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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Dammit. According to the times on my twitter feed,I missed his entrance at City Hall by two minutes.

It's busy, hot and stinky up here. There are a few Frod Nationals sparring respectfully yet verbally with RFMG people.
Like this--

ddale8 2:15pm via Twitter for iPhone
Woman tells anti-Ford sit in that she understands them - when she came to this country, she was NDP. But now she doesn't and is successful.
Jerry and Amin are now standing out of the office by the velvet ropes reading the names of press members and letting them in. The rest of the members are peering from the outside looking in.

Very Studio 54.
Jerry and Amin are now standing out of the office by the velvet ropes reading the names of press members and letting them in. The rest of the members are peering from the outside looking in.

Very Studio 54.
That's exactly what I thought, he thinks he's running a club. I'm still hoping for a resignation, that's why he won't take questions. Fingers crossed.
Not gonna happen. :(

If he doesn't answer questions about his past behaviour he is doomed to failure with his recovery. This isn't just about him and his family, he's dragged Toronto into his dysfunctional life and dammit we want answers. There, I feel better now.
Any predictions of what Ford's going to say? I expect nothing less than the exact same script he gave at the Economic Club of Canada.
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