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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Tory said that he was generally behind funding TTC's $50+million/year service improvement program for buses and streetcars. Chow has $20 million/year. Hard not to give this one to Tory.

Except that Tory was the one who blasted the TTC's proposed service improvements, because it costs money. And he skipped the TTC Riders debate.
The doctor said the 2nd tumour was the same type as the larger tumour. I took that to mean it had spread to his butt from his abdomen. IIRC any time the same type of cancer is found in another part of the body, it's considered stage 4. Plus I found it interesting that the doctor didn't stage the cancer when he did the press conference. I suspect if it had been other than stage 4 we would have heard, especially with him running for office.

I think the staging depends on a number of things but the bolded part is the thing that jumped out at me most from the doctor's press conference. He was pretty detailed in a lot of the information he gave but he put the brakes on when asked the stage, almost like he wasn't expecting the question.

From what I read, stage 0 means it's in one place, 1-4 depends on the type of cancer and the locations.
who exactly are you voting for... not voting is a cop out.
I honestly haven't decided. I was leaning towards Solnacki ... probably Goldkind or Chow. Chow because no one should have to ever had to have put up with the racial abuse that she has had in the last few weeks, more so than anything else. I suppose if 3 or 4 polls all suddenly said Ford was in the 40s, I might even vote do what I did last time, hold my nose and vote for Tory ... but I can't see that happening in the polls.
Except that Tory was the one who blasted the TTC's proposed service improvements, because it costs money. And he skipped the TTC Riders debate.
He blasted it before it happened. And then after conceded it made sense to fund it. Skipping the TTC Riders debate is just another reason I'd never vote for Tory. But I still have to give the support of buses and streetcars to Tory over Chow. To a great extent, this says a lot of about Chow's really poor campaign than anything else. She could have made a big deal about how bad TTC was, and promise to do something ... but instead ... a pittance and keep taxes below inflation. Massive fail.
What bus push? She's said she can fix TTC for about $20 million a year. About the amount of the Ford/Stintz cuts in 2011. Was TTC working in 2010? No ...

well, one has to start somewhere. Rome wasn't built in day & all that. ;)
too many people are gravitating toward candidates who say they can pull rainbows and unicorns out of their butt for free (and they won't even stink!).
Treatment seems to alter your voice.

He really looked in bad shape. I have no idea why he's driving around and voting when there's no need to at this stage.
The guys should be resting. I certainly hope he's not suing anymore. I wonder though if he is....which makes things even more sufferable.
The doctor said the 2nd tumour was the same type as the larger tumour. I took that to mean it had spread to his butt from his abdomen. IIRC any time the same type of cancer is found in another part of the body, it's considered stage 4. Plus I found it interesting that the doctor didn't stage the cancer when he did the press conference. I suspect if it had been other than stage 4 we would have heard, especially with him running for office.

Thanks for the additional info, patty. For me, what's difficult in this whole staging thing is what the butt tumour means. For better or worse, I've latched on the word "distant" in the definition of Stage 4, but I haven't figured out what is consider "distant." And as Alvin pointed out upthread, staging can also vary between different cancers. Muddy waters, indeed.

I also found it interesting that Zane Cohen declined to stage the cancer when asked. My feeling — based on nothing — was that he wasn't sure, based on the test results had at the time. Or he didn't want non-expert people like us speculating online. I guess we'll find out sooner or later, eh?
Elizabeth May is one of two sitting members and the leader of the Green party.
Bruce Hyer is the second sitting member; he was elected as an NDP MP, left the party over its gun registry position to sit as independent, and in December 2013 joined the Green party.

Elizabeth May did not vote in favour of going to war, but also was not able to speak on the issue because of a motion to close debate. One non-whipped vote can't fairly be said to represent the party as a whole, or to define the relative "progressiveness" of the party or even its (2) elected representatives.

BTW, on the subject of ranked ballots potentially in the 2018 municipal election, consider that a proportional federal system in 2008 would have seen the Greens win 21 seats (6.8% of 308), instead of zero. Almost a million Canadian voters had no representation in that Parliament thanks to first-past-the-post.


Thanks for the update. I'm so wrapped up in local politics that all the Federal stuff flies under my radar.

Saint Robert of Etobicoke's Final Confession


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He really looked in bad shape. I have no idea why he's driving around and voting when there's no need to at this stage.
The guys should be resting. I certainly hope he's not suing anymore. I wonder though if he is....which makes things even more sufferable.

suing who?
well, one has to start somewhere. Rome wasn't built in day & all that. ;)
too many people are gravitating toward candidates who say they can pull rainbows and unicorns out of their butt for free (and they won't even stink!).
TTC put forward a comprehensive plan in August to improve service at about $50 or so million a year, plus capital cost for new buses, streetcars, and the rest of the new bus garage. Chow wouldn't commit more than the $20 million a year for operating that simply rolls back the Stintz/Ford cuts.

$20 million would require a fare increase of about 2½¢. The lack of leadership here is disappointing.
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