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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Just because it's a slow news day, I was wondering if it's worth considering that "Juiceman" is J.C. Hasko, the former Don Bosco player/assistant coach. He's been by Ford's side since this scandal begun and is probably someone he could trust. It's a bit of a stretch, but J.C. also shares a bit in common with the word "Juice." He's young too, which is how he's been described. Being a former football player, I imagine he's quite built. The fact that he's still by Ford's side says something about his loyalty as well.

He's seen in this photo taken on May 21st, roughly a week after he was hired as a special assistant. The man behind the door looks to be Price. That same day around 11PM, the events at 15 Windsor and 320 Dixon took place.


TORONTO, ON - MAY 21: Mayor Rob Ford leaves his house with two other men that arrived at his house five minutes earlier. Mayor Ford drove alone in his vehicle, while the other two left in another car parked around the corner.
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Just because it's a slow news day, I was wondering if it's worth considering that "Juiceman" is J.C. Hasko, the former Don Bosco player/assistant coach. He's been by Ford's side since this scandal begun and is probably someone he could trust. It's a bit of a stretch, but J.C. also shares a bit in common with the word "Juice." He's young too, which is how he's been described. Being a former football player, I imagine he's quite built. The fact that he's still by Ford's side says something about his loyalty as well.
Yes, he's also into the fitness/personal training thing.
FWIW, he also took care of Ford's dry-cleaning the day after Lisi's arrest at Richview Cleaners.


TORONTO, ON - OCTOBER 2: An unidentified man delivers a suit to Mayor Rob Ford's home around 9:15am on October 2. (Vince Talotta/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
The discussion and Q&A with Robyn Doolittle and Michael Cooke (The Star), Andrew Coyne (National Post) and Greg McArthur (Globe and Mail) was this evening.

Here's a collection of things they said (via Goldsbie on Twitter):
- Cooke says that when Ford was first elected, they sent some reporters to Chicago to look at Deco's operations there. Cooke says it turned out their operations there are squeaky clean. I've (Goldsbie) found *some* stuff, though nothing significant.
- Doolittle on the video: "When you all eventually get a chance to see it, it will stop your heart -- it's something to see."
- Cooke explains the Star was considering donating money to "leaders in the Somalian-Canadian community" for *them* to retrieve the video.
- McArthur bemoans the fact that the Globe doesn't gets tips like the Star does. "No one ever comes to us with the video."
- Doolittle says that she's heard through her "sources" that Renata Ford was not a willing participant in that press conference.
- The panelists don't deny they've heard there's a video of people waving guns around a passed-out Rob Ford.
- Cooke on remaining Lisi documents: "Well, I know what's in them. And they're stunning. More of the same, plus it ratchets up one big level."
- McArthur says that journalists go after the Fords so hard because they like to lie, and journalists take that as a challenge.
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Either it's the Zeitgeist or I swear these journalists read UT for ideas on slow days...
how could they not? This thread is like a tip line for journalists who don't have sources of their own. Of course, like any tip line, it has it's share of out in left field nutters, but it's been surprisingly on the mark a good percentage of the time.
Our Newsmaker of the Year: Rob Ford

See link.


A royal baby was born, a Canadian astronaut inspired the world, a senate scandal engulfed the government—2013 was a year of big stories and even bigger characters. It saw the heroics of a young Afghan girl, Malala Yousafzai, and the historic arrival of “the people’s pope.”

But there was one figure that captured Canada’s and the world’s attention like no other in 2013, and who we’ve named our Newsmaker of the Year: Toronto mayor Rob Ford.

“Rob Ford was a larger-than-life figure whose story transcended borders. In a year of some great successes and heroics—and some great, roiling scandals—he was impossible to ignore, and the clear choice as our Newsmaker of the Year,” said Maclean’s Editor Mark Stevenson.

Ford is one of six public figures who made our list of 2013′s top newsmakers, featured in a 108-page special Newsmakers issue, on newsstands now.


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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford could be denied entry to U.S. | Toronto Star

WASHINGTON—Toronto Mayor Rob Ford says he wants to attend the Winter Classic hockey game near Detroit. He may not get past Windsor.

Ford’s admission that he smoked crack cocaine in the last two years leaves him with a border problem. While he might still be granted entry into the United States — applications are handled on a case-by-case basis — he could also be rejected, according to the U.S. government and a Toronto immigration lawyer.

Under U.S. law, the mere admission of illegal drug use — in Ford’s case, an admission broadcast far and wide on American television — is grounds for a Canadian to be turned away at a crossing. The absence of criminal charges, let alone a conviction, doesn’t matter.

U.S. officials declined to discuss the specifics of Ford’s case, citing privacy laws. But they readily addressed the question of whether a hypothetical Canadian citizen would be welcome in the U.S. after speaking publicly about consuming crack cocaine.

In an email exchange, Customs and Border Protection public affairs officer Mike Milne quoted from the controlled substances section of the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act, which says someone is “inadmissible” to the U.S. if he has either been “convicted of” or “admits having committed” a violation of drug laws in the U.S. or elsewhere.

When pressed to clarify, Milne highlighted the words “admits having committed” and “inadmissible” in bright yellow. Translation: the admission of crack use is itself grounds for refusing a foreigner entry.

Lawyers specializing in cross-border legal questions say there are workarounds. Among Ford’s options: he can apply in advance for a “waiver of inadmissibility” from the U.S. to ensure safe passage.

Waiver requests are judged case-by-case and often depend on the reasons for travel. The application fee is $585, and the process can take up to a year.

Ford may test his luck as early as December. He told the Toronto Sun he “definitely” wants to attend the NHL’s Jan. 1 Winter Classic in Ann Arbor, Mich., when the Toronto Maple Leafs will face off against the Detroit Red Wings in front of 107,000 fans.

Ford’s chief of staff, Dan Jacobs, and lawyer, Dennis Morris, did not respond to a request to say whether the mayor has applied or will apply for a waiver.
“My advice to Rob Ford would be, ‘Don’t leave town.’ The short version of a long story is yes, he has a border problem,” said lawyer Joel Sandaluk of the Toronto firm Mamann, Sandaluk & Kingwell LLP.

“Even people who flippantly mention to a U.S. customs agent that they smoked a bit of weed in their life can have problems,” Sandaluk said. “And I believe in Ford’s case, he said ‘a lot’ of weed. And then (he) spoke about smoking crack.”

The letter of U.S. law isn’t always applied evenly at the border. Take Justin Trudeau, for example, who made headlines in August after admitting that he smoked marijuana as recently as three years ago. Two months later, he had no difficulties when he travelled south for his first visit to Washington.

But the difference here isn’t just pot versus crack. It’s known versus unknown, immigration lawyers say. Trudeau’s family name may be a familiar one in U.S. political circles, but most Americans wouldn’t be able to pick the current Liberal leader out of a lineup. Rob Ford, on the other hand, is now a globally familiar face to watchers of news and late-night comedy shows alike.

“At this point, Rob Ford is a unique individual,” Sandaluk said. “I tell other clients in a similar situation, clients who haven’t been in the news, that their chances are 50-50.
“If you aren’t questioned specifically, if it doesn’t come up, then it’s ‘Ask me no questions, I’ll tell you no lies’ and you’re in. With Ford, my advice — out of an abundance of caution — would be different.”

Ford has been let into the U.S. repeatedly despite his 1999 conviction in Florida for impaired driving. (He had a marijuana joint with him when he was arrested; a possession charge was dropped.) Impaired driving is not one of the offences for which foreigners are denied entry, according to the CBP website.
Ford has spent time at his family’s condo in Florida during his mayoral term. He has also led business missions to Austin and to Chicago, where his family business has an office. A planned mission to Boston was called off in the wake of the crack scandal, and no other official trips are currently planned for the last year of Ford’s term.

Councillor Michael Thompson, the Ford-appointed chair of the economic development committee, said Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly could represent the city on a future trip Ford was not permitted to make. But he said that “it does pose, obviously, a problem” to have a mayor who may not be able to promote the city.
“Look, even if the U.S. had said the mayor would be allowed, the question would be, would other mayors and other folks stand with our mayor?” Thompson said.

Abby Deshman, direct of the public safety program at the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, said it is “really concerning” that U.S. border officials deny entry to Canadians on the basis of non-conviction information about such things as mental illness and 911 calls. Ford, she said, “has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty.”

But given that Ford has himself admitted to crack use, Deshman added, “It definitely would not be the most concerning case I have seen of non-conviction information being used to infer guilt or innocence of a person. We are more concerned about allegations that are levied by other people.”
Doolittle on the video: "When you all eventually get a chance to see it, it will stop your heart -- it's something to see."

The release of the videos should get a proper opening night premier gala extravaganza of some kind. It needs to be an event. Rob Ford can be the guest of honour (he said he wanted the world to see it).
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