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Rob Ford's Toronto

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imo, if they arrest a just-out-of-rehab Rob Ford for just crack, it would be the worst PR disaster in the history of TPS, and that's saying something.

I'd love if they arrested him for any reason... but I can't see that one happening.

I disagree with this. The public is absolutely ripe for this to go down now. There really doesn't seem to be that goodwill from people who previously tried desperately to muster empathy and compassion from the most remote parts of their being. The "comeback" has been less of a reacharound than Ford expected: The apology speech segueing into a campaign speech, #shirtlessjogger, flopping interviews, etc. People really seem to want him to go away, and to go away now. It's like Toronto experienced an unexpected two month dream of what our city was like before Ford and then got woken up with a splash of cold water. People are waking up and angry.

Also, I'm wondering whether Silverstein et al approved the campaigning portion of the speech, or if Doug tacked it on without their approval. Linguists of UT, does it seem like the two parts were written by different people?
I wonder if the bomb that could be dropping is related to what Jimmi posted on twitter earlier? (Posted here earlier too, but people have forgotten it due to RoDoFo's imbecility.) Jimmi seems to get a heads up from Kevin D about what he is writing a day or two before it is published.

JimmiT @_JimmiT · 10h

Think mayor stops associating with criminals now? No. Still had drug dealer Lisi running errands for him while in rehab.
That was what someone here painted for the arrest pool prize! Unfortunately I forgot the username. And unfortunately it doesn't look like anyone's going to win the pool. :/
It was done by the person who just posted - pblo - it's signed. Put the dots together.
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For a career politician Ford seems completely uninterested in politics, history, social matters, civics, a vision for the city, or really anything a politician should be able to talk about with ease.

Makes me wonder why the hell was he a city councillor for ten years.

A Ford supporter at city hall pushed some media people. Just saw it in twitter. Left a reporter in tears.

What a human garbage. This Ford Nation.
Had a Forum poll phone us tonight, lots of Qs about RoFo, including who we'd vote for, who we'd vote for if RoFo resigned, whether we thought RoFo should resign, whether we'd vote for him if he stayed sober till October, whether we thought he'd be able to stay sober till October, what we thought of his apology / campaign speech, whether we believed anything he said in his speech, and at the end were a couple of RoFo policy type Qs - should parades be kept to parks rather than block roads etc. The last few made me wonder if it was a RoFo internal poll, after the less than triumphant return, I could see them doing a poll to gauge how badly he's been received.
I didn't see who posted! It's late and I'm not a terribly clever man.

Makes me think of the time my wife was asking me something, and I replied without thinking because I was in the middle of something.

Her: Something something Cyrillic alphabet something something.
Me: It was either Basil or Cyril who invented Cyrillic I think.
Her: ...
Me: Hmm? Oh.

In other words, you're in good company. :)
Makes me think of the time my wife was asking me something, and I replied without thinking because I was in the middle of something.

Her: Something something Cyrillic alphabet something something.
Me: It was either Basil or Cyril who invented Cyrillic I think.
Her: ...
Me: Hmm? Oh.

In other words, you're in good company. :)

It was Basil or Sybil.

Since then, Doug Ford has let loose, calling Killoran a lunatic and a “bad apple” who needs anger management training, a racist and a teacher he wouldn’t let near his dog. When the elder Ford failed to provide any example of the alleged racist comment, the councillor suggested “you can be racist against people that have a drinking problem.”
John Lorinc @JohnLorinc · 1h
The telling detail, and really the only thing we need to know, in Dwight Drummond's excellent invu with @TOMayorFord today was his answer to question about cooperating with the police.
As he did before rehab, Ford referred Drummond to speak with his lawyer b/c the cases are "before the courts."
That answer is disingenuous on so many levels that it's worth unpacking.
Yes, Lisi is in court, but the subjects of Project Traveller are not.
And one reason they're not before the courts is because a key witness/participant, who also happens to be the mayor, is not cooperating and helping our law enforcement officers break a gang that deals drugs and peddles weapons, etc.
If Ford has gained insight into his addiction, as he claimed, and if he is authentically contrite, as he's claimed, and if he's no longer associating with known criminals, as he's claimed, what possible reason could he have for demuring on this most important of all questions?
On this point, there is no transparency, no penitent behaviour and, most significantly, no effort to align himself with the law-abiding portion of our society.
Yes, he has the right not to self-incriminate.
But with rights come responsibilities, as countless conservatives have said, and where is the suddenly responsible Ford when it comes to assisting the police in taking down a gang that has been a menace to Etobicoke?
That sort of responsibility, it appears, is not part of the new and improved Ford.
If he had truly gained insight, and truly wanted to make amends, he'd have made a clean, as opposed to lawyerly break with his past.
As it stands, there's still a big piece of Rob Ford that's being kept behind a curtain, or perhaps more appropriately in a black box. And that's the part that is so singularly unsuited to lead.
His refusal to go to the police and to suck up consequences is proof positive that his 60 days at [Greene]stone was nothing but new packaging on the same old, um, junk.

Cut and pasted into an easier to read format than multiple twitter posts.
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For a career politician Ford seems completely uninterested in politics, history, social matters, civics, a vision for the city, or really anything a politician should be able to talk about with ease.

I see a man who will voted most likely to try to hang himself with his toothbrush.

He is THAT pathetic.
Rob can't help that he was born blonde. It's a condition that he'll have to live with until he dies unless, of course, he grows grey or bald.

If I was a betting man, I would bet that Rob is going to die with blonde hair.
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