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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Let's all pray that Ms. Chow chooses to stay out of municipal politics in Toronto.
Why? She's a far better human being than the lying crackhead bigot you've said you'd vote for, if he were to stop using drugs.

Though the same could be said of virtually every other politician in the province.
And yeeeeeeah considering the "business community" is busy doing stuff like trying to drive down canadians' wages so they can pay themselves more, I think we should take their viewpoint and reccomendations with a grain of salt *sucks air through teeth*
Eat your words guitar :)

I thought you said you were going away until the alleged recording surfaced? Perhaps you should eat your own words. :)
Well, perhaps I have a parting gift before I go to Italy. I'll try to follow up with more details but I'm hearing that there are indeed multiple copies of the video out there and now with physical threats removed (the Dixon City Bloods are in jail), one person in possession of the video is feeling free to claim Gawker's $200K. Stay tuned.

EDIT: Want to add that this is a developing tip. It's not from the reliable source (previously with Ford's office insider info) that brought us a lot of news that panned out so I'm trying to corroborate this somewhere else.
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The unknown source is Wikipedia my friend. And the person who initially referenced it in an vain attempt to discredit my comments was your comrade mr guitarchitect.

Anyone who was in the business community in Ontario who was subjected to the provincial NDP government and their policies would have a very tough time dispelling the notion that their ideology was anything but socialism.

Enough of history though. Let's all pray that Ms. Chow chooses to stay out of municipal politics in Toronto. We need someone like mayor Bloomberg.

Repeat after me:

Social Democrats are not Socialists.

Social Democrats are not Democratic Socialists (yes, the order of the words matters)

A Social Democracy is not a Socialist State.

Social Democrats have actually been heavily criticized by Socialsts because they do not reject Capitalism - it's more of a system of values that says "it sucks when we have capitalism that results in a massive rich-poor divide, so let's ensure everyone is treated fairly. Healthcare, unions, and fair wages can help level the playing field and ensure no one is taken advantage of, so that's kinda cool." Democratic socialism, on the other hand, actually wants to adopt a socialist economic system rather than capitalism.

It wasn't a vain attempt - it's clear that you don't actually understand the difference between those terms, and you ignoring my critique of your stance isn't going to change that. Try learning from others for once, and educate yourself by reading about all of these principles rather than just stick' to yer gunns and repeating the same shit over and over again. You know what might result? Actual discourse where other people respect your opinion and give consideration to what you say. It might actually be a fruitful discussion if you critique politicians like Chow meaningfully - to date it seems all you've done is spout soundbites you've heard elsewhere.
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I can't wait until that gift is delivered with a big, fluffy bow atop the box.

If that person wants the cash, s/he better present the video before Anonymous releases it.

Well, perhaps I have a parting gift before I go to Italy. I'll try to follow up with more details but I'm hearing that there are indeed multiple copies of the video out there and now with physical threats removed (the Dixon City Bloods are in jail), one person in possession of the video is feeling free to claim Gawker's $200K. Stay tuned.

EDIT: Want to add that this is a developing tip. It's not from my the reliable source (previously with Ford's office inside info) that brought us a lot of news that panned out so I'm trying to corroborate this somewhere else.
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I know everyone is dying to know my views, particularly AoD so here they are:

In a race between Chow and a former but not current crack user Rob Ford I'd vote Ford.
Now this is the sort of thing I really have trouble understanding - and that's not some drama queen attempt to slam CN - I really don't understand.

The issue - granted, as I see it - is not so much whether the mayor has smoked crack, as it is the way he's lied and bullied his way around it. I mean, just the concept that a politician in crisis would resort to "anything else?" rather than addressing the issue when it's raised simply boggles me.

If you're innocent, you don't try to ignore the issue, you address the questions head on every time in eagerness to prove your innocence - hiding, dodging, weaving and ignoring just makes the whole mess go on longer.

It's also like the Fords have rewritten the book on politics. No admission, no contrition, no attempt to clear their name, no serious addressing, and lies, lies, and more lies. This isn't grown up politics - this is high-school student council stuff.

Regardless of my feeling about the mayor personally, I just can't see why anyone can truly decide, at this stage, that they want to vote for him again. I'm just boggled.
I can't wait until that gift is delivered with a big, fluffy bow atop the box.

If that person wants the cash, s/he better present the video before Anonymous releases it.

Anonymous never fails us. Love these guys.

Plus, hackers being the ones who steal the video will add a whole new dynamic for the movie when it's released.
Anonymous never fails us. Love these guys.

Plus, hackers being the ones who steal the video will add a whole new dynamic for the movie when it's released.

First the documentary, then a few books followed by the film rights being optioned :)
Repeat after me:

Social Democrats are not Socialists.

Social Democrats are not Democratic Socialists (yes, the order of the words matters)

A Social Democracy is not a Socialist State.

Social Democrats have actually been heavily criticized by Socialsts because they do not reject Capitalism - it's more of a system of values that says "it sucks when we have capitalism that results in a massive rich-poor divide, so let's ensure everyone is treated fairly. Healthcare, unions, and fair wages can help level the playing field and ensure no one is taken advantage of, so that's kinda cool." Democratic socialism, on the other hand, actually wants to adopt a socialist economic system rather than capitalism.

It wasn't a vain attempt - it's clear that you don't actually understand the difference between those terms, and you ignoring my critique of your stance isn't going to change that. Try learning from others for once, and educate yourself by reading about all of these principles rather than just stick' to yer gunns and repeating the same shit over and over again. You know what might result? Actual discourse where other people respect your opinion and give consideration to what you say. It might actually be a fruitful discussion if you critique politicians like Chow meaningfully - to date it seems all you've done is spout soundbites you've heard elsewhere.
Tomato, Tomatoe.
Anything with "Socialist" in the title or description of a party or candidate is absolute anathema to many voters for good reason. One good example is Bob Rae who after screwing Ontario flat fled to the Liberals. Another good example is Jack Layton who managed by heroic effort and personal sacrifice to tear himself away from the iniquities of the Country Club crowd in Hudson Quebec to launch his campaign as the saviour of the city of Toronto and later the entire country. He is now gone, Olivia Chow is merely the shadow of a deceased charlatan.
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One good example is Bob Rae ...
What, as compared to an incompetent boob like Mike Harris, who single-handedly made the PC party unelectable in Ontario for decades? It was almost on Mulroney levels.
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