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Rob Ford's Toronto

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This makes me think that in any medium-size-to-big city the police chief, most senior cops, and lots of rank-and-file cops are pretty certain or are aware of very credible rumours that various "pillars of the community" and other local big shots are customers of some quite nasty drug dealers.

If so, I think it would be tough to decide what to do about it. Just going out and trying to bust everybody who's apparently guilty might unleash chaos. It's a pretty grey moral area, I imagine. I'm pretty sympathetic to a chief who exercises discretion, as long as his/her force isn't simultaneously smashing middle-class, working-class and street-person-type consumers of illegal drugs.

I genuinely don't know what to think about this issue. Comments from police officers or people who know them, Toronto or elsewhere, would be welcome.

I would bet a lot that TPS and Blair are having a hard time finding a balance between being discreet with prominent people who might be buying/using drugs but aren't doing anything worse, wanting to bust some serious bad guys (some of whom may be prominent people), and not wanting to overextend themselves too far into organized crime, which I'm sure is a crazy can of worms. I would bet that the difficulty in hitting the right balance would account for TPS's actions seeming erratic at times (e.g., not busting Ford when they could have).
So we agree the inaction was likely due to them going for a bigger catch, right? Do reporters figure the investigations are still underway and more arrests are likely to come?

Blair himself has said that the investigation is ongoing. At this point, as much as I want to know more, I'd hate to see the release of TPS ITO info jeopardize their ongoing investigation. I suspect it is focused now on organized crime and criminal conspiracy.
Y'know, makes me think. Within this thread, and within UT in general, I was right out of the gate--and contentiously at that--with the speculation that, unchecked, the Ford mayoralty could well play out as a macabre nightmare scenario. That is, this wasn't just another bumbling right-winger a la Mel Lastman, Larry O'Brien--this was worse. *Far* worse. Maybe even Belfast-at-its-nadir worse.

Well, when it comes to "macabre", don't say I didn't tell you so. But if the collapse of the whole Ford souffle these past couple of weeks is enough to stuff gasoline'd rags into *this* goonish reflex, we're in dangerous territory, indeed.

Keeping in mind that up 'til now, "Ford Nation" as such has opted for silent-majority relative invisibility--at worst, trolling message boards in their pyjamas, or sneering at how anti-Ford activists and deputants have time to be visible because "they don't have real jobs". After all, Ford won in 2010, fair and square, put that in your pipe and smoke it, nyah nyah.

But now that it looks like it's (maybe) all falling apart for the Fords--and, worse, that the police are complicit--they're *real* stoked.

At this point, it'd even make me fear the worst for World Pride.
I honetly don't think RF will be around next year.
Given that cocaine is cardio-toxic, hell no way is Don Cherry blowing yays.

If this is too widespread, *I* may be out of a bit of work if this drops too heavy. All of my work is for "pillars" (sometimes wankers) of the city.

Maybe someone can write a book about how the war on drugs is bullshit after all this. Oh, wait....been done.

Well, at least Toronto has "grown up", I guess.
This is my first post. I would like to go back to Metro Man's connection between Fords and Dellen Millard. Is there a connection there?

Welcome - personally I found that unlikely, the Dellen Millard case appears to be more "thrill kill" than anything gang-related.

Also....let's be glad they're not peddling PCP.... though Robby's behaviour is suggestive of lines of the stuff.
I think we're REALLY getting carried away with the rumours here.

Agreed. To quote a line from Pulp Fiction: "When you little scamps get together, you're worse than a sewing circle."

Besides, I don't really care who or what's in that second video. I mean, I do on some level, but what matters to me more is what happened as a result of trying to stop it from getting out. I'm sure that's what the police are more interested in as well.
thanks for the welcome! I just find some similarities. Am wondering if Tim Bosma did any heating/ac work in the Dixon area and maybe in wrong place at the wrong time, witnessed something he should not have. Plus Millard lived in Etobicoke as well. Millard involved in drugs and soft porn. If there is a sex tape, maybe Millard "helped" with it. Ford definitely has some nasty friends, the same ilk as the crowds Millard was running with. Did the Deco Label use the Millard air services for air freight? All this is speculation and I could be way out of line.
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thanks for the welcome! I just find some similarities. Am wondering if Tim Bosma did any heating/ac work in the Dixon area and maybe in wrong place at the wrong time, witnessed something he should not have. Plus Millard lived in Etobicoke as well. Millard involved in drugs and soft porn. If there is a sex tape, maybe Millard "helped" with it. Ford definitely has some nasty friends, the same ilk as the crowds Millard was running with. Did the Deco Label use the Millard air services for air freight? All this is speculation and I could be way out of line.

Yeah can we please drop this line of inquiry until something more concrete comes up beyond "he lived in Etobicoke and was involved in porn"?
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