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Rob Ford's Toronto

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It's sort of part of her schtick though and she does the same thing to politicians of all stripes and affiliations... which is sort of what makes it pallatable and funny to all, including the politicians themselves. I would imagine that it is kind of like a sign of having arrived, of legitimization, to be ambushed by her in this way, no???

... which leads me to believe that in some strange way Ford must come by his obtuseness rather honestly. In other words, most politicians would be surrounded by advisers urging them to play nicely with the 22 Minutes crew, to view it as an opportunity to gain some likeability points. This only goes to show how much of a tin ear old Rob has when it comes to politics, PR, the media and public opinion. By the grace of god he somehow rode a gravy train into office and will likely sink along with it, wondering all the while just what the hell he did wrong.

And let's not forget that the CBC is staunchly Liberal and loves nothing more than to Lampoon a Conservative whenever they can.

Let's be honest with ourselves and give the CBC a little credit where credit is due. News outlets know where to find Rob. If not at City Hall they could have shown up to one of his beloved football games. Mary understood what cornering Rob in his driveway would lead to. The story unfolded perfectly short of Rob backing his SUV over a CBC cameraman. Heck, if he wiped out a camera or two, This-Hour ratings might have actually reached Hockey Night in Canada numbers.
If I were to turn on my TV and tune into MTV (a station aimed at teens I'll remind you) I'd hear the F-word being thrown around like a common adjective.

really? Can you cite some examples, or did you just make this up to bolster you case?

It's not as if Mary (whatever her name is) was looking to conduct a fair interview,

She's a comedian, not a reporter.

News outlets know where to find Rob. If not at City Hall they could have shown up to one of his beloved football games. Mary understood what cornering Rob in his driveway would lead to.

It's a comedy show, not news.

I guess that explains your confusion over the whole thing ;)
Last night on The National Mary Walsh was interviewed on Bloor St. and said she had no regrets as she had no ill intent on approaching Ford at his home. She went on to say "all us loudmouth's have to stick together, so I was there to offer him some advice". Clearly out of her charactor of Marg, her point is well taken.
really? Can you cite some examples, or did you just make this up to bolster you case?

She's a comedian, not a reporter.

It's a comedy show, not news.

I guess that explains your confusion over the whole thing ;)

Does replying to a snippet of a larger point relate to anything I've put forward?

Watch or download any MTV program. MTV movie awards, Video Awards show, Jersey Shore.....I could go on.

She IS a comedian, with a political agenda. Take away the laugh track track and see if her "comedy" plays out the same way.

This hour has 22 minutes is a "news" program with heavily slanted political views view played out to resemble comedy. I'd watch it more often but I'd rather hear my pseudo news from Colbert or Stewart.
Watch or download any MTV program. MTV movie awards, Video Awards show, Jersey Shore.....I could go on.

Please do, you haven't cited anything yet.

She IS a comedian, with a political agenda.

That's been established already, but thanks for reiterating it.

This hour has 22 minutes is a "news" program

Again, this explains your mentioned previously.
This hour has 22 minutes is a "news" program with heavily slanted political views view played out to resemble comedy.

Just in case you weren't sure that the conservative-thinking mind is motivated by paranoia....

Oh...but you're just playing Devil's Advocate...right (wink)
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lol@doug I swear, if not for the alias "doug" I'd think you were someones long time wife. You selective listening skills are second to none.

And now that this thread has derailed into a comedy critique I shall move along.
This Hour has 22 Minutes is a mostly unfunny news-comedy show that makes fun of politicians in a really boring and white bread way. They make no attempt to be incisive with their messaging. It's just dumb jokes.

MTV Canada does not air programming that includes the uncensored ("unbleeped") f-bomb, except for maybe late at night, as far as I can tell.

That said, I'm a big supporter of profanity and I don't have any issue with the mayor saying 'fuck' in casual conversation. Most councillors I've talked to in non-official settings have gotten profane every now and again.

The core of this for me: the mayor reacted really really really really badly to what was supposed to be a dumb, two-minute gag.
You selective listening skills are second to none.

Your inability to differentiate comedy from news is also second to none.

You're lack of rebuttle, very telling ;) You're really rob ford, aren't you? :)
What a whacked out society we live in. If I were to turn on my TV and tune into MTV (a station aimed at teens I'll remind you) I'd hear the F-word being thrown around like a common adjective. I suppose it's hip and cool if you're a Much Music Veejay, Snookie, or Steven Tyler.....but god forbid a politician drops an F-bomb in a private phone conversation.

It has nothing to do with uttering swear words. It has to do with using a position of authority to verbally abuse someone.

Why are we not focusing on why confidential 911 dialogue was leaked to the press?

Agreed, the abuse of power by the police is disgusting, just as it is in every other instance in which the police abuse their power and office and the public trust, which happens many times each day in this city. But I agree, that is one of the big stories here. I think Royson James covered that angle rather well.

Or why the CBC feels they have the right to trespass on private property.

It's not trepassing unless Ford has a sign on his front lawn that says "no unauthorized entry allowed", or unless he specifically told Mary Walsh not to set foot on his property.
Agreed, the abuse of power by the police is disgusting, just as it is in every other instance in which the police abuse their power and office and the public trust, which happens many times each day in this city. But I agree, that is one of the big stories here. I think Royson James covered that angle rather well.

Yea...cause 911 telephone operators wield such power. I wish people would stay on topic, rather than spin it to reflect whatever personal "issues" they have about police officers or "liberal bias" in the media (which is an oxymoron in the first place).
"I have listened to the three emergency calls. The Mayor did not use the word "bitches," attributed to him by those "several anonymous sources." The Mayor did not describe himself as the original account claimed" - Official statement from Chief Bill Blair. Further, he stated on camera, the 9-1-1 tapes would not be released. Ford left this morning for Mexico to scout the Pan Am Games today.
There has been no official statement released by the CBC since this release by Chief Blair.
What a dilemma.
You believe the Police Chief and the CBC are liars, you believe the CBC and the Police Chief is a liar.
McDonalds will be serving Crow Pie tomorrow, all the usual Ford haters on this thread, and we all know who you are, will dine free.
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