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Rob Ford's Toronto

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This is the photo I grabbed from the Sun website, it doesn't have the bubbles and sun logo. No idea who actually took it.

Someone on twitter pointed out that the pool on the Greenstone website looks very different then the one he's in the photo (i.e. a building in the Sun photo that isn't in the greenstone photo).

I tend to agree.

I thought the same thing but it's only taken from the opposite angle. He is facing the other way by the other set of steps out.
His stomach looks like it has been photoshopped, it looks odd in comparison to his chest. In the picture from Walmart his stomach looks more full. Also the pool doesn't look the same to me.
Didn't Rob say that he got in trouble speaking to Joe the last time? I believe he said that it was a no no according to the rehab centre.

It looks about right to me (though I'm not good at the this kind of stuff.) Compared to the Greenstone photo, he's standing at the foot of the stairs. The building is cropped out in the Greenstone photo, so you can't compare. But the curve of the pool itself looks about right. I wouldn't put too much store by the colour of the tiles. There's a lot of light bouncing around in that picture, and who knows how the camera has been set. The difference in colour could easily be the way the camera is compensating for light v. dark.

Looks like the same pool to me.
Same old Ford. His quotes, his presentation, his attitude it's the same thing. He claims he's a changed man (like we haven't heard that before) but his personality is the same thing. So he wants privacy but they take him to public location in the middle of the day to go shopping and take selfies.

Have his brother do his talking for him. Check
Blame others for this political failings. Check (Doug is still saying that "others" took his powers away)
Dismissing the past. Check
Not willing to comment or fully encounter and taking responsibility of what he did. Check
Egotistical selfies to build his self-worth. Check
Thinking you are still the only man worthy of pushing your agenda. Check

My gosh man if you are going the Jimmy Swagger route at least put some effort in and put on a show like Swagger did.

Even going to Wormington and saying everything is fine while taking a picture in a pool is the same ol' repeat crap we've seen before. At least he didn't go in the pool fully clothed this time. He's a changed MAN.



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It's free advertising for both Rob and Greenstone.
I doubt that all this is very good advertising for Greenstone. Not only do they seem to allow their 'patients' to wander around the countryside and take and make phone calls but one of their recent 'graduates' was just arrested for drunk driving. Any rehabs I have heard about try to TOTALLY separate their inmates from their past lives (and families) and that has clearly not been happening here.
Not that we're ever going to hear an answer from Rob...

reporterdonpeat 1:23pm via HootSuite
10 questions waiting for Rob Ford's return from rehab.

10) Do you have anything to say to Councillor Karen Stintz about your comments made in a bar about wanting to “jam†her?

9) Do you have anything to say to the people who were offended by the racial slurs, homophobic remarks or sexist comments that have been attributed to you over the last few months?

8) Why did you decide to set the return date for your rehab on the day after Toronto’s Pride week ended?

7) Why did you threaten City Hall security staff for reporting your past bad behaviour?

6) Who were the two strangers you brought back to City Hall after a Toronto Maple Leafs game?

5) What substantial changes have you made in your life to ensure you won’t have another “minor setback,†be caught on camera “extremely, extremely inebriated†or in a “drunken stupor“?

4) When you took a leave of absence you admitted you have a “problem with drinking†but didn’t mention your admitted drug use. Do you recognize now that you had a drug problem or do you still deny that you have a drug issue?

3) Why did you not enter the U.S. when you flew to Chicago on May 1? If re-elected, could you still travel freely to the U.S.?

2) You’ve refused to listen to advice from your staff about entering rehab. Why did you decide to enter rehab when you did?

1) Why was Lee Anne McRobb driving your Cadillac Escalade allegedly impaired in Muskoka?
GreeneStone will have it's own set of problems with it's reputation once their most high profile guest is out trolling the town, stoned or drunk. Or both. What AA (and/or) NA group would be able to deal with this monster? What with his sense of entitlement, temper, love of selfies, lack of discipline and no concept of the word "anonymous"? He's a ticking time bomb. I give him until early to mid August to implode.
He will be a great success story when the media begin salivating all over him after Canada Day weekend. Be sure that his polling will take a jump too. He will not however, be our next Mayor.
Just what we needed, guys. Pictures of our disgraced-and-declawed mayor in a swimming pool shamelessly showing more flesh than anyone wishes to see. The biggest favour that the media can do for us is to not publish those pics.

I don't wanna wish summer away, but actually, I can't wait until October 27th when the voters dump Rob Ford.

BTW, I wonder what Rob's campaign manager, Doug (the former drug-dealer, according to G&M) thinks about those pics.
I made the mistake of reading Warmington's article and right away I saw this “I can’t wait to come back,†he said. “I can’t wait to get in there and debate Chow and Tory.†Did I miss something? Are "Chow and Tory" his drinking buddies?

Same old Rob. Not a shred of respect, decorum or class. When did it become acceptable to refer to people without their titles? In public life, few people refer to their peers or even their adversaries in such casual language. Even when they are fighting about some legislation, they always say I would like to address the honourable M.P. Mrs. Chow - or something of that nature.

Perhaps a small point but language tells us a lot about the talker. I'm tired of people who cannot at least offer the most basic courtesy to others. He's still a buffoon; perhaps a sober one for a few moments, but a buffoon nonetheless.

Now I will return to the article and try not to let it ruin my day.
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