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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I'm just guessing here and I'd love to have those on this thread with more medical knowledge comment on this ... but I think Ford is probably battling some sort of complication, perhaps an opportunistic infection like pneumonia that's taken advantage of his weakened state and his compromised immune system due to all the chemo. He might even be in some sort of septic shock. It's my guess that his medical team is frantically trying to save him from this acute illness so he can recover and perhaps undergo another round of chemo but his condition is grave and probably getting worse by the hour, which is why his family's been summoned. Many cancer patients die not from cancer but from complications such as infections. In fact, pneumonia is sometimes referred to as "the cancer patient's friend" because it ends their suffering with a relatively painless and quick death.

Could be. Who knows? The Fords are big on the "fight to the end" rhetoric, so I'm not surprised they're talking about Rob's doctors saying they can try a different chemo cocktail if they can improve his overall condition. It's the shot that they have. The question is: what's holding the doctors back? I suspect their outlook is less optimistic, but we have no information on that at all. So, it's all just speculation.

PS. Hats off to Kat_YYZ for good posts upthread.
Those children have lived their short lives full of emotional, sad and confusing times. Hopefully, they will achieve some sense of normalcy and stability after this is all over. Their dad might be leaving, but I am not convinced that it was at all beneficial to their well being when he was around.
I feel sorry for them.
In a couple of years they'll google their Dad's name. What a legacy.
Being Ward 2 councillor again? Doug would surely view that as an enormous step backward given his apparently lofty ambitions. And if Rob's getting set to shuffle off this mortal coil in the near future, I can't see Doug maintaining his interest in the mayoralty until 2018. The holy aura of Rob will have faded by then and Doug's nothing more than the back end of that pantomime horse. He'll find something else in the meantime to screw up royally.

Deco, naturally. Which he's probably already "screwed up" through neglect on behalf of his "lofty ambitions"--which, ironically, were in part designed to boost Deco's rep. And now, *everything's* clusterf*cked beyond repair.
Even being as cynical as I am it is difficult for me to see people on here almost relishing Rob Fords imminent demise. I'm not sure I would feel that way towards anyone in this situation (although should Kathleen Wynne come to be in this situation that theory will be tested).
I feel sorry for them.
In a couple of years they'll google their Dad's name. What a legacy.

Though count me in with the "the critical damage has already been done" crowd. Like, RoFo may have been a loving parent and all, but to a fault, i.e. overcompensating for the neglect and abuse doled out to him within the FoFam household. It's like giving them so much candy, their teeth rot away (but it's better than "Towhey's Renata" basically being too busy bartering her body for drugs to bother with candy for the kids).

And furthermore, too much of this bleeding-heart "feeling sorry" strikes me as a cretinization of what it means to be a child: delicate creatures that should be shielded from the horrible awful real world out there--though I can see how RoFo would choose that approach, man-child that he is. But look: the Ford kids aren't getting any younger, either--Steph's already in double-digit years. Is there a point where we should start easing away from the insipid "what about the children" thing?

Yes, it may reflect my biases, my favouring more of a Euro-style "enlightened responsible young citizens in training" child-rearing approach, party to kitchen-table discussions, etc. (Though it does say something that among the Ford clan, there's no doctors or lawyers or anything: everyone's either in Deco or prepared as trophy wives a la Krista.)
Even being as cynical as I am it is difficult for me to see people on here almost relishing Rob Fords imminent demise. I'm not sure I would feel that way towards anyone in this situation (although should Kathleen Wynne come to be in this situation that theory will be tested).

You realize that the way you toss Wynne into that post undermines your argument?

Then again, you've already demonstrated your abject civic ignorance through your notion that Nathan Phillips Square could be renamed "Rob Ford Square"...
The idea that Rob may have been a better father than he was as mayor, husband, brother or human being in general is absurd. I'm sure one day the real story of his "best dad ever" reality will emerge.

I did say "loving a fault"--in a way, being a parent gave him serene refuge, and he sought to offer the kind of love (or at least his dimbulb notion thereof) that he never received growing up. It was an escape; and he was as protective of his kids as Big Moose was of Midge. And you can be certain that should, by some miracle, he live to see his kids into their teens, he'd protect them through *harrumph harrumph* whatever serious charges they're facing. Get my drift?

As far as "real story" goes: oh, I'm altogether allowing for it, don't worry ;-)
Is there a point where we should start easing away from the insipid "what about the children" thing?

Doug often hid behind the spectre of threats against his dear, delicate daughters . . . imagine my surprise when I learned most if not all of them were in their 20s and at least one of them looked entirely capable of breaking a man in two.
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