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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Why did Gene Jones from THC ask for $2M to improve headquarters? Didn't Ford hire this guy? Am I the only one that thought that this was another attempt by Ford to change the channel? It looks like Ford is going to continue to create "problems", so that he can do his enraged schtick.
The next 12 months are going to be more of the same crap.

If Ford gets to stick around for another year, I expect things will take a more sinister tone as he desperately clings to political life (as many have said, he will not leave on his own) and looks to change the channel. Will we eventually see Ford make references to stopping "Illegal Somali Immigrants", promoting the "Pro-Life Movement" and of course, calling out the "Jewish Media Conspiracy"?
The accounts that they gave to the police that got Shannon Everett charged.......... Isn't there something illegal about lying to a police officer?

Let alone filing a false report to the police. But the media and everyone else will just shrug their shoulders because these abuses of power and double standards in public justice are just par for the course now, a hilarious "joke."
From the NOW article:

"Ossington Creative’s Plummer told NOW he decided to post the footage after reading Everett’s interview in the Star, which he felt misrepresented how close the drink came to hitting Ford.

Plummer asserts that the mayor’s staff did not ask him to take the video down but he did so of his own volition on Thursday because he didn’t want to give Ford’s office “a headache.” Brendan Croskerry, who sometimes works as Ossington Creative’s lead music composer, is also employed as the executive assistant to Ford’s chief of staff Earl Provost."

Looks like this one backfired too! Ooops, it shows Ford is lying again.

I'm wondering if this was meant to come out so that they could lie about it some more on Radio Free Etobicoke tomorrow.
I'm wondering if this was meant to come out so that they could lie about it some more on Radio Free Etobicoke tomorrow.

Probably, they don't have much to say, so why not revisit the "injustice" done to Rob, and how forgiving he was about the whole thing. I can't believe how many of their stunts backfire, must have been Doug's idea.;)
Will we eventually see Ford make references to stopping "Illegal Somali Immigrants", promoting the "Pro-Life Movement" and of course, calling out the "Jewish Media Conspiracy"?

Given how the Conservatives have cornered the pro-Israel electorate lately, I reckon any domestic "Jewish Media Conspiracy" yowling these days would more likely come from the far *left*...
Anyone good at video editing? Can we take that video and add soundbites of Rob and Doug calling people wimps and complaining about people whining? It didn't even come close to him. Or better yet, add the soundbites about them talking about how it hit him in the face? and how it hurt? and then add the complaining about whiners and wimps?

Anyone know where someone might find an audio or video clip of when he said it hit him in the face?
The accounts that they gave to the police that got Shannon Everett charged.......... Isn't there something illegal about lying to a police officer?

It is very much illegal. It is called "public mischief".

From the criminal code of Canada:

140. Public mischief

140. (1) Every one commits public mischief who, with intent to mislead, causes a peace officer to enter on or continue an investigation by

(a) making a false statement that accuses some other person of having committed an offence;

(b) doing anything intended to cause some other person to be suspected of having committed an offence that the other person has not committed, or to divert suspicion from himself;

(c) reporting that an offence has been committed when it has not been committed; or

(d) reporting or in any other way making it known or causing it to be made known that he or some other person has died when he or that other person has not died.


(2) Every one who commits public mischief

(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or

(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 140; R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 19.

I have viewed the video posted on the NOW website a number of times and it does not appear that Ford was "hit in the face" by the drink. As noted by others Ford does not even flinch. Also I note that the drink completely changes trajectory. It appears to be heading to an area behind Ford before it completely changes direction.

I think based on this new video evidence Toronto Police have no choice but to re-open the investigation and to review the statements made by Rob Ford and others which lead the Police to lay criminal charges which now appear to be possibly unwarranted. Police need to obtain the unedited video along with sound - which will paint a fuller picture.
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Off topic from the above, but this whole interview with Jerry Agar strikes me more and more as a pretty amazing and serious set of communications blunders---on par with "It's nobody's business what happens in my office" in terms of statements opponents could use against him. It's like he knew the whole thing would be a breeze, let his guard down, thought about what he was saying even less than usual, and spouted off a few real doozys.

Like suggesting his second term will be a rerun of his first: red meat for an opponent, but not even a good look for his supporters. He couldn't have managed to say "I'm going to work even harder for the people of Toronto" or some similar platitude? Nope, not Rob. "I'm just going to stay on cruise control."

Worse yet is "There's still so much gravy out there." So the intention is to undermine your ENTIRE EXISTENCE? The one catchphrase that was supposed to define success in your mayoralty? So you FAILED at your one big job? Great, thanks for being honest! But of course, he then goes on to be unable to name one single failure or anything he might have done differently.

Pretty mind-blowing. Winter (i.e. January, if he makes it that far) is coming, pal.

Good observations. I was thinking the same thing. He was elected to eliminate the gravy, yet plenty of it still exists? How can that be?

For his base, it won't matter. They'll blame the media for stopping him from doing his job.
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