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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Wait! What? Is this really LeeAnne's account or a fraud?

A lot of Bala centric posts in the timeline.. If it's not her, it's someone that likely knows her and definitely knows Bala. She's about to have her first anni on Twitter, although there are massive chunks of time without tweets, she's really stepped up in the last two weeks... My vote is that it's her.
Doug Ford is on 1010 with Wormington. Pretty pukeworthy.

He was going on about how Rob got 100% support out there. Too funny. I hope this energy holds up and the citizens take this race back from the Fords and the milquetoast media.
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I don't know...most of the people who were marching with him today look like they were collected from a local group home. Who are these crazy ass fetal alcohol mofos? Folks, this is not a nation, its a handful of rogue wastrels who don't know gravy from gravol.

Doug probably offered each of them a pack of pall malls, a sardine sandwich and a bottle of ripple.
Who better to follow Rob Ford like a little puppy and to agree with everything Rob will say?

And give him a smack when he needs it?

Fark these people have gall. A new edition of the Ford brand? He'd better be ready for the blowback.
Then again, he's Mike Effing Ford, so the laws of gravity don't apply.
For a security blanket, there's always Warmington, CP24 and Uncle Doug's BS. Gag me with a spoon.
ddale8 10:31pm via Twitter Web Client
Doug Ford, on Warmington's radio show, attributes heckling of Rob Ford to "campaigns putting people in there."

ddale8 10:34pm via Twitter Web Client
Doug Ford on East York man Joe Killoran: "This guy looked like a complete raving lunatic from the left. He had no shirt on."
Toronto Sun calls again for Ford to resign:

For his own sake, Ford should resign

After two months in rehab, Mayor Rob Ford has emerged to ask voters for forgiveness and another chance.

In so doing, he said things he has never said before, consistent with someone sincerely trying to recover from addiction.

The first is his admission he is addicted to alcohol and drugs.

The second is his realization he will be an addict for the rest of his life, regardless of whether he succeeds in living clean and sober from now on, or relapses and has to start over again.

The third is he accepts he alone is responsible for the reckless things he has done and the vile things he has said under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

Fourth, he’s aware there are “triggers” which cause him to use alcohol and drugs that he must avoid.

Finally, Ford has begun the process of apologizing to those he has harmed, although public apologies like the one he offered mayoral candidate Karen Stintz for his misogynistic remarks about her, are only part of the healing process for an addict.

Equally important is to apologize personally to those one has harmed, regardless of whether they accept that apology.

It’s not up to the media, or council, or Ford’s opponents in the mayoral race, to decide if Ford should be re-elected as mayor. That’s up to the people of Toronto.

But in our view, the most credible sign Ford fully understands the nature of his addiction, would have been for him to announce his resignation on Monday.

By staying on and campaigning for re-election for the next four months, Ford has plunged himself back into a public and political pressure cooker.

That greatly increases the chances he will relapse into addiction and with it, the irresponsible behaviours he has exhibited as an addict, including lying, consorting with criminals and making racist, homophobic and misogynistic remarks.

Even if Ford wins on Oct. 27 — and polling shows it’s possible — he has so alienated council, his agenda of fiscal restraint will be impossible to implement.

On a human level, we wish Ford well as he begins his life-long battle against addiction.

But on a political level, we do not believe he should be the mayor of Toronto.
ddale8 10:49pm via Twitter Web Client
On "lunatic": Doug Ford has a long history of suggesting with no evidence that journalists and critics of the mayor are mentally unstable.
ddale8 10:31pm via Twitter Web Client
Doug Ford, on Warmington's radio show, attributes heckling of Rob Ford to "campaigns putting people in there."

ddale8 10:34pm via Twitter Web Client
Doug Ford on East York man Joe Killoran: "This guy looked like a complete raving lunatic from the left. He had no shirt on."

Delusional. Bona fide delusional.
ddale8 10:49pm via Twitter Web Client
On "lunatic": Doug Ford has a long history of suggesting with no evidence that journalists and critics of the mayor are mentally unstable.

I take offence on behalf of other lunatics ;) we don't want to be associated with him
ddale8 10:49pm via Twitter Web Client
On "lunatic": Doug Ford has a long history of suggesting with no evidence that journalists and critics of the mayor are mentally unstable.

I just saw the tweets but didn't listen to it. Dale said Doug told Joe that The Star and Globe were lucky to have been invited to the speech. Dale also said Joe was defending Dale quite a bit. I am surprised at this because he has taken shots at him on twitter frequently.
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