Walkom: Why Toronto council should appoint Rob Ford to replace Rob Ford
Published on Wednesday December 05, 2012
By Thomas Walkom
Here’s how to solve the problem of who will be Toronto’s mayor. City councillors should ditch the idea of holding a byelection. Instead, as allowed by law, they should choose someone to fill the last two year’s of Rob Ford’s term.
And the person they pick should be Rob Ford.
This isn’t as nutty as it might sound. Almost half of Toronto’s voters opted for Ford in the last municipal election. By respecting their wishes, this decision would be democratic.
It would certainly be cheaper than a $7-million byelection.
And it would adhere to the essence of the judicial ruling that ousted Ford.
Justice Charles Hackland did indeed find that Ford broke Ontario’s conflict of interest legislation by voting on an issue that affected his personal finances. But the judge also made it clear he thought the only penalty open to him under law — kicking the mayor out of office — overly harsh.
Hackland underlined that point when he ruled that nothing in his decision bars Ford from replacing himself — either through a byelection or council appointment.
Here it’s worth noting that none of Ford’s adversaries on council argued that the mayor was in a conflict of interest when he spoke and voted last February on whether he should refund $3,150 to lobbyists who had donated to his football charity.
If councillors were willing to overlook his behaviour then, they should be able to forgive him now.
But the real reason to put Ford back in the mayor’s chair is that this strange and interesting experiment needs to play itself out.
I say strange because Ford seems particularly unsuited to the mayor’s job. By all accounts, he was a hard-working ward councillor — a champion of the people who could be counted on to rail against unfeeling authority.
But now that he is that authority, he can’t get much done.
He did ram through partial privatization of garbage collection at the beginning of his term. Yet since that brief honeymoon he’s been unable to forge the compromises that, for an undisciplined body like Toronto city council, are necessary to advance a coherent agenda.
He is criticized by some for skipping city business to coach high school football. But the truth is that he’s not much missed at city hall.
In effect, Toronto is trying out what it would be like if we had no mayor at all. So far, we’re doing OK.
To interrupt the experiment would be premature.
A byelection would allow Ford to reprise his familiar role of aggrieved outsider. It would not focus on his performance as mayor. Instead it would revolve around his ouster. Was it justified? Was it part of a plot by the sleek, left-wing establishment to remove a maverick tax-fighter?
Such a contest would be tailor-made for Ford. It would allow him to do what he does best, which is complain — about the elites, the fancy-pants lawyers, the media.
In this kind of situation, Ford would be well-positioned to win. Those on council’s so-called left who are itching for a byelection should seriously consider that possibility.
So why not simply avoid all of the hassles by letting him carry on — perhaps with the proviso that he acknowledge and apologize for the conflict of interest that got him into trouble in the first place?
In 2010, Toronto voters overwhelmingly chose as mayor a candidate whose only real appeal was visceral. All most of us knew about him was that he was the guy who would derail the gravy train.
We chose him. We deserve him.
If he does better over the next two years, then maybe we can congratulate ourselves and vote him in again. If he doesn’t then he will become an interesting historical footnote and perhaps — just perhaps — we will have learned a lesson.