\I am wondering how Doug is going to be disingenuous with the results to crow about something or other.
I think he started doing that on election night after the result was clear. Something along the lines of yeah, sure, Tory won but 'we ran a phenomenal, phenomenal campaign'. As if that gets you into office. We had the best campaign! The best! 100% Guaranteed! Bottom line! Zing! Done! Like dinner!
No offence, but I think we should leave the kids alone.
I expect no less than a state funeral of sorts when Robbie kicks it... I think burning Robbie on a pyre in NFSq. would be poetic.
Another piece of garbage.
He still doesn't live in Toronto, right?
Speaking of which, any progress on Brazen 2 and related investigations?
I'm going to assume Doug will not run for leader of the PCPO, mostly because the party considers him toxic to caucus and voters alike.
It's a good thing all of our police chiefs have been above reproach.
I'm going to assume Doug will not run for leader of the PCPO, mostly because the party considers him toxic to caucus and voters alike.
Many in the rest of Ontario, the rest of Canada in fact, Schadenfreude over what the Ford's put Toronto through for the last four years. Maybe it's time for Dougie to give them back a bitter taste of their own medicine.
I feel awful for saying that, but it will Toronto years to recover from the international humiliation they put us through.