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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Given the poll that Torontonians have some common sense after all, this is a good turn of events. It means that Ford can drop his appeal and go to the people. This changes the dynamics of a possible crowded field. I don't think many on the right will run now. Maybe Mammolitti but no Stintz, no Holyday, no Thompson, no Minan-Wong. Will Carroll still run? Maybe. John Tory, likely not. Vaughan will probably sit it out too unless there is no major candidate against Ford. I really do want Chow to run.

Whoever does run, it will end this uncertainty because Rob Ford can get his wish of letting the people decide and as long as the field isn't too crowded, I have a very good feeling that Ford will get turfed by the people. And that's how it should have happened all along.
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Expect the return of Kouvalis and new slogans.

Kouvalis would offer help to Fords in byelection
Posted By: Justine Lewkowicz · 11/28/2012 1:45:00 PM


Councillor Doug Ford is not denying rumours that he would run for mayor in a byelection if his brother couldn't. He's not confirming the rumours either, saying his priority right now is to keep his brother on the mayor's seat.

But no matter which Ford would run if there is a byelection, they would once again have access to Rob Ford's weapon from the last campaign.

Ford's win two years ago was called by Maclean's magazine the "most improbable mayoral victory" in recent Canadian history. The man credited with making that happen is former campaign manager Nick Kouvalis.

Kouvalis joined the Jerry Agar Show this morning, saying he would be back if one of the Fords ran in a byelection.

"If they ask me to serve, I will serve," Kouvalis says. "But even if they didn't ask me to serve, I'm going to serve.

"This cause it too important."

Kouvalis says he's not surprised by the judge's decision to remove Ford from office because he says the judge had no choice. But he says, "This is not right."
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I think for the sake of continuity an appointed mayor until 2014 makes the most sense.

But the prospect of Ford being defeated by the courts and the voters is oh so appealing.
Funny Nick Kouvalis should be talking about what's "right" considering the censure of his firm, Campaign Research by the industry group Market Research and Intelligence Association earlier this week.

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Not sure if this should go here or in a City policy thread, but since this mainly involves Rob Ford, this looks like the best place for it.

Council-wide shouting match after Mayor Ford accuses Adam Vaughan of ‘shakedown’

Around 6:20 p.m. on the third day of council, Mayor Rob Ford spoke.

He didn’t expound on the city’s 2013 budget, launched that afternoon, or whether churches should pay to have the city collect their trash, which council discussed that morning.

He certainly didn’t talk to reporters, who had been chasing him in vain since his prepared remarks Tuesday apologizing “to everyone who believes I should have done this differently.”

Mr. Ford dive-tackled a proposal to support an office-residential-retail tower in Adam Vaughan’s downtown ward. City staff recommended rejecting the original proposal; Mr. Vaughan put forward a motion to support a revised version of the proposal which, among other things, would put $1-million into city coffers for infrastructure work in the neighbourhood.

The mayor was not impressed.

“It’s wrong for him to be asking developers for this money,” he said. “If staff says ‘no,’ and the local councillor jumps in and says, ‘Hold on, partner. Gimme a million dollars and we’ll put it through council,’ why have staff?”

Negotiations for the $1-million, as well as other concessions such as changes to the building design, were done under Section 37, a piece of provincial legislation that allows for the city to negotiate community benefits in exchange for more height or density in a development than would otherwise not be allowed. Both Mr. Ford and his brother, councillor Doug Ford, have criticized the process in the past, characterizing it as an unfair way to exact cash from developers.

“This is like a shakedown,” , although he later recanted somewhat. “I am more than happy to withdraw the word ‘shakedown,’” he allowed. “But asking developers to pay a million dollars and go against staff outright, that’s problematic.”

Momentarily, it appeared the old Councillor Rob Ford, known for his bombastic takedowns of his colleagues’ shortcomings, had returned to the council chambers – only this time, in stereo.

“It is disgusting,” Councillor Doug Ford said, “We hire highly qualified staff right across the board here, paid by the taxpayers, and we have councillors negotiating with developers, in their own ward, the amount of money they’re going to get. … No councillor at all should be involved in negotiating monies with any developer in this city.

“That’s the reason I came down here: to stop the nonsense.”

Both Ford brothers suggested the idea of a councillor negotiating with developers on projects in his or her ward constituted a conflict of interest – an issue that’s become a touchy topic for the Mayor, who was found guilty of contravening the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act by a judge on Monday. Mr. Ford is appealing and has asked for a stay in the ruling, which would remove him from office.

The motion eventually passed, as did another development in Mr. Vaughan’s ward with which Mayor Ford had taken issue, albeit not before a council-wide shouting match – “Why don’t you shut up and sit down?” Doug Ford yelled across the room – that prompted a five-minute recess .

“You’re just a little upset!” Mr. Ford said when Mr. Vaughan challenged his familiarity with the file. “You’re trying to sneak something through, and you’re upset!”

Mr. Vaughan claims Mayor Ford has been targeting projects in his ward for added scrutiny. “The Mayor has found himself in trouble with his choice of words before,” Mr. Vaughan said, adding that conflict-of-interest allegations against him are “inaccurate, offensive and they’re wrong.”
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Judge Hackland really should have made his original judgment clearer on whether Ford could run in a by-election. The wording was ambiguous and confused the hell out of everyone for a week, including the city solicitor.

Ford gets to run again but he will lose. Many on the right are fed up with him. That story in the Star about that poor bus driver reminds me again why he has to go.
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Interesting that, given his $6 million "corruption" libel case has not concluded, Ford is still tossing around words like "shakedown" (although he did retract it later).

Tensions started to boil when Ford attacked Vaughan over his proposal that council approve extra density for a new building at 219 Queen St. W. in exchange for $1 million in so-called “Section 37†community benefits.

City staff recommended council not approve Vaughan’s motion, saying they would prefer a small building on the site, but conceded he negotiated the agreement with their input and that, without it, the developer would take the project to the Ontario Municipal Board where it might be approved without any community benefits.

“All I’m saying is that looks like a shakedown,†said Ford, who has recently railed against Section 37 funds although they do not personally benefit a councillor and, as Ward 2 councillor, he himself used them to get a new dressing room for the school where he coaches football.

* * *

Ford, who has been reprimanded in the past by the city’s integrity commissioner for such statements, later relented: “If I offended the local councillors saying it was a shakedown, I withdraw that.â€

But tensions heated up over another issue, prompting Ford to call Vaughan a “an outright liar†and to make the “whip your asses†comment clearly picked up by a CBC-TV news camera.

Richard Florida's commentary in the Globe: Toronto needs a muscular mayor
Also, a few things RE: Parkin's case for why Ford could win another election. First, he's not considering the very real possibility that the right could split the vote (a lot of people are saying Tory, but maybe they should also look closely at Holyday).

Agreed. I think the most likely scenario is Ford, a unified left-wing candidate, and a moderate-right candidate that thinks they can beat Ford and is sick of the circus of the last two years. Its more likely at this point any vote splitting would benefit the left, not the right.
What will be the basis of the court's decision to give Ford a stay during the appeal process? Is it limited to the information presented in the earlier trial or is it based on all of Ford's actions?

Would last night's council meeting have any bearing on that decision? From the Star... I’ll whip both your asses,’ Rob Ford says to councillors. Between this and the allegations of a vast left-wing conspiracy, does that hurt his chances of being granted a stay? His behaviour is bound to get worse and worse leading up the the appeal date.
And the funny thing is that it has a heavy base in "New Canadians"--and I've been thinking about that: a lot of them coming from places where a lot of stuff is done by underground/black market means and where "official" government is viewed sneeringly at best. In a way, they've carried some of that mindset to Canada with them; and to them, Rob Ford is an "anti-government" People's Hero, a rumpled Lech Walesa vs the evil, oppressive, deluded Soviets....

Er...what are you basing this on?
Not sure if this should go here or in a City policy thread, but since this mainly involves Rob Ford, this looks like the best place for it.

Council-wide shouting match after Mayor Ford accuses Adam Vaughan of ‘shakedown’

Expanding on this story is this comment, which shows how full of shit the Fords are.

Adam Vaughan was on 102.1 The Edge this morning and clearly explained exactly what transpired at council, which this story doesn't do a good job of at all. The developers were going to go to the Ontario municipal board to get an override and force the city's hand to develop an even larger building than what was initially proposed. Vaughan and the city lawyers sat down with the developers and their lawyers and both sides reached what they believed was a very fair agreement to forego the OMB application and develop the building as initially planned, and the developers agreed to spruce up the area around Queen Street as a part of the final agreement.

Since Ford was busy coaching football and otherwise not being an active member of city council, he missed discussion on this development repeatedly. Vaughan approached him to discuss the revised plan to proceed with the development, as only three council members opposed it: Both Fords and Nunziata.

Vaughan asked Ford why he was against it, and Ford could not answer him. Ford did not know because he was involved with so many other matters that he had missed all the discussion that occured on this file. Eventually, ford told Vaughan that city staff were against the proposal, so Vaughan went to staff for an explanation as to their opposition, and they too failed to provide an answer.

Vaughan's challenge to Ford at council yesterday to explain himself and city staff's input is what led to the shouting match, as both Fords immediately ran for the "shakedown of developers" excuse....even though the developer and their lawyers heartily agreed to the restructured proposal. Even the developer's lawyer told Vaughan that the Mayor should be made aware that they readily agreed to the new proposal, and did not consider this a "shakedown" of any sort.

It is very clear that both Fords simply hate Vaughan personally and are indeed trying to put up roadblaocks in his ward as a way of punishing him...and this also clearly indicates that Ford is an incompetent Mayor who is trying to ruin forward progress in this city.

That is why both Ford's must go....the sooner, the better.
90% of city council is like that - voting on things just to piss off those they hate. It's pathetic. Toronto needs to clean house, the sooner the better.

As for the's sad the developers have that much power over the city. It's basically legal bribery, saying take this money or we'll go over your head and do it anyways. Crazy...
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On Twitter various sources are saying that the "I'll whoop both your asses!" comment was actually Doug Ford--not Rob Ford.
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