Agree in general, though I think lower overall voter turnout can benefit Ford. There's two general scenario I can see. The one I hope for is despite the large crowd at the last Fordfest, the actual number of eligible voters who are voting Ford, is small. Come election night, Ford's number is one for the books. As a record low that is. BTFO. #rekt. Too bad, so sad, oh yeah TPS also wants to see RoDofo a week after that. And it's no longer a request.
What I'm really antsy about, is the other possibility. RoDoFo knows that his numbers are stuck, but that also means his numbers are stable. Even if it's a razor thin chance, they will take that chance by trying to split the vote, and trying to lower the overall voter turnout. This is not unimaginable. The mainstream media falls for 'We have David Blaine here folks!' and other circus distraction at a disturbing rate. 'He's real, just like me' voting block may or may not materialize. But there was that passage in Crazy Town, where Rofo said one day you watch, I'll be mayor of this town. Every other councilors and rofo's critics laughed. And look where we are now.
Rofo's a really bad joke by now, but I wouldn't underestimate him. If he gets re-elected come october, the joke is on us.