
- Support the Eglinton Connects project in Midtown
- Make it easier for cycling to be part of a daily commute, with safe connections and secure bike parking at transit stations
- Fix the top 100 unsafe intersections
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I liked how Doug will save $100m from bulk battery purchases and the police sharing fleet procurement with other departments. He does realize that cop cars are different from regular cars, correct? Or is he suggesting that we will save money by having the parks department drive Interceptors with extra roll bars, run flat tires, emergency lights and ballistic door panels?

Yes, because no one has supported the front line parks department more than Doug Ford. Also, Doug loves Toronto. "STEEEELLLLLAAA!!!!"
It seems obvious to point this out but Doug's mere presence - and the exhaust-pipe-fumes of humanity that follow him - has (not unexpectedly) debased the entire debate.

The heckling (and presence of David Price!) is terrible, on all sides. The format is getting unhinged by Doug's lies and the need to respond to them, along with his insane straw men, like his "How many standing committees?" imaginary killshot. He keeps using his same lines....John is a smooth talker, he's disingenuous etc. etc. And people cheer for him.

Tory keeps going on about his mythological SmartTrack and Olivia keeps going on about how his 90-degree turn is going to cost people their houses and....really, Doug is like a noxious gas introduced into the room that has poisoned the entire process. You could see it coming a mile away but watching it is just...remarkable.

I'm not sure if I should thank whoever it was that provided the link to online video. It was useful but horrifying to catch about 30 minutes of that.

TJ is exactly right. Chow v Tory is the all-too-usual scene of imperfect democracy. Throw in Doug, and suddenly it's like the part of a Batman movie where it looks like the bad guy is going to win.

If Rob is or ever has been a sentient being (sometimes I doubt it), I imagine he's laughing his ass off at what a fabulous legacy he's left for Toronto. A lot of this is on him and his unique talents. Doug would just be one more asshole businessman if Rob hadn't set the stage.
Wow, this was a real freak show. The Fords bring out the worst this city has to offer.
All the reasonable people left/ Stuck with David Price, Mickey, Randy and some brain damaged Nayshuners.
Don't be too scared by what happened tonight--or at least, don't be scared by the ballot-box-strength potential, as opposed to the potential for violence.

As I've posted elsewhere, it isn't a matter of Doug Ford kicking butt; it's a matter of him gang-raping butt. (And of course, it takes a team to gang-rape; thus the hooligan cheering squad for the assist.)

Surely--and all the more so with still over a month to go 'til e-day--that's got to sink in.

And the fact that the police is noticing and *acting* is a good sign--incidentally, what was the anti-Ford presence, or the nature thereof? Were any of *them* subject to the "Iola boot"?
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