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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I would check to see what's hidden in his judges' robes.


Maybe Rob will become a judge after October. Heaven help us!

Ha. Luckily the first step to that would be graduating from law school, which is clearly never, ever going to happen. Ever.
There was something else going on there when Rob Ford started talking about Eglinton Connects today in relation to the death of little Georgia Walsh, beyond the glaringly obvious.

It's another trick I've seen him use when he's tilting at the cost of various projects—and he mentioned it several times at that point in the press conference—the fact that they "didn't meet the warrants."

As I understand it, if someone submits to City Hall that we need a new traffic light at a particular intersection, the planning department sets out to determine things such as traffic and pedestrian flow to see if they meet certain arbitrary criteria that essentially quantify the concerns—the warrants. With that in hand, Council can then make a somewhat more informed decision of the true necessity of the traffic light.

Well, shortly before Rob left for his two-month vacation, I watched as council ran through a whole bunch of these things: the local councillor would speak to the concerns of his constituents, and Rob would say "it doesn't meet the warrants," so it's a waste of taxpayers money. (Of course, true to form, in most cases, the projects had already been approved. So he was really just ranting about things he has no control over.)

So, today, when asked about the repeated warnings from Leaside residents to councillors about the traffic in their neighbourhood, he fell back on the same talking point, essentially saying too bad about the little girl, but we still can't justify paying the money to make our streets safe.

Which I think, even though it took me a long time to get here, is arguably more ghoulish than the Eglinton Connects thing.

Yes, very good point. It's a numbers game in the end... sadly people pay the price, however, since Ford likes to rant about too many signs, lights, bumps... sometimes you don't need to dig deep.
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We're in the midst of the bender.

During my very heavy alcohol drinking days, it wasn't unusual for me to wake up with bumps, scrapes and other injuries that I had sustained while drunk and had no memory getting. It could be something as simple as stubbing his toe while trying to go upstairs in his house. Would he have really stopped drinking/smoking/whatevering after that Danzig interview was done yesterday??

The *next* big bender??

I'm pretty sure he's on that bender now. Sober coach is gone (another victim of the McKnuckle Sandwich perhaps?). He was drunk during yesterday's Danzig interview, and there's a good chance he was up all night smoking crack after the debate. It's quite something that he didn't even change his suit or tie. He's not even trying to hide how off the wagon he is.


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I think this is going to turn a lot of people away from Ford, if the story gets traction, that is.

If it were any other opportunistic bluster from Crackie, I'd agree on the traction part. However, this will not likely be pounced upon by the media, and nor should it, because it's way too raw for the family - this is an awful tragedy. One that nobody should exploit. Personally, I hope the media rise above this one or, if they go there, treat it with great sensitivity.

That said, it was one of the most insensitive, disgraceful things this oaf has ever uttered.
Maybe we can finally have a reasonable public conversation about traffic safety in this city, at least.

I remember when the Metro Accident Squad used to fly black flags on those big old aerials on their yellow cars: "This is not a tribute to the dead, but a warning to the living!"

I saw a significant and steady decrease in traffic fatalities ( at least for motorists ) in Toronto.

Paramedics can now get you into a Level 1 trauma centre ( including pediatric ) within 30 minutes.

We now have MADD and RIDE with much tougher penalties. We now have mandatory seat-belt laws.

We now have laminated and tempered glass, crumple zones, air bags, side impact protection beams, collapsible steering columns and padded dashboards. As well as improved fuel system integrity and fire retardant materials.

We no longer refer to cars as barbecues that seat four. Car fires, on the front and rear passenger sides of the firewalls, are much less common now.

Convertibles are pretty rare now. Many now seem to have roll-over bars.

Of course, there will always be a need for a little Driver Ed 101:

"Don't tailgate! Don't you ever tailgate! Do you know how much space is needed to stop a car traveling at 35 miles per hour? Six car lengths! Six fuckin' car lengths! That's a hundred and six fuckin' feet, mister! If I had to stop suddenly, you woulda hit me! I want you to get a fuckin' driver's manual, and I want you to study that motherfucker! And I want you to obey the goddamn rules of the road! Fifty-fuckin' thousand people were killed on the highways last year 'cause of fuckin' assholes like you! Tell me you're gonna get a manual!"
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some public washroom reading...

What happened to all the public washrooms in Toronto?

The project was supposed to cost $400,000, but the lowest bid came in at $564,774 from Dakon Construction Ltd. of Waterloo ($499,800 plus HST of $64,974). The highest bid was $788,740 from SAX Construction in Kitchener.

Kelowna’s mayor defends $800K washroom
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Surgery for Gout?

I'm a gout sufferer -- a couple of days of pills and it goes away. No surgery necessary. Just sad looks from your wife about your wine drinking... despite the fact that that's a rumour.

Surgery for Gout: When Tophi Form (Everyday Health web site) Here's the quote:

However, there are circumstances under which surgery for gout should be considered. Surgery most often is used to remove gritty, chalklike nodules called tophi — a single one is called a tophus — that form in a person's joints as a result of gout. These nodules can be uncomfortable and unsightly, and in rare instances cause dangerous infections.
Gout occurs when too much uric acid builds up in the bloodstream. Crystals formed of uric acid begin to build up in the body's tissues and joints. Those crystals begin wearing away at the cartilage in the joints, causing painful arthritis.
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