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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Well, yes. This is Ford's idea of being 'mayor of all the people'. Stick it to his opposers. Never an olive branch. That's the Ford version of leadership and diplomacy.

Sure, but my point was that Ford's ego makes him incapable of low-key behavior even when it's genuinely in his best interests. Whether it's being conciliatory with an aggrieved colleague (or even just displaying the basic common politeness you'd expect from another adult human being), or laying low when he's supposed to be out of the public eye, and the latter for purely self-serving reasons, at that. We all know the whole rehab stunt is nothing but a sham, but it would have been better served if His Oafship had simply kept himself to himself as the plan (such as it is) required. The entire scam hinges on his so-called recovery, but he just can't resist making multiple public appearances, which makes the exercise look ridiculous. The stupid bastard couldn't be more painfully transparent.

With a professional con artist, one who knows what he's doing, you'll never even realize you've been scammed. The Ford family seems to be filled to overflowing with grifters, but their arrogance and collective ego and sense of entitlement means that they have to draw attention to themselves. This hubris may well be their undoing.

Yeah and he gets to kill two birds with one stone: Fuck y'all look at me I'm having a great time + Look supporters how many happy smiley people want to take pictures with me.

Yup. And as for the dissenters: "Who are ya gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes?" Like some arrogant boy who can't keep the smirk off his face as he claims to teacher that the dog ate his homework.

We all keep waiting and waiting and waiting for justice, or dues to be paid, or karma to do what karma's supposed to do. I agree, and really hope it finally reveals as such, that this posturing and vindictiveness is a good sign rehab won't work and he's going to f'up in the near future

I think that's pretty much guaranteed.
pretty much this! ;)
I think we can agree that he's been to Greenstone. No one thinks the entire last 45 days were at Windermere (but that doesn't prove he's not there NOW).

maybe your eyes are better than mine; I see drinks cans but I can't see what's on the label. how do you know it's beer?

They are the wrong height and width to be soda or energy drink cans.
So in your opinion, should Robbie be tested everyday when he comes in to work?

Hah! Ideally yes, but not necessary. The Ontario Medical Association's Physician Health Program uses a system whereby testing occurs an average of once a week for the first year, three times a month for the second, then once a month for the next three years. I think that would be fine: if an addict who is using is lucky enough to not get caught by any one sample, he or she will get caught in the future -- especially when you remember that addiction is usually progressive. Ford's addiction most definitely appeared to be accelerating before he went to 'rehab', and if he hasn't found recovery there (he hasn't), he'll soon be picking up where he left off. It's the nature of the beast.


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Any insight from the people who have ties to the area as to the veracity of this new trail of investigation?

and can this be highlighted to those ties again as well?

Jonathan Goldsbie ‏@goldsbie

Shown photos/video of LeeAnne McRobb, Victoria Thompson, who met Ford at Crabby Joe's, says "That is definitely the woman I saw with him."

1:11 PM - 6 Jun 2014

why has that not gotten more traction? he was out for his birthday with his kids and leeanne!

so either his kids first met daddy's new girlfriend while daddy's in rehab... which is fucked... or, they already knew her... which really, is also kinda fucked.
and can this be highlighted to those ties again as well?

why has that not gotten more traction? he was out for his birthday with his kids and leeanne!

so either his kids first met daddy's new girlfriend while daddy's in rehab... which is fucked... or, they already knew her... which really, is also kinda fucked.

Rob distinctly said he was out with his wife and kids on his birthday. I'm googled out for the day, but it was in the media, maybe the Sun. I thought it was strange because the woman "wasn't recognized as his wife" by witnesses.
The "beer cans" in the photo could be stainless steel coffee traveling mugs. When I was at an all inclusive in Mexico, I used them to keep our "beverages" cold around the pool.

Although the beer can conspiracy theory is a lot more interesting!
Another view of the Greenestone pool, via Google Earth:

View attachment 28518

In this view, the Stun photographer would have been standing about where the leftmost yellow chair is, almost out of frame; RoFo would have been standing near the steps with his back to us. The time of day would have been opposite -- morning, if this one is an afternoon shot, or vice versa (the sun is behind RoFo in the Stun photo). In the Stun shot, his head lines up with the curve in the middle of the pool edge nearest us. The lines of the deck pavers and the trim around the pool edge are the same as in the Stun photo. So I accept that the Stun photo was truly taken at the Greenestone pool.

Isn't the railing different between the Sun photo and the GreeneStone promotional photo?
Isn't the railing different between the Sun photo and the GreeneStone promotional photo?


The furniture has moved around, but stoobiedood nailed the orientation. There are examples of the 'Muskoka' chair and lounger in both pics too. The pool deck is the same too and definitely not the same as the pool deck at Windermere House.
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