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Rob Ford's Toronto

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How would that scenario even come to be? Would RoFo have knowingly engaged in sex with a minor? Would the person filming it have knowingly made child pornography to blackmail RoFo? Or was it something that was commissioned? And what about the girl in all of this sordid mess?
Just to save us all from giving Joey Worms his pennies for clicks, I'll quote his latest masterpiece.

TORONTO - The best line put forward by those offended by Councillor Doug Ford’s “Autismgate” comments suggests that the kids should simply be moved to brother Rob’s house.

It might, after all, be quieter for the neighbours.

“Frankly, I’d much rather have a dozen kids with autism living next door to me than one single member of the Ford family,” said one tweet.

When you have a politician complaining about a kids’ group home, it becomes an easy target.

And the not-so-skilled-in-finesse councillor for Etobicoke North (Ward 2) — who continually fights for his brother — walked into it all by himself.

But who cares!

The “Doug Ford hates autistic kids” designation doesn’t wash with anybody who knows the guy. He is as big-hearted as any of his critics and certainly just as (probably much more) charitable with his own money.

However, those looking to capitalize politically had no problem garnering attention.

Former Ontario NDP premier Bob Rae tweeted “this is the opposite of leadership on mental health. Doug Ford should be ashamed of himself — hurting not helping.”

Mayoral candidate Olivia Chow tweeted: “It’s long past time the Fords showed everyone respect. Kids with autism deserve support not attacks from Doug Ford.”

And mayoral contender John Tory said in a statement: “Doug Ford’s comments are deeply regrettable and from another age” and “incredibly out of touch and insensitive.”

So precious of them. Opportunistic.

They better be at the next meeting to face the “another age” Neanderthal residents to offer advice.

It’s amazing how quickly an opposition can form into a pack and bravely go for the throat. If only they had such indignation toward, say, the billions lost by other public figures or many other indiscretions including hand-picked people being investigated for more offensive things like erasing computer hard drives.

You don’t see as many tweets about political decisions to not offer life-saving drugs to a 12-year-old girl.

In what age was that ever acceptable?

Meanwhile, Ford forgot that with those who make up the ranks of Toronto’s political-correctness police, free speech is not free. You are supposed to just shut up and fear their wrath. But could the overreaction not be just because he is a Ford but because others sense this mayor’s race could actually feature Doug Ford — and not Rob?

Either way, there could be more tough talk on expensive, unionized, social spending-icons and ideologies.

So what exactly did Doug Ford say that was so offensive?

“We can’t have fire trucks and police cars and EMS there all the time and eight cars parked on the street. You’ve ruined the community,” Ford was quoted in the Etobicoke Guardian as telling the staff at the Griffin Centre. “You can’t destroy a community like this. People have worked 30 years for their home. My heart goes out to kids with autism but no one told me they’d be leaving the house. If it comes down to it, I’ll buy the house myself and resell it.”

Big deal!

Covered less was him also saying: “I want to work with you and move forward.”

His asking if there were any sex offenders or people with criminal pasts was not out of line.

“I’m going to get the you-know-what kicked out of me. Tomorrow, I’ll be inundated by every media in the country saying I don’t like kids with autism.”

Ford did get that right.

Buying the house would be no more scandalous than spending $1 billion of taxpayers money to have the problem removed like we saw with gas plants.

It seems all loud-mouth Ford did was suggest the operation is not working for the neighbours, who matter too. He didn’t ever “attack” kids with autism, but was asking questions on behalf of his constituents about legitimate concerns. Lord knows Toronto has seen what can happen when mental health and policing meet.

Clearly, something is not working on that street. Is the story Doug Ford, or the issue of why kids are bolting at all hours of the night?

Do they feel safe? Are the neighbours safe?

Is the planned shutting down of properly-equipped institutions like Thistletown in favour of a regular home always the right approach?

Perhaps it would be better to bring in a neutral player to interview the kids and staff to find out if this place is working for them?

Improve the operation or assess if it is the best place for such a program. It could very well be decided this place would be better suited to the streets where Chow, Tory or Rae live.

Summary: Doug has a heart of gold, shame on Chow, Tory and Rae for opening their mouths, and ... gas plants, guys, gas plants!!
Free speech works both ways

You can say what you want, but you must also deal with criticism when you say something people do not like
Can we NOT post Wormington articles here? I can't stop myself from reading them and I really don't need to be this outraged so close to bed time.

Is there ANY behavior that can't be legitimized because of gas plants?
Free speech works both ways

You can say what you want, but you must also deal with criticism when you say something people do not like

Yuppers. Freedom of Speech (which, as we all know really only refers to freedom from government interference in speech), does not come bundled with freedom from consequences of your speech, nor a guaranteed and/or free platform from which to deliver your speech.

I don't understand why no matter how many times that gets repeated, most people just don't get it.

Can we NOT post Wormington articles here? I can't stop myself from reading them and I really don't need to be this outraged so close to bed time.

Apologies. But whenever Joey wades in, I end up quite torn because I want to see what drivel he's shovelling, but I dread pushing his readership numbers up.
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Just to save us all from giving Joey Worms his pennies for clicks, I'll quote his latest masterpiece.

Summary: Doug has a heart of gold, shame on Chow, Tory and Rae for opening their mouths, and ... gas plants, guys, gas plants!!

This particular point burns my thrusters...
Could someone explain to me why this keeps coming up, when all three parties wanted to cancel them. How in the hell would they have been canceled cheaper if you canceled them, Mr. Hudak? or Ms. Horwath?
Just to save us all from giving Joey Worms his pennies for clicks, I'll quote his latest masterpiece.

Summary: Doug has a heart of gold, shame on Chow, Tory and Rae for opening their mouths, and ... gas plants, guys, gas plants!!

That was the weakest worms defence I've read in a while, didn't feel like his heart was really in it.

eta: He's taken to twitter. Blah blah blah "free speech". 140 characters is not enough to explain why this isn't a free speech issue and then question as to why he didn't use the "free speech" defence for Rob's racist rants.
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Can we NOT post Wormington articles here? I can't stop myself from reading them and I really don't need to be this outraged so close to bed time.

Is there ANY behavior that can't be legitimized because of gas plants?

What Wormington wrote is as bad as what Ford said - and Wormington should be fired for that.
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