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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Jesus. Making my case turned out to be unexpectedly heavy lifting.

Seriously, Rob Ford pays for underaged sex workers to service a bunch of high school football players, and the only evidence we have of it is a single snarky post on a Toronto HS football bulletin board? How likely is that? Seriously, give some credit to today's generation of high school students. Too many of them have enough courage and sense of right and wrong that everybody who knew would just let it slide. If I'm wrong about that I'll be way more ill than I am about all the heinous stuff that Rob Ford has already admitted doing.

I am done commenting on this issue ...

All I'm saying is it's just another thing that falls into the "it wouldn't surprise me" category, along with a LOT of worse things.

edited to add: I get now that you're actually saying less about Ford than about the players going along with that and keeping it under wraps. Thinking about it, it does seem unlikely that that would be kept under wraps for so long, given how much teenagers like to brag. That said, though---would it surprise me? Enh...still no, I think.
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Compare the reputation that precedes the Fords *now* to that which preceded the Fords in 2010. And yes, I know there was already a reputation then, but...

What kind of "skilled manager"? Even the specific-skilled people from 2010, Kouvalis et al, have blown themselves off. Who's left?

You keep changing topics. My first post was a reply to another post, as were the subsequent ones. Read them in context, not in light of comments you made afterwards.
Compare the reputation that precedes the Fords *now* to that which preceded the Fords in 2010. And yes, I know there was already a reputation then, but...

What kind of "skilled manager"? Even the specific-skilled people from 2010, Kouvalis et al, have blown themselves off. Who's left?

OTOH, odd as this might sound, I can envisage Ford Nation-ism having more 2014 electoral success outside the 416 than within, i.e. hinterland candidates striking a positive Ford-esque note with the electorate. (Like, a few years ago I might have asked "if Rob Ford so reflects suburban values, then how come the 905 doesn't have mayors that mouth-breathingly ridiculous"? But as it turns out, the Rob Ford example is reminding a lot of hinterland electors that, yeah, maybe they *can* use somebody like that.)

I don't think a Rob Ford-equivalent will get elected in the 905. Rob Ford came in on a vote of anger, and there's not much anger directed toward municipal politicians within purely suburban communities like those of the 905. A lot of this has to do with the fact that municipal politicians in the 905 don't need to rock the boat because they don't need to do much beyond what they already do, which is to make sure the roads are plowed and the garbage is picked up. The things that upset conservative suburbanites, like having a visionary politician who requests tax funding to pay for progressive services and infrastructure schemes, aren't likely to come up. It's hard for anyone except a total crackpot to "crusade" against a municipal system that is kind of boring but predictable.
I'm assuming not Happy Hardcore lol

I still hit the occasonal party. Last DnB/Jungle thing I was at was Doc Scott this summer.

Oh....I listen to a bit of HHC as well. :p

Come check out black crack funk attack. Every second Saturday of the month at Andy poolhall. 5 bucks.
Breaks. Funk. Booty. Awesome. Etc.

OK....I may have just crossed a line.

Night, night

That woman must have been on cloud 9. Not only did she get on tv with her sign but she just happened to be sitting close enough to him to be in the same shot together. Amazing.
notice he's sitting in a field of Ticats fans? I think she might be from Hamilton.
I think that family having money is dangerous in any circumstance.

Sigh. Okay, you win. It's not enough that the idiot brothers are, at the very least, powerless till next October and will never hold political office after that, and that they are laughingstocks of pretty much the entire world (the only ones who haven't realized that yet are themselves and a handful of nutjob supporters), and subjects of a police investigation that I'm sure will continue to make them look even worse before it's over, if not land one or both of them behind bars. Let's destroy their business as well. For no other reason than some vague, abstract " [them] having money is dangerous" statement. And oh yeah...all their employees will be out of jobs. But that's okay, we have solid reasons!
The Star posted the transcript of Ford's Fox interview:

I know this goes without saying, but that guy is just a non-stop cliche machine:
I guarantee my name’s gonna be on the ballot for mayor and let the people decide not the politicians. Not the people mad at me for taking their hands out of the cookie jar and reducing their office budgets and all their fancy trips and all their consultants and lobbyists that used to get tons of money uhh hundreds of thousands of dollars. That’s done John. So they’re upset at me for that, that’s fine. But you know what my actions are gonna speak louder than my words. Talk is cheap, actions speak loud.

He also continues to lie through his teeth:
Well we built the subway. When was the last time in Toronto a subway was built?
Um, you didn't build a subway. And there are two underground transit lines under construction right now, both started during the Miller era.

or this one:
I was elected with the largest majority in candidates history
No, that was Mel Lastman, when he won 80% of the vote in 2000. You didn't even win a majority.

And the lies just kept coming: the $1 billion saved, the lowest taxes in North America, there being no strikes, and the fact that he's never been drunk while at his office, etc, etc.

And of course, he felt the need to share his humanitarianism:
I’m the first one to volunteer thousands of hours of time to coach kids in an underprivileged area and now they’re getting scholarships, now they’re getting an education. And I don’t wanna toot my own horn but now ya know where are they? If I’m not there? I feel sorry for these kids up at Don Bosco and my heart bleeds for them.
Someone give this guy the Nobel Peace Prize.

And finally, Ford provides some insight into how he has convinced himself that he'll win a second term:
An Epsos-Reed(?) poll released Thursday shows Ford will face tough opposition in 2014 but it also showed 47% of the people agreed with the statement “Mayor Ford is doing the things at City Hall that I want him to keep doing.†That last fact was conveniently missed by the media. The media never said that. I got elected with 47% of the vote, and I’m very sure I’m gonna get re-elected.

If that's what Ford is pinning his hopes on for the next election, he might want to read the poll more carefully. Surprisingly he actually does have his number right on that specific question (the flip side is that 53% of people don't like anything he's doing at City Hall). However the same poll showed that 62% agreed with the statement: "There's no way I would consider voting for Rob Ford to be Toronto's Mayor in next year's election under any circumstances". And 50 of that 62% indicated "strong" agreement.
Oh....I listen to a bit of HHC as well. :p

I went to almost every Hulla, so no shame :p

Back on topic:

The transcript of the interview is just hilarious. It's amazing how much he uses the same colloquialisms over and over, for years and years. The interview itself is actually bordering on parody, life imitating art.
The difference between Ford and any of those radio mouthpieces is that Rob definitely does NOT have the gift of gab, and can barely string two sentences together. That's why the radio show was mostly him reading from a list of community events---he's incapable of thinking on his feet. If any of his handlers think he's going to be the next Glenn Beck after all this, they're going to be very disappointed.

You're not wrong. I assume that's why he speaks so slowly during press conferences as well. But the fact that the people his brother is comparing him to are people in the broadcast controversialist business as opposed to, you know, other politicians or leaders of any kind, and you get a good idea of what their mentality is. I really think Rob is enjoying the celebrity he's gaining, regardless of the fact that it's so negative. Listen to how Sun News is hyping the new show:

It’s Rob Ford up close and in depth on the drugs, the booze, and his fight for redemption. We hear new confessions, as Ford bares his soul like never before. What will he reveal? Will there be more bombshells? It’s a worldwide exclusive.

I mean he's fucking selling his newest revelations. That this isn't a bigger story is stunning to me.
Sigh. Okay, you win. It's not enough that the idiot brothers are, at the very least, powerless till next October and will never hold political office after that, and that they are laughingstocks of pretty much the entire world (the only ones who haven't realized that yet are themselves and a handful of nutjob supporters), and subjects of a police investigation that I'm sure will continue to make them look even worse before it's over, if not land one or both of them behind bars. Let's destroy their business as well. For no other reason than some vague, abstract " [them] having money is dangerous" statement. And oh yeah...all their employees will be out of jobs. But that's okay, we have solid reasons!

Any purchase anyone makes is a choice. If I eat at home instead of going to McDonalds I don't worry that I might be putting McDonalds employees out of jobs. No one has any obligation to support any business. I'm not suggesting firebombing them. Also, we're in this position now because Deco was a successful business, and they could afford to go mucking around in politics. Thinking this family is going to take up gardening and never bother anyone ever again after the current controversy is over is naive. Even if they're not running again themselves, I'm sure they'll find some other wing-nut to throw Ford-fests for in the hope that they'll get a little influence back.

Seriously, screw Deco Labels And Tags.
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