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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Question: Assuming Ford files an appeal (which he certainly will), does he have to state on what grounds while he files it? And does the court reserve the right to deny the grounds of the appeal before the case is even heard? Or does a file for appeal automatically mean it gets heard in trial?

I guess what I'm asking is is there a chance that Ford files an appeal based on one particular aspect of the case, and the court simply says "that isn't sufficient grounds for an appeal, go away"? Or does the court have to listen to his appeal, no matter how baseless it is?
Oh, I get it. You're an end justifies the means kind of guy. Specifically you'd vote somebody based on a single issue that is actually somewhat small in the grander scheme of things, like the promise (but not the money nor a viable plan) to build a subway to a place that may need it less than other parts of the city. You know that Ford isn't responsible for building or finding funding for an inch of subway, and there was no evidence that he would have been able to achieve this, right?

If you factor in LRT, he's actually solidly in negative territory in terms of number of kilometres of rapid transit built.
Ah, the right-wing sense of entitlement and being above the law and morals rears it's head.

Rob Ford is a vile piece of shit. I'm shocked that the Tories would ever have come anywhere near him. Their continuing support of Rob Ford only demonstrates how low they will go.

Totally agree, he's nothing but a disgusting loud mouthed bully who finally got what he deserved! People are complicating this, when it's quite simple, he broke the rules, and like the bumbling idiot that he is, cried innocence, left or right aside, you just can't fix stupid, he has only himself and his over inflated ego, not to mention the contempt for the system, to blame.
Doug's interview with John Tory:
A judge overturned how the people voted (gee, let's ignore that a law was broken); it's up to the will of the people, not judges
What is the world coming to when you can't raise money to help underprivileged kids? (no one said Ford couldn't raise money)
McGuinty and Fontana haven't been kicked out, so why should Rob have been?
Rob is the most honest man I have ever met (I despair of the other people Doug knows!)
I'll be listening to the podcast PinkLucy but how did John Tory lead the interview? He usually does a pretty good job of being impartial and calling out bullshit whether it comes from the left or right. Did he do so in this interview? Somebody had to set Doug straight.
He prefaced the interview by saying that he doesn't think the punishment fits the crime basically. He kind of just let Doug have his say -- it only lasted 5 minutes or so.
Ah Global News. Never missing the chance at creating drama, they have coined this as "Rob Ford: Leadership In Crisis" complete with special graphics and theme music.
Global's poll had over 51% of "over 10,000" respondents saying they'd vote for Ford again. I'm seriously concerned at how gullible people in this city are if that poll represents any kind of truth. Ford should be getting no more than 5%... the real cooks who are beyond repair.
Any guesses at what the newspaper headlines are tomorrow?

The Sun should read something like:



Yes. Yes he is.
What poll are you referring to, everyone I've seen, even the one on the SUN ! Had him losing the 'will you vote for him again' question, even the SUN, wow ...

Even the poll I found on the globe showed a similar result.
Mammolitti quits executive committee. Says not the time for partisanship. The rats are fleeing the sinking ship.
What poll are you referring to, everyone I've seen, even the one on the SUN ! Had him losing the 'will you vote for him again' question, even the SUN, wow ...

Even the poll I found on the globe showed a similar result.

Global had a poll during their 6PM news. At the end of the hour they announced the results. 10,000 people voted, over 51% would still vote for Ford. But you're right, looking at polls all over the media, that one seems to be completely rogue. I guess now we know who's watching Global.
Best analysis thus far, care of John Lorinc:

There will always be some people who believe — out of ideological conviction or due to some private psychological demon — that they can operate in defiance of the law. But only a very few ever find themselves in a position where they are called upon to govern. As Hackland’s judgment makes clear, politicians must be held to a higher standard of behaviour specifically because they serve the public interest. They can never be above the law, because the law — much more than an election result — represents the most enduring form of collective expression in a democracy.
How does the Sun get away with shit like this?


What's missing?
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