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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Monday will see Ford made, in effect, in to a councillor-at-large: he will have no special privileges except for those that provincial law requires he have, and even those won’t be administered without resistance from council. He will, in every way council currently has at its disposal, have been made powerless.

Except he won’t be powerless, he’ll still be a member of council. And he’s made it clear that he’s going to use the abilities he has as a member of council to prevent the work of council from getting done. He explicitly threatened to filibuster council in response to their discipline on Friday:

Mayor Rob Ford says he’s going to hold every item until his “dying day” on the council floor #TOpoli

— Don Peat (@reporterdonpeat) November 15, 2013

What does it mean to "hold every item"? How does that work?
Funny how Warmington finds that some people's stupidity and ignorance is somehow redeeming the Fords.

The truth is, at this stage, you could only love Ford if you hate Toronto OR if you are profoundly, profoundly, profoundly ignorant of what's going on.

"We built a subway..." (you haven't) "... when was the last time Toronto built a subway?" David Miller.

Even if I hated Miller I could not stand and support someone who lies so blatantly, who treats people like they are complete imbeciles.

IMO, to understand this mindset, I only have to look at Nick Kouvalis' twitter profile:
Favourite quote: There is no substitute for victory - General Douglas MacArthur

And combine that with this quote from the article:
“I love Rob Ford,” said Paul Reid. “He is one of us.”

Ford's hardcore supporters only care about the fact that their guy is Mayor. Unlike David Miller, this is a guy that Joe Sixpack can identify with, for better or worse. As a political commentator pointed out (don't have the link handy), people identify with Ford's flaws, not his strengths. (For some reason, nobody ever wants their doctor, lawyer or accountant to be a severely flawed guy they can have a beer with.)

As for the lying, I'll quote a TTC bus driver (a Scarborough resident and a really nice person) who supports Ford's politics (yet despises him and his brother personally): "All politicians lie. Leave him alone and let him do his job." She doesn't believe me (or doesn't care) when I say that the Sheppard subway line is being run at a loss. "People need subways," she explained. "Ever see what happens to the Scarborough RT in the winter?" How can I possibly argue with that, when someone's mind is already made up and the facts have no effect?

As recently as 2 weeks ago, a colleague of mine claimed: "Doesn't matter what he does in his personal life, he's saving me money."

These are not stupid people; they are simply willing to believe anything that "their" guy tells them, because it's exactly what they want to hear. I have very intelligent family members (e.g. medical doctors) in the USA who forward me obviously fake chain e-mails with strongly anti-liberal political content. Anyone could check Snopes and debunk these e-mails in 5 seconds, but it never occurs to them that the e-mails are fake, because the content fits with their beliefs (e.g. Obama/Muslims/liberals are destroying the country.) I've been receiving these e-mails for years, despite constantly sending replies debunking the ridiculous content. (To be clear, the content isn't ridiculous because it's anti-liberal, but because it contains outright falsehoods, which in some cases were debunked years ago.)

So I do think there's at least two classes of Rob Ford supporters:
1) The people who love him because "he's one of us".
2) The people who don't care for him personally, but believe everything single word that comes out of his mouth concerning public policy, because it's exactly what they want to hear.

The 2nd group might abandon him if they can be convinced he isn't really saving them money (big "if", IMO), but the first group will always love him.
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Warmington seems to be a lot like Ford Nation, in the sense that the more Ford abuses (*) them, the more they love him.

While the majority of the Suntards are eating crow or jumping ship on their hero Ford, Warmington seems to want to stay in denial. Which is why a few drunken college-age mentality cases whooping it up around Rob seems to translate into some sort of massive political comeback. That's how desperate Warmington is.

Look....the conservative thinking mind is capable of limitless denial in their pursuit of dogmatic belief. As long as Rob Ford still represents this dogmatic belief, there's no changing their minds until they do it themselves. The only good thing is....these kind of people are in the minority....thankfully.
I assume that's why he speaks so slowly during press conferences as well.

Only when he's reading a prepared statement, really.

I've always assumed he had trouble reading. He reads like a child, pausing every couple of words, or at the end of each line rather than the end of each sentence.

His level of delusion was on display in that Fox interview, wasn't it? He's showing us where narcissism shades into psychosis. Especially re: Don Bosco -- he really doesn't think anyone else can do anything good for those boys.

I guess if I believed I was literally the only person who ever did anything good, I wouldn't resign either.
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Only when he's reading a prepared statement, really. I've always assumed he had trouble reading. He reads like a child, pausing every couple of words, or at the end of each line rather than the end of each sentence.

Yea...his public speaking is almost unheard of bad for a politician. Doesn't matter if it's off-the-cuff or a prepared's painful to listen to. But they are very different.

The prepared speeches are slow and show an almost complete lack of reading comprehension. He obviously doesn't even attempt to memorize speeches. I don't think it's nervousness or a phobia...I think he is just basically dumb. One other major factor I suspect has a lot to do with it, is that I don't think he has a genuine interest in what he talks about, and his attempts at sincerity are so blatantly fake.

Which leads me to believe as someone has already pointed out, that he suffers from some form of Cluster B disorders. He's an empty shell of a person, that projects this facade. He seems to have no shame, because he has spent his entire life screwing up on an hourly basis. This is his normal. Same reason he can pathologically lie and then get caught constantly and it doesn't register with him at all.

And when he is speaking off-the-cuff, he is usually being defensive...speaking in a high-pitched voice (he also tends to close his eyes a lot, which is another telling habit). He keeps squeaking to people that he said he was sorry, so if we haven't moved on, then somehow we are the ones with the problem now...not him.

Except besides no one believing him, he isn't really giving us a meaningful apology.

As David Hurley pointed out:
If you are unprepared to identify what you are apologizing isn't a real apology
If you don't appear to think what you did was wrong....then it isn't a real apology
And if it ends with "let's move on", then it isn't a real apology.

And this represents every scenario where Rob Ford has issued an "apology".
I'm officially, clinically depressed.
People love trainwrecks. Remember Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears? It's the same sort of mentality. People love to post images of themselves with trainwrecks, because they think it makes them look cool. I doubt most of those people cheering him and egging him on even vote!
People love trainwrecks. Remember Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears? It's the same sort of mentality. People love to post images of themselves with trainwrecks, because they think it makes them look cool. I doubt most of those people cheering him and egging him on even vote!

The difference is Spears and Lohan had people idolizing them before well before, and after, their public meltdowns. Where as in Political circles this sort of reaction is much less common.
Does Rob Ford have aspergers?

I doubt it's that. IME people with Asperger's can be socially awkward and very focused on the things they find interesting, to the exclusion of other things, but they aren't aggressive or mean or stupid.

My vote's for narcissistic/antisocial personality disorder, alcoholism, plus some kind of intellectual disability. Maybe even foetal alcohol effect?
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While the majority of the Suntards are eating crow or jumping ship on their hero Ford, Warmington seems to want to stay in denial. Which is why a few drunken college-age mentality cases whooping it up around Rob seems to translate into some sort of massive political comeback. That's how desperate Warmington is.

Look....the conservative thinking mind is capable of limitless denial in their pursuit of dogmatic belief. As long as Rob Ford still represents this dogmatic belief, there's no changing their minds until they do it themselves. The only good thing is....these kind of people are in the minority....thankfully.

I do feel somewhat sorry for Warmington, he's been yelled at by Ford and yet he stays by their side. Personal belief? Or a decision from up high? Regardless, any solution to Ford will require dealing with Ford Nation or whatever they're called.
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