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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Might be out of line?! I'd hate to see what is out of line. Look I get people don’t like the guy, and there has been some debatable name calling in the thread but seriously we are calling people on this forum KKK?! Stuff like that really doesn’t help anyone’s cause.
I met the Mayor a week ago and told him that he needs to review this thread, see the anger people have regarding many issues, and make a few changes in how he governs. He told me that the critics should stop hiding behind the walls, come down to City Hall and voice their frustration in person. Then he ran away from me...all red-faced

Ford is such an arrogant person! I was not a fan of Miller but you saw him work with the left (i.e. Mihevc) and then step across the room and work with the right (i.e. Thompson). I dare Mayor Ford to swallow his pride and work with Carroll or Perks. He would have a heart attack
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Might be out of line?! I'd hate to see what is out of line. Look I get people don’t like the guy, and there has been some debatable name calling in the thread but seriously we are calling people on this forum KKK?! Stuff like that really doesn’t help anyone’s cause.

Let's not get melodramatic here. His posting had been deleted, his reputation questioned and future behaviour put under the microscope. Where is the outrage from you when his worship made equally offensive proclaimations from his postion of authority, calling Oriental "dogs" or cyclists getting killed "their own fault"? You not only didn't have a problem with that - you voted for someone knowing so, and as such I would really appreciate it if you stop lecturing us on the supposed injury.

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Let's not get melodramatic here. His posting had been deleted, his reputation questioned and future behaviour put under the microscope. Where is the outrage from you when his worship made equally offensive proclaimations from his postion of authority, calling Oriental "dogs" or cyclists getting killed "their own fault"? You not only didn't have a problem with that - you voted for someone knowing so, and as such I would really appreciate it if you stop lecturing us on the supposed injury.


I thought the quote was something about working like dogs. Most people think of this as a compliment.

No offense, I will leave whether it is a compliment to the group whom the statement refers to. Besides that, the point of the chief magistrate of the city engaging in offensive statement, and the said individuals blind eye towards it stands.

He told me that the critics should stop hiding behind the walls, come down to City Hall and voice their frustration in person. Then he ran away from me...all red-faced

Yeah--like they haven't. Remember the endless deputation-fest? How many of them were *pro*-Ford?

Unless this is some kind of death (literally, as in assassination attempt) wish on his part...
Might be out of line?! I'd hate to see what is out of line. Look I get people don’t like the guy, and there has been some debatable name calling in the thread but seriously we are calling people on this forum KKK?! Stuff like that really doesn’t help anyone’s cause.

Actually, I remember asking earlier in this thread for you to prove your Scarberian mettle by identifying Doris McCarthy without Google-cheating. (It's interesting to consider how some of those disgruntled suburbanites who resort to supporting Ford might be profoundly ignorant re their own turf. Y'know, it's their own home as "taxpayers" and all; but anything to do with indigenous history, culture, etc might as well be out there in la-la land...)
I met the Mayor a week ago and told him that he needs to review this thread, see the anger people have regarding many issues, and make a few changes in how he governs. He told me that the critics should stop hiding behind the walls, come down to City Hall and voice their frustration in person. Then he ran away from me...all red-faced

I've watched a few deputations, those who do come out from "hiding behind the walls" (the taxpayers) and they are siimply ignored by him. If you write him a letter or email opposing him on an issue with supporting evidence (i.e. those nasty facts) I get a form letter or email back standing firm on his position so I doubt he ever saw what I wrote (sometimes I get no response). There's no getting through his thick skull, he's a bully and completely incompetant. The day he's tossed from office a celebration - a parade - down Yonge Street will be in order and I'll be at the front of it helping to carry a huge rainbow flag with "Adiós" embossed into it.
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I do enjoy people like this, who hide behind the veil of 'fiscal responsibility' when doing things like this.

Deputy Mayor seeking review of ombudsman and other watchdog jobs
Published on Friday October 26, 2012
David Rider
Urban Affairs Bureau Chief

Deputy Mayor Doug Holyday will officially ask if it’s possible to combine the jobs of Toronto’s civic watchdogs, but says he is trying to save taxpayers’ money, not dump ombudsman Fiona Crean.

Holyday said Friday he will ask city staff at next week’s council meeting for a review of legislative requirements for the ombudsman, integrity commissioner and lobbyist registrar positions, and what other cities do.

His request is triggered by a city manager item on the agenda noting that Crean’s term expires in November 2013 and the city needs to signal its intentions to her — not by the Fords’ fight with Crean, Holyday said.

“I just want to find out if there’s a more efficient way of meeting our legislative requirement,” Holyday said. “Do we need them all? Could the ombudsman and integrity commissioner roles be combined?”

Provincial law requires Toronto to have an integrity commissioner and ombudsman. The positions were created in recent years, along with the lobbyist registrar, in the wake of the computer leasing scandal that exposed city hall cronyism and shady dealings.

On CP24 Friday, Ford repeated his call for one part-time watchdog. “In Mississauga they have one person, a lawyer on retainer, who does all their jobs,” he said. The current watchdogs “can keep writing reports. I’m just going to keep doing what the taxpayers want me to do.”

Holyday said Ford may have misconstrued information that he gave him, about a lawyer on retainer as Mississauga’s integrity commissioner. He has no ombudsman or lobbyist registrar duties.

In reports released Thursday, Toronto integrity commissioner Janet Leiper ruled Ford and his brother, Councillor Doug Ford, violated council’s code of conduct in April by publicly disparaging the city’s chief medical officer on their radio show after he recommended lower speed limits to save lives.

Also Thursday, Crean released an addendum to an earlier report that infuriated Ford and his allies by concluding that the mayor’s office interfered with the civic appointments process.

Crean’s reappointment requires the approval of two-thirds of the 44 councillors. While Councillor Doug Ford said he and his brother plan to vote to dump the “political” Crean, Holyday said he is keeping an open mind and would vote to extend her contract to September 2014 — when Leiper’s term ends — to make it easier to merge the jobs in future.

Leiper cannot be reappointed, under the integrity commissioner’s rules. Gehrke’s contract is open-ended.

Other conservatives on council seemed wary Friday of the Fords’ “dump Crean” campaign.

“There would have to be very strong, credible arguments to suggest that we would need to change course,” on the ombudsman said Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong, chair of the public works committee.

“I would vote to reappoint Fiona Crean,” said Councillor Karen Stintz, the TTC chair.

Councillor Adam Vaughan, a Mayor Ford foe, suggested another way the administration could save the city money: “They could just follow the rules.”
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Holyday didn't raise Mississauga. Ford did. And Holyday even says that Ford "may have misconstrued information".

Though notice that Holyday's only going to "officially ask if it’s possible". Methinks (and judging from earlier critical-of-the-Fords statements from him) Holyday's role here is akin to a father addressing his son's misdeeds with "I'll see what I can do, Son", knowing darned well that given the severity of the misdeeds, the chances of things working out to Sonny Boy's favour are slim to nil. (And as the father, he'd naturally be just as concerned about how the misdeeds affect *him*--y'know, him being judged through the prism of his ne'er-do-well offspring, etc)
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