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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I agree with you and I also think Mark Pugash's comments are important. It seems to me this is the most I've heard the TPS ever say at once about this whole story.

What's down the middle of "targeting" and "covering for"? In my opinion it's a completely warranted and legitimate criminal investigation.

Yeah I think Pugash's comments are key. If it came out later that the police held back info about the mayor, especially a law and order professing mayor, I think the cover up accusation would have been far worse, especially with them not charging him at the time. Better for them to put everything in and weather any bias criticism than be accused of sweeping that under the rug.
1. I really doubt that most Torontonians care about issues/comments re AIDS, as most people have no familial/friend connection to that disease. All STDs are preventable when people remain monogamous; that is a cold, hard truth that most don't want to accept. If people stuck to one sexual partner, we wouldn't have STDs to begin with. It's difficult for people to feel sympathy for victims of a disease (AIDS) that is 100% preventable -- as opposed to something like cancer -- which can affect anyone. If you live a risky lifestyle, sometimes there are consequences to pay for those actions. The culture we live in shuns people that abstain from sex until marriage, but those individuals never have to worry about contracting STDs. I do feel great sympathy for someone like, Tom Fogerty, who got AIDS from a blood transfusion. I'm pretty sure that would be next to impossible nowadays. It is tragic for anyone to die from AIDS, but it doesn't have to happen. Be careful in your sexual lives, and you shouldn't have to fear anything. I think it's common sense that sleeping with people one doesn't know is not a good idea; but you're free to do whatever you want with your lives. And yes, I know that straight people can get AIDS too. In that sense, Rob was off with his remark. Though, if I'm not mistaken, most people with AIDS are gay men, no? Also remember, the suburbs aren't exactly a bastion for gay issues. They're not as socially integrated into the culture as they are downtown. I'd guess that many people in the burbs aren't even friends with a single gay person. I've lived my entire life in the suburbs and have only known 3 gay people. There's also a gay couple that live close to my house. I think most suburbanites equate gays with Pride, and thus are revolted and not interested in defending them.

Wow, you really are a piece of work aren't you? Do you have any idea how many forms of cancer are 100% preventable? How many illnesses in general? How many monogamous folks contracted HIV because it turned out their partner wasn't? You remind me of that revolting attitude in the 1980s equating "innocent" and "guilty" AIDS patients. Here's a tip for you: they're all innocent - it's a disease, not a judgement from god.

Hey, by your standards, there's a lot of people suffering from illnesses and diseases (heck, even poverty) that are 100% preventable, to whom Toronto "shouldn't care about."

"Hey Nona, you didn't put enough money aside for your old age and you're living off cat food. Who cares."

"Hey, Uncle Sandro, you spent years out in the sun tending your garden without a hat and now you have melanoma. Ha! Loser!"

Actually, thank you very much for showing me people with attitudes like you are still around - I though folks like that were fewer and far between. :mad:
Yes I agree. The ability to feel compassion doesn't say as much about the person with the illness as it does about the one feeling (or not feeling) compassion. If you are unable to feel compassion for someone suffering, and dont want to help to alleviate that suffering, then that says a lot about you.
When we collectively decide that we have at least a modicum of compassion as a society, then we have a safer society.
Increasingly it is beginning to look to me like Bill Blair's main objective was not to arrest or exonerate Rob Ford. It seems to me Bill Blair purpose was to collect as much damaging information on Ford that he could in order to exert control over Ford. Anyone who has studied the late FBI director J. Edgar Hoover will know how this game is played. If this seems far fetched look at the reports today that police on more than one occasion caught Rob Ford driving drunk but let him go (even drove him home). You can bet that in each of these instances Bill Blair would have been contacted and gave the order to hush things up ( I bet this is what happens also when a judge gets pulled over for drunk driving or other offenses which is why there are so many corrupt judges out there willing to return the favor when a cop is before them charged with an offense).

What nonsense. Rob Ford, like most politicians, got lots of special treatment. He pushed it too far, now it's out for everyone to see. Where is there any evidence that anyone other than a crack dealer and Doug Ford ever influenced Rob Ford?

Conspiracies theories are stupid.
These people are so out of touch with reality that they are clueless to the fact, for example, when Doug Ford goes on CNN, it's not because CNN values his political opinions or punditry. He is comic relief from Obamacare.

And I am not prepared to cut any of them any slack, AoD. I was just saying that assuming that Renata is being physically abused is a big assumption.

There were (are?) a lot of 911 calls at that house. Average of one very three months, I think. Somebody's abusing somebody, and she's a lot smaller than him.
Doug doesn't know he's a joke, that's what is so frightening. The more he talks, the worse it gets, keep talking Doug.:rolleyes:

Doug and Rob both act like cartoons of what they thing big-time American politicians are like. They seem to think they're both Huey Long or something, with all their "Folks", and "This great city", and "God bless'". I don't believe they have the brain cells to handle a black and white movie, otherwise I'd think they've both watched All The Kings Men a few too many times.
Doug and Rob both act like cartoons of what they thing big-time American politicians are like. They seem to think they're both Huey Long or something, with all their "Folks", and "This great city", and "God bless'". I don't believe they have the brain cells to handle a black and white movie, otherwise I'd think they've both watched All The Kings Men a few too many times.

THANK YOU! I think "low rent Huey Long wannabes" is the most apt description of the Fords I've heard yet.

In fact I'd like to use that comparison in a post, and I'd be happy to give full credit if you want to email the blog address (its on the site) with a name I can cite
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It's probably a re-run from earlier, but Ashley Banfield on CNN is tearing a strip out of the guy from Sun News who gave Rob a show. Her whole show was pretty good actually, and she even managed to make a Steven LeDrew interview earlier in the day not-boring. I suppose because she's from Winnipeg (I did not know that) she's more on the ball with this whole story than most other American newspeople.

Also, those glasses are really hot.
THANK YOU! I think "low rent Huey Long wannabes" is the most apt description of the Fords I've heard yet.

In fact I'd like to use that comparison in a post, and I'd be happy to give full credit if you want to email the blog address (its on the site) with a name I can cite

It's all yours. Use it only in the furtherance of good, and never hurl it in anger:)
Talking about comedians again for a second, it's interesting that many American comedians have covered the RoFo story at least a couple of times now, but Toronto's most famous export-comedian does not seem to be aware of it at all!
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