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Rob Ford's Toronto

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^in other words (actually the words of well-known champion of all things reactionary and insanely right wing, Stephen Colbert) the facts have a well known liberal bias. The Sun will believe the same thing on Wednesday that it believed on Monday, no matter what happened on Tuesday.
^in other words (actually the words of well-known champion of all things reactionary and insanely right wing, Stephen Colbert) the facts have a well known liberal bias. The Sun will believe the same thing on Wednesday that it believed on Monday, no matter what happened on Tuesday.
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Mayor backs Frank DiGiorgio for budget chief

From newstalk1010.

Rob Ford has made his pick for the city's next budget chief.

Frank Di Giorgio.

The York South-Weston councillor joined the mayor in studio on Newstalk 1010's The City Sunday.

Ford told DiGiorgio he wants to "hopefully make you the budget chief, but I just gotta talk to a couple more people, but you're close, you're very very close." The mayor added he wasn't read to make any "big announcement" just yet.

Budget committee vice chair Doug Ford has been running the shwo since Mike Del Grande quit as chair in mid-January. Del Grande has said he'd be willing to return to the post, only if council unanimously backed the idea.

On The City, Doug Ford applauded DiGiorgio's work on Toronto's last 3 budgets, saying he was "instrumental" to the team.

Councillor Paul Ainslie has also put his name forward as a possible successor to Del Grande.
Oh please, the Star holds those bragging rights with the Globe a close 2nd...
Hahaha, for the narrow-minded, it wouldnt be a day without those Pinko Prints:D

I know you're joking (at least I think you are, hard to keep track of Ford supporters), but they didn't even have it as the lead story on the front page. It was a blurb at the top of the page, and I think it had a quote from Ford minimizing its importance.

I think the Sun is losing its edge here. I would think their resident troll (we know who) would be going on how it was an insignificant amount, and that Ford had saved the city that money times ten.

Perhaps Ford has been giving them money under the table, and that if they appear too friendly to him right now, the money trail will lead back to them...?
Oh please, the Star holds those bragging rights with the Globe a close 2nd...
Hahaha, for the narrow-minded, it wouldnt be a day without those Pinko Prints:D
Uh, your joking right?

Both the Star and the Globe subjects themselve to the Ontario Press Council. The Sun in the meantime, withdrew from the Ontario Press Council so that they would no longer have to verify that their "news" was true.

The Sun is becoming increasing irrelevant. Their newsroom is becoming so small, that they can hold meetings at a table at Bettys. I think the Star had more staff in the Middle East during the Arab Spring than the Sun does in the entire newsroom (perhaps not including the sports beat). They are a pathetic joke of what they used to be.
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This is the man Ford says he might want back as chair of Budget Committee?

3 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Virginia MacLean seconded by John Hollins (Carried)

That the Compliance Audit Committee:

1. Commence legal proceedings against Giorgio Mammoliti for the apparent contraventions of the Municipal Elections Act outlined in the auditor's report.

2. Direct the City Clerk to work with the appropriate City staff and counsel to implement this decision.

3. Direct the City Solicitor, should she deem it appropriate, to retain external legal counsel for the purpose of the legal proceeding, with the counsel to have all of the usual power and authority of a prosecutor.
Toronto Star: Toronto councillor Janet Davis thwarts Danforth Ave. toy store burglars

Toronto city Councillor Janet Davis is being praised by local residents after she scared off burglars who had broken into a Danforth Ave. toy store Saturday night.

Nothing was taken and the two males bolted after Davis “yelled at them.”

* * *

Davis called police who arrived quickly but couldn’t locate the pair. She has provided descriptions to investigators. No arrests have been made.

The councillor said she was happy nothing was taken but said it made her angry that the store had been targeted.

“This is one of our new local businesses. We’ve been working to improve that stretch of the Danforth. I want people to get out and walk in this neighbourhood and visit the businesses. It is safe.”

Davis added the incident shows that having people walking around the neighbourhood can reduce crime.

“It’s a good example of how having pedestrians on the street makes it safer.”
Reading Ford's previous comments regarding Woodbine Live!, it makes you shake your head.

As a councillor, now-mayor Rob Ford spoke of the project in hyberbolic terms.

“This is going to be a mini Walt Disney World in Rexdale,†Ford told CBC in 2008. As a mayoral candidate, Ford repeatedly cited the project as evidence of his business savvy — overstating his role in bring it to fruition, according to numerous others involved.

“I know how to deal with CEOs of huge corporations — that’s how I landed the largest development in Toronto’s history,†Ford told the National Post in 2010. “Woodbine Live! — I did that.â€

Doug Ford is optimistic:

Doug Ford said he is still certain Woodbine can find another partner. “There’ll be a lineup,†he said. “The biggest parcel in Toronto waiting to be developed. People are going to e all over it.â€
It's just typical isn't it? Rob Ford couldn't finish first year in university, let alone 'land the biggest development in Toronto's history'.

In case anyone missed it, Woodbine Live! is dead.
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