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Rob Ford's Toronto

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OK -- here's my proposal for a UT Ice Bucket-ish challenge...

I'm a 905-er. Can't vote in this election and don't have a horse in the race. I'm not affiliated with any of the candidates anywhere.

But I can be outraged by the tactics used and the lack of common decency and civility displayed by the FoFam to the electoral process and throughout the past few years. The sense of entitlement completely galls me.

So tonight I donated $100 to Andray Domise to help rid a city I love of a terrible affliction. I'll get $75 back on my investment (a tactic the "affliction" is all too familiar with) so it's really just a small contribution and fronting some dollars for a few weeks. I'd lend a friend the same if they asked.

Doug is toast. Mikey can be dealt with when the time comes. Rob needs to be dealt with now.

My challenge: any progressive minded UT-er who can afford to make the same commitment -- please do so. We talk a lot here, but we now have the opportunity for direct action. Let's give Andray the tools he needs to slay this dragon once and for all.

No disclaimer needed: the Domise campaign has never heard of me before and won't after this. I just need to feel like I took a stand and put my money where my mouth is during one of the craziest, most critical times in TO politics.

Quick and easy link:

Thanks for your time and consideration.

Ditto, ditto, ditto...

Born and raised in the beaches and then Scarborough (when development stopped at Morningside), lived in High Park during university, lived at St.Clair and Bathurst once I finished my degrees when I worked in Whitby. Could no longer take the traffic--it was literally making me sick. So, I'm am now a 905er but my heart is heavy with what is being done to my hometown.

I already donated to Andray Domise, not much but every little bit helps. FoFam must be stopped. Andray is a well spoken thoughtful team builder-the polar opposite of DoRoFo. Even if he wasn't out to defeat RoFo, he would still be an outstanding member of Toronto council.

Let's all try our best to build a council that can work together to tackle the many issues that the city faces.
So basically, he would be be councillor in name only who would never show up at City Hall. That is something I could deal with. It would also show how dumb the ward is to elect a cancer patient.

I can't comment on specific employees. But, this is corporate policy.


Long term
• Schedule: 75% of monthly salary
taxed at source
• Qualifying period: Completion of six
months of continuous disability
• Cost sharing: 100% employer paid

page 7
He has had his appendix out, so maybe any scars would seem to be attributable to that.

Appendix is on the right, first presser doc at Humber said mass was in lower left abdominal cavity.

Read oncologist article in TOstar say that you can tell from a CT and MRI if a mass is malignant. The biopsy confirms what type of cancer it is.
I think that's Krista's boyfriend who I believe is a cop (but I don't know where). And while the Ford girls have, for the most part, been apparently fit and athletic people their whole lives, I think it's this guy that's influenced their interest in bodybuilding. He must be pretty charming as it's debatable whether he's closer in age to Krista or her parents.

is it Dave Haynes?
Appendix is on the right, first presser doc at Humber said mass was in lower left abdominal cavity.

Read oncologist article in TOstar say that you can tell from a CT and MRI if a mass is malignant. The biopsy confirms what type of cancer it is.

This article?

Malcolm Moore, a medical oncologist and physician-in-chief at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, said it’s sometimes possible for doctors to see visually whether the tumour is malignant or benign. Even so, he said, removing a piece of the growth for microscopic examination is the only way to know for sure.

Yet in a case where the tumour is larger than about an inch — and Cohen told reporters that the mayor’s growth is “a fair size†— surgery to remove it is likely, regardless of whether it’s malignant or benign, said Moore. “Benign tumours can evolve into malignant tumours over time,†he said. Moore added that once the tumour has been taken out, doctors can have a more thorough examination of its makeup to decide how to continue the patient’s treatment.

So really, the biopsy is done regardless of whether they think it's benign or malignant.
According to his website the fund raising target is $60,000.

Yesterday when I donated the target was $35,000. I guess now that he's passed that, might as well raise the bar.

This is shaping up to be the most watched city council race ever. Much as I dislike Kouvalis for his role in getting Ford elected mayor in the first place, I hope he has something up his sleeve for Domise now that he's working for Tory (although he did predict in July that Rob would run in ward 2 and win).
Still wondering if there's a ploy or criminal cover-up MoFo can't conceive of a fix for. I can't fathom that she was the stereotypical empty headed mom, with all the obvious signs of criminal spawn in her midst these last 50 years. Kathy somehow fell in with the wrong crowd, brought em around and BOOM the seeds of early bad influences on Chronno's future Dear Leaders.

I had written her off as a reality program real housewife type- vacuous and entitled. Maybe she really is the King Maker?
I didn't grow up in Toronto, but I live in Etobicoke and have come to meet people from Doug's area. I've asked some of them, and some of them have volunteered, but all have confirmed that Doug was involved in drugs back in those days. The Globe and Mail piece was accurate. No one denied the piece. There were some people who didn't know, but I strongly believe they had nothing to do with drugs at the time, and so wouldn't know.

*And*, one thing to consider is that those who deny/refute the drug-dealer talk tend to be those who *didn't* live in Etobicoke at the time, have *next to no contact* with people who lived in Etobicoke at the time, and all too often *did not even live in Toronto* at the time (if we're to consider Ford's "multicultural base"). They're going strictly by conveyed propaganda...
I think that's Krista's boyfriend who I believe is a cop (but I don't know where). And while the Ford girls have, for the most part, been apparently fit and athletic people their whole lives, I think it's this guy that's influenced their interest in bodybuilding. He must be pretty charming as it's debatable whether he's closer in age to Krista or her parents.

Makes me wonder how, uh, bereft the DoFo women were without the guy--almost like their own private Dr. Eugene Landy...
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