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Rob Ford's Toronto

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There's usually a publication ban on publishing/broadcasting evidence at prelims because the defence doesn't present its story, no? It's all about hearing the Crown case and determining if there's enough to proceed to trial.

Yes, but if you're lucky enough to get a seat in the courtroom, it's open for your viewing pleasure.
Unfortunately, I think that in the context of the lack of charges, the issues like his associations with drug dealers and organized crime are going to be portrayed as untrue by him and his campaign, and it will be effective. Given seven months for Ford to spin that message - and his strange ability to skate through without consequences every friggin' time, there might be a real possibility that the failure of Brazen 2 is actually going to help him.

I've always tended toward pessimism, but I really am not confident that the court of public opinion is going to hammer him over this - and even if it does, he'll manage to convince a lot of people that it's sour grapes. (I'd be happy to be proven wrong on this one, though.)

If we are stupid enough to allow Ford to be re-elected, then that's that, we deserve him and his bullshit. That's the reality, if we don't go to the polls and make a statement then we will allow this to transpire. At this point the fight will start anew and hope for the best if he or another Ford runs in 2020.

If he dose get it again there are still tools to deal will the happenstance, and he continues to prove he is no a leader. Recall legislation, and extending the stripping of mayoral powers by the council, or as we see right now, oppose Robbie and his campaign manger in council votes. The council is the power in Toronto, not the mayor, they are just the face, and right now it is the face of a clown.

Yay! Perjury! What are the sentences for that here?

It will be fun seeing Robbie give testimony under oath... the Fords' worst nightmare. Should be fun!!!


If you listen to the statements from the courts, then you will realize they are being exact in their verbiage; I know it presents interesting possibilities to me.
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If someone with power is protecting Rob Ford, I think it's not because they think he's great -- it's because Ford can ruin that person. ("Mayor FORD denied it and said that this is not the worst that is going to happen. This is going to blow up and there will be people in bigger trouble than him." 5/16/13)

To this person, I say: you will never be free of Rob Ford. You will always be "on the hook" to bail this brat out. And the hook will be yanked many, many, many more times. Rob Ford isn't the type of person to say "phew, that was close. I better not push my luck, better not get myself into trouble again." Rob Ford will now think he can do whatever he wants, because you are his "Get out of jail free" card. He will not scale back, he will double down. No matter what he does, you have to make it go away, or he will sing like a little yellow bird. He is a spoiled child with no impulse control, an entitled brat, and a full-blown addict. The things you will have to bail him out of will get worse and worse, putting you in more and more jeopardy....

Do you really want to be blackmailed for the rest of your life? Free yourself.

Just sayin'...
That might get really interesting... the whole reference letter question line will be great comedy.

June 4, 2013

To Whom It May Concern:

The purpose of this letter is to provide a character reference for Mr. Alexander Lisi. The following are the facts regarding this individual, as I am aware of them.

I have known Mr. Alexander Lisi through his volunteer work on my 2010 election campaign. Mr. Lisi was an exemplary member of my campaign team, where he displayed exceptional leadership skills and worked hard both in and out of the campaign office. Mr. Lisi has demonstrated to myself that he has a great work ethic and has always shown tact and diplomacy.

I have known Mr. Lisi for several years and he has always conducted himself in a courteous and polite manner. I would be pleased to provide him with a reference.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Yours truly,
Rob Ford
Mayor of Toronto
That might get really interesting... the whole reference letter question line will be great comedy.
Actually, this puts the pressure back on Ford to get Lisi to "cop a plea" - no trial. After his last court appearance, I can't imagine any legal team would want Rob on the stand.
If we are stupid enough to allow Ford to be re-elected, then that's that, we deserve him and his bullshit. That's the reality, if we don't go to the polls and make a statement then we will allow this to transpire. At this point the fight will start anew and hope for the best if he or another Ford runs in 2020.

If he dose get it again there are still tools to deal will the happenstance, and he continues to prove he is no a leader. Recall legislation, and extending the stripping of mayoral powers by the council, or as we see right now, oppose Robbie and his campaign manger in council votes. The council is the power in Toronto, not the mayor, they are just the face, and right now it is the face of a clown.

The second part of this has been making me happy late December. Unless half of council flips to align with Ford, Ford has lost, it's just a question of how badly. In some ways Ford winning the election could actually be worse for him than losing, although it would be a disaster for the city.

One example of Ford losing by winning would be the increased financial cost of being mayor for another four years. While I can not believe Ford's accounting of his legal bills, they are undoubtedly high.

I'm still optimistic that Ford will not win the election, but the initial debates did not inspire confidence in the other mainstream candidates. I am intrigued by Goldkins, but I do not know anything about him other than the brief write ups in the papers.
If someone with power is protecting Rob Ford, I think it's not because they think he's great -- it's because Ford can ruin that person. ("Mayor FORD denied it and said that this is not the worst that is going to happen. This is going to blow up and there will be people in bigger trouble than him." 5/16/13)

To this person, I say: you will never be free of Rob Ford. You will always be "on the hook" to bail this brat out. And the hook will be yanked many, many, many more times. Rob Ford isn't the type of person to say "phew, that was close. I better not push my luck, better not get myself into trouble again." Rob Ford will now think he can do whatever he wants, because you are his "Get out of jail free" card. He will not scale back, he will double down. No matter what he does, you have to make it go away, or he will sing like a little yellow bird. He is a spoiled child with no impulse control, an entitled brat, and a full-blown addict. The things you will have to bail him out of will get worse and worse, putting you in more and more jeopardy....

Do you really want to be blackmailed for the rest of your life? Free yourself.

Just sayin'...
If Ford messes up too much, he'll get Peter Russo'd.
What a depressing day. This whole thing between the TPS and OPP is odd; you'd expect them to have a dual press conference and to have their stories straight. I am betting the OPP is protecting someone or a whole lot of someones.
Is there a link for the Brazen 2 IPO? I'd really like to read the whole thing.
On a lighter note:


This mod adds the City of Toronto as a civilization, under the leadership of Mayor Rob Ford.

The Civilization series showcases some of the most renowned leaders in history, so I wanted to subvert this by adding a leader whose qualities contrast with what we would and should expect from anyone with significant power. Behold, Mayor Rob Ford! In order to keep things respectful, I avoided references to scandals surrounding Ford’s various vices; needless to say there is still plenty to work with without indulging in the orchard of low hanging fruit available.

This is a mod that is playable, but not intended to be winnable or even enjoyable. It is satire and is in no way intended to compete with the countless mods here that actually take themselves seriously and are of a much higher quality. Regardless, modding civs to have hindering traits presents unique challenges in gameplay and should be explored further to create experiences that are both entertaining and critical.


Leader: Mayor Rob Ford

UA: Ford More Years: Maintenance cost of roads and railroads quadrupled. Costs of social policies increased tenfold. Has he mentioned he's saved the taxpayers a billion dollars?

UB: Mayor’s Office. Replaces the Police Station due to Project Brazen II. Requires 10 gold in maintenance but has 1 merchant specialist slot and provides 3 much needed happiness. Please note that in order for this building to benefit its city, people must actually be working in the Mayor’s Office.

UU: Doug Ford: Replaces Great Prophet. Can perform damage control (spread religion) more, with additional movement.

Unique Religion: Ford Nation, represented by the football symbol. It is set as the preferred religion of the Toronto Civilization, so expect to see Doug Ford AI units wandering around spreading the word and preaching against the gravy train.


- Doug Ford model: Blacksmith model from Civ 4, crudely reskinned by me (source: )
- Artwork and things otherwise not listed probably created by me. Please take anything you want though.
- Peaceful music: Hockey Night in Canada theme by Dolores Claman and Jerry Toth
- War Music: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Requiem Mass in D Minor - Kyrie Eleison, with a voiceover of Mayor Ford during city council meetings from April, 2002; February, 2003 and November, 2013.
- The Internet and many tutorials on CivFanatics and 2K Games, as I just Googled how to make this.
- Civilopedia entries: Part Wikipedia, part me.


- This civilization requires the Brave New World expansion.
- Regarding the traits: the social policy part is self-explanatory. The roads/railways can stand for the Gardiner Expressway or the subway/LRT mess going on. ~*Metaphors*~
- Any bugs are symbollic game features. This mod was basically created through mashing the keyboard and hoping for the best. I’ve stood at the gates of Hell and a .Lua file greeted me.
- I added a bunch of custom diplomacy lines that are actual Rob Ford quotes, but some generic ones remain. Still, it should be a treat when they pop up.
- Spies/Diplomats are named after various people relevant to the situation, like Sandro Lisi.
- Not an April fools thing, just convenient timing. It's an actual working mod.


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