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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Homicide took lead of this case right?

Yeah, I believe the initial argument for that was the high profile aspect of any investigation into the Mayor and they wanted their best guy on it, and not to read into the homicide angle too much.


Anthony Smith.
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I have to go with Dilla on this one because I have seen other tidbits of things that others with some knowledge of behind the scenes stuff about black mail etc and it matches up.

And while the female may be underage as in under 18...consent in this case I believe would be served if she was 16 and above.
to suggest that everything north of the Junction is a "hostile, mind-numbingly, soul-crushingly boring environment," says far far more about your inability to live with other people,

But it's the environment that makes it impossible for people to truly live with one another! You cannot walk anywhere because there are no sidewalks. You cannot meet your neighbors because there are no public spaces. Everyone is stuck in traffic, alone in their cars, or packed into a bus (I guess that's one place where you could socialize with others, but it's not very comfortable).

You misunderstand me if you think that I meant to disparage suburbanites. I see though that my feeling sorry for people there can come across as condescending. And yes, Ford and people like him didn't choose to live there because they are poor. They did because they don't like to live in a real urban environment.

Yeah, riding up Keele or Jane is not exactly the flashiest way to see the city but it's not so long ago that Ossington and Parkdale and Leslieville looked no better.
I agree, and I didn't mean to say that Downtown is all wonderful -- there are plenty of zoning errors there too (drive throughs on Dundas? Strip malls on Queen West?) Also, there are many people around Ossington, for example, who have a very suburban attitude towards urban life -- driving to Dufferin Mall is all they want to do. You can't walk to a grocery store from Ossington either. And many downtown business owners think the world is coming to an end if you remove customer parking (Lula Lounge, I'm looking at you). And don't get me started on Lansdowne, it has got to be the ugliest street in the word.

You want to say "I'm a REAL TORONTONIAN and suburbanites are not," and then they get pissed off because they live in Toronto too but don't want to (or can't) live in a $1M, 100-year-old house in Cabbagetown and so, in your eyes, they don't count.
Here you're just reading things into my post that I didn't say at all.
Hi, I've been lurking for some time and decided to chime in.

Could be that the Woman was Jaclyn Dawe. She is 35 but looks somewhat young. More importantly she has been missing since Feb.9 and her last known whereabouts was 51 Benway Drive in Toronto, a place listed as having been surveilled by police in the ITO. And a place where Lisi's red mustang was reported to have been parked:

This would definitely add a twist to the story.

*Edit Dawe not Dawes

This was discussed several days ago. The consensus was that in respect for the missing woman, we would not speculate that she was involved in any form of prostitution, especially since she was already gainfully employed as a physiotherapist.

On the other hand, there is a strong possibility that the owner of 51 Benway, who was observed by police to have a limp for several months after Jaclyn went missing, might have hired or at least arranged for an interview with Jaclyn, and she simply turned up at the wrong time and witnessed something she was not supposed to see, and was therefore "disappeared".

While her photos show a rather attractive woman, I very much doubt that she would have ever appeared in any of the rumored videos. For one thing, if she did appear in any video, the police would have certainly moved to make arrests and collect whatever evidence they found in the house and surrounding area. They take possible murder very seriously. It's possible that she might have been raped before being killed (if she was in fact killed), but even the Ford circle would know enough not to record that.

I would very much prefer that she turns up alive tomorrow, but I'm not hopeful. It's been eight months with not a hint of her still being alive.
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But it's the environment that makes it impossible for people to truly live with one another! You cannot walk anywhere because there are no sidewalks. You cannot meet your neighbors because there are no public spaces. Everyone is stuck in traffic, alone in their cars, or packed into a bus (I guess that's one place where you could socialize with others, but it's not very comfortable).

I apologize if I protested too much. I've seen a lot of US and THEM talk, ever since he was elected but especially in the past weeks. Yes, suburban life can be "alienating," but I think you're generalizing way too much. I grew up in North York and liked my neighbourhood. I also liked going downtown which wasn't some weird, foreign world; I still do. I went to U of T and took transit every day. I met people, at school and played in the street and schoolyards with my friends. Not only did I meet my neighbours, they weren't all white nuclear families but Indian and Chinese and Israeli and Italian. We didn't have a public space like Trinity Bellwoods but we had the local plaza and the local school and the ravine and all sorts of other places.

People may be packed onto buses (though it seems paradoxical to suggest that's alienating) but the King Streetcar is plenty packed too and yet no one questions how people in Liberty Village choose to live or why they live there.

In short, you're describing your vision of "what a suburb is," but it's not the suburb I grew up in. I think people who grew up elsewhere have an image of what that it is; and that cuts both ways. There are downtowners who don't get "suburbia" and vice versa. But, in my opinion, it's when you fail to understand "them," when you talk about how "they" have subways and "we" don't or you talk about how "they" voted for Ford and "we' didn't (as Chris Hume did in the Star the other day), or talk about how "we" need to decentralize because we can't co-exist with "them" (at least politically), you are just perpetuating the same fault lines Ford exploited.

Perhaps my suburban upbringing was the exception, though I think most of the people I grew up with feel much the same way. I'm surprised at the depth of the rifts being exposed...they were there during the Miller years, I suppose, but Ford has really torn the band-aid off and exposed the wound. It's ugly to see and while I understand you were perhaps trying more to understand it than to aggravate it, I think that's the ultimate effect when you generalize about an entire population and/or lifestyle.
Anyone who works with children is required by law to call CPS if they even think something like that has happened.
If the cops had that video RF wouldn't still be a free man.

Then again, consider how Scotland Yard held a lid on Jimmy Savile for all those years.

Come to think of it, the jaw-dropping unseemliness-under-everyone's-noses of the Savile scandal *does* have strong parallels to the Ford scandal--even if Savile wasn't alive to see it...
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Speaking of Lisi's physiotherapy:

Sandro Lisi seeks $1M in damages in rear-end collision

TORONTO - Mayor Rob Ford’s pal and one-time occasional driver Alexander “Sandro” Lisi is seeking $1 million in damages for a rear-end car collision, according to court documents obtained by the Toronto Sun. Lisi is alleging he suffered post-traumatic insomnia, chronic adjustment disorder, pain disorder and has a limited range of motion of his arms and spine since the June 11, 2010, Kipling Ave. collision with a car driven by Marta Abalos and owned by her pal, Maria Nieto.
It would be great if Doug was caught up in the police investigation. It is rather curious how often telephone numbers and names are blacked out "Innocent Party" in the ITO wire taps records right next to "OnStar" or "Deco" but Rob Ford's un-redacted name is still attached to different mobile phone and "OnStar" records. Especially when so many short duration calls are going out sequentially to these different numbers at Deco, OnStar, and mobile phones. Doug Ford's Navigator may have OnStar as well, and I got the impression he was still physically going to Deco on a regular basis. Certainly Randy is still there to pick up the phone. The "Deco" phones must be landlines otherwise they would have not been identified the way they were in the ITO. Doug isn't trying to protect Rob as much as he is trying to protect himself.
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