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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Frank Stronach is loaded. Galen Weston is loaded. Gerry Schwartz is loaded. Rob Ford is not loaded. Let's look at the facts as best we can establish them....

1) Ownership of Deco
  • The Ford family owns a medium sized label company.
  • According to Wikipedia Rob Ford, along with his brothers and his mother are directors of the company. There's no mention of the sister.

2) Revenue of Deco

Cost increases in Printing Industry
AdBeez note, this covers primarily printed media, but costing indications can apply to printing.

Gross Profit indications specific to label printing industry
AdBeez note, this applies to a major USA label printing firm with massive buying power and economies of scale, so Deco should expect lower GM%

In summary, if Deco has $4M in revenue and a net profit (after SG&A) of 37%, this leaves $1.5 million annually to be redistributed to the Directors and/or reinvested into the business. Now, keep in mind that SG&A would already include wages for all the employees, including the Director's, so a portion of the 8.5% SG&A ($340K) would be paid to Rob, Randy, Doug and the old lady.

So, that's $340K + $$750K (assuming 50/50 distribution and reinvestment of the net revenue) for a grand total of about $1.1 million annually. Take $1.1 million and divide it between Rob, Randy, Doug and the old lady and you get a gross pay out of $272K each, before tax. At 50% tax rate, Rob Ford is taking in about $136K per year.

$136K is good money, but it's not loaded.

Your source estimates Deco's annual revenue as $4 million. Other sources put the annual sales at more than $100 million. What's the discrepancy? Is this the difference between US & Canada?
Not sure if this has been posted yet:

Rob Ford: Low-income supporters stand by their mayor
Mayor Rob Ford’s support among low-income people is a paradox to critics who say he has consistently voted against programs that would help the poor. But his supporters in Rexdale social housing complexes say they support him because he’s active in the community.

By: Laura Kane News reporter, Published on Fri Dec 06 2013

Standing in the courtyard of her Rexdale community housing complex, Lily Burke points to all the reasons she still supports Mayor Rob Ford.

Kids playing on a brand new red-and-yellow plastic jungle gym. The missing letter replaced on the sign outside her building. Blank walls, where there used to be graffiti.

These changes all happened because Ford returned her phone calls, she says.
“He works with the community,” Burke says, beaming. “If it wasn’t for him, we would not have what we have here.”

When the mayor recently stood up in council chambers and proclaimed that he “sides with the poor people,” many in the public gallery laughed. Ford is a wealthy man, and has voted against social programs for the poor.

But the reality remains that Ford’s supporters are predominantly lower-income. People who make less than $40,000 a year are twice as likely to support the mayor than those who make $100,000 or more, a recent Ipsos Reid poll found.

In his former council ward of Etobicoke North, many lower-income residents are fierce supporters of the mayor. The reasons for their loyalty have more to do with the mayor’s visibility than any of his policies.

“I haven’t seen no other politicians around here,” says Carlos Santokie, 39, who lives in the same Queen’s Plate Dr. complex as Burke. “He’s always here, I’m not going to lie. If he’s not here, his brother’s here. That’s the most important thing to me.”

The mayor and his brother, Councillor Doug Ford, were at the complex on a recent weekend for a memorial for a 12-year-old boy. It was there that CNN caught up with Ford for an interview, and residents rallied around the embattled mayor.

“If he really didn’t give two squats about anyone, he wouldn’t be out here in a community where there is violence and there is stuff that’s not positive,” says Omar Omar, an 18-year-old wearing a “Rob Ford for Mayor” button.

The community is mixed-income, with social housing and market value units. Burke, a 65-year-old seniors’ home worker, pays market rent for her two-bedroom apartment, which is crammed with framed photos of her grandchildren.

Also on the wall is a framed Toronto Sun column featuring a big, smiling photo of the mayor, which was given to her by a friend. Her fridge, naturally, is plastered with Rob Ford magnets.

“I love the mayor,” she says. “I love him for who he is and what he’s done for this community.”

When she first moved into the building in 2002, she says she was shocked to find graffiti covering the walls and holes in the carpet. Burke says she called Ford — then councillor for the area — and he made sure everything was fixed.

“He said to me that it only takes one person to make a difference in the community, and when he looks at me, he can see I’m going to be that person,” she recalls proudly.

Burke also credits Ford with replacing a run-down playground outside the complex and renovating its community centre. The $1.3 million revitalization was funded by the Toronto Community Housing Corporation and Ascot Co-operative Homes in 2006.

Most of the community cleanup for which Burke praises Ford was completed when he was a councillor. But she says she still thinks he’s doing a great job as mayor — regardless of any recent controversy.

On nearby Dixon Rd., in a housing complex that police raided in June as part of a massive guns-and-gangs sweep dubbed Project Traveller, diehard supporters of the mayor are also not hard to find.

Ford has become inextricably linked to Dixon Rd. Police first became interested in the mayor when his name was mentioned in Project Traveller wiretaps, and sources say Ford blurted out two unit numbers at 320 Dixon Rd. as possible locations of the crack video the day the Star reported on its existence.

Still, to some residents of the buildings, the mayor is seen as a tough defender of their interests at city hall.

“He is the best mayor this country has ever seen,” says Nsa Archibong, a security company manager. “He talks about reducing taxes. He has done so many good things for the lives of Torontonians who work very hard.”

But critics point out that the mayor’s 2011 property tax freeze and subsequent small tax hikes are aimed at middle- and upper-class homeowners, not lower-income renters. His vow to drop the land transfer tax is also unlikely to benefit the poor.

Further, he has restricted funding for public transit and libraries, and hiked user fees for recreation programs — all municipal services that low-income people rely on.

“He’s made life harder for folks,” says Councillor Adam Vaughan. “He has done nothing for low-income people except answer their phone calls, show up, scream at a hole in the wall and leave. . . . He doesn’t fundamentally fix the problem.”

Councillor Ana Bailao, chair of the affordable housing committee, pointed out the mayor wanted to sell off 900 publicly owned homes in 2012 to tackle the repair backlog, while 90,000 people are waiting for social housing.

The mayor has also voted against funding social programs for at-risk youth — which he called “hug-a-thug” programs — despite his own devotion to his Rob Ford Football Foundation and former job as coach of the Don Bosco Eagles.

“He says he sides with (lower-income people), but when it comes to the voting, a lot of times he’s not voting for the things that really, really have an impact on them,” says Bailao. “That’s the reality.”
Ford did not respond to a request for comment on this story.

There’s also the matter of the mayor’s personal wealth. Despite portraying himself as just an “average guy” fighting against elites, he was raised in a privileged home and his family business, Deco Labels & Tags, has annual sales estimated at $100 million.

But his Rexdale supporters say his income is irrelevant — he doesn’t flash his wealth, or distance himself because of it, they say.

“Regardless of what’s in a person’s pocket, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change what’s in their character,” says Omar.

Asked about Ford’s history of racially insensitive comments, including reports that he called a cab driver a “Paki” and referred to his football team as “f---ing minorities” in the crack video, many say that it simply doesn’t match up with their image of the mayor.

“I never heard him say anything like that,” says Burke. “For me, the community here, we are all a mixture of people. If he tried to help us here, I can’t see how he could make racist comments.”

Ford’s ties to criminals and admitted drug use have not fazed his supporters here. While many say he should take a short leave of absence to deal with his health issues, none want him to step down. There is a pervading belief that the mayor is being held to an unfair standard by both the media and police.

“I feel like he’s being bullied, to be honest,” says Omar. “Everyone’s parading him around as this crackhead. . . . He was caught slipping, associating with those kinds of people, but I think that’s not his whole life.”

Even if the mayor were to be arrested, Burke says that wouldn’t change her opinion of him. Insisting that nobody’s perfect, she says she’d vote for him again.

“We vote for the people who look after us and who we see take care of the situation,” says Burke. “I would vote for him a million times.”

While this is a bit of an apples to oranges, I feel that this image is appropriate:

It's not a crack house. It's a crack home.

I loved that line when it came out.

I wouldn't worry about it unduly. Rob Ford can't change who or what he is, and he won't be able to lose a huge amount of weight. He's a man of great appetites and negligible impulse control. He's under a microscope now, and his every derailment will be chronicled.

There's always the gastric bypass, but he'd have to get a good deal healthier on off the booze and drugs for a while else the risk of surgery and general anethstetic would be unacceptable.

And what puzzles me here is...aren't the Fords loaded? They've been able to bankroll anything from Ford Fests to potential Doug-sponsored park improvements--right? So, why haven't they been able to pay off this piddly amount, esp. if it's on behalf of Rob's pride and joy?

Loaded or not, Rob Ford is cheap. And gets his back up if he's asked to pay for something to which he feels entitled. After all wasn't the whole fund raising/conflict issue blow-up over paying back two grand or less?

Mayor Rob Ford cheered at Etobicoke Santa Claus parade [with video]
About half way through the video a lone protester gets jostled by supporters of the celebrity mayor.

The G&M reported a fair amount of negative reaction by parents at the parade.

Also, is this it? Your response to folks calling you on your slander? Just choosing not to engage and correct and instead just pop on and drop in another pro-ford tidbit?

Yeah, folks are right, you're pretty much a troll, or, at the very least, someone unwilling to acknowledge or even admit when you make an error. It's too bad because you do come across as someone with something to say, but by being unwilling to concede a valid point, you highlight your lack of good faith when it comes to debate. Too bad.
Your source estimates Deco's annual revenue as $4 million. Other sources put the annual sales at more than $100 million. What's the discrepancy? Is this the difference between US & Canada?

I provided my source for $4m. Please provide your claimed source(s) for $100m; so we can investigate further. Unless you're just spreading hearsay.
I provided my source for $4m. Please provide your claimed source(s) for $100m; so we can investigate further. Unless you're just spreading hearsay.

I posted a couple of links.

Regarding the parade, just saw a story on Global...there were people shaking his hand and saying he had their support, but also those who said he's a disgrace, shouldn't be around kids, etc. and what must have been the "lone protester" following him and yelling at him. Also it was weird how he was handing out the candy canes...dropping handfuls of them onto laps and many of them ending up on the ground.
i'm sure i'm late to the game, but if not… here's robbie just a few short hours after an alleged all-nighter "smoking his rocks" at 15 windsor. i could be wrong, but i'm going to say that this man looks (and sounds) hungover. again, just my opinion…

i suppose this is the closest we'll get to seeing the mayor after a night of smoking "his rocks" until that damn video is released.

two things worth noting… one: everyone interviewed manages to provide a more coherent comment regarding earth day than the mayor (this includes the children). two: while everyone actually manages to help clean the park (again, this includes the children AND his brother), rob just slowly paints that single picnic table.
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And what puzzles me here is...aren't the Fords loaded? They've been able to bankroll anything from Ford Fests to potential Doug-sponsored park improvements--right? So, why haven't they been able to pay off this piddly amount, esp. if it's on behalf of Rob's pride and joy?

Perhaps this excerpt from the Globe article explains the mystery:

The Ontario Minor Football League had planned to discuss the status of one of Mr. Ford’s coaches, Payman Aboodowleh, at its meeting last week, but the issue of Mr. Aboodowleh’s criminal past and suitability as a youth football coach never came up because of the Rexdale Raiders’ suspension.
And what puzzles me here is...aren't the Fords loaded? They've been able to bankroll anything from Ford Fests to potential Doug-sponsored park improvements--right? So, why haven't they been able to pay off this piddly amount, esp. if it's on behalf of Rob's pride and joy?

The "Rob Ford Football Foundation" monies are what pay for Robbie's football endevours. Toronto Community Foundation collect and administer those funds at Robbie's direction; the ledger sheets are not available for public scrutiny, as are the names or contributers.

Only Robbie could give us a number, but then again, from experience, one cannot trust him as a source, it could be empty for all we know. One thng is sure, with all the brouhaha, any or all donations have slowed down, at least.

Rob Ford Football Foundation

The fund could also be used to launder money, like to Robbie's "alleged" substance abuse problem since Robbie would hold the books on what was spent on his program; show one to government, and one to show onlt to himself.
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Just saw this tweet from Councillor Matlow

Josh Matlow ‏@JoshMatlow 15m
Several people I've heard from seem convinced we'll be hearing a lot about the Ford Escort again. I'm not sure that car's even made anymore.

Hmmm...I wonder what he could be referring to?
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