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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Not possible. Absurd. Nope. Ridiculous. Nnn-uh. C'mon, eh?
Actually I think Randy taught Doug how to succeed in that business. Randy and his partner beat up a guy and held him for ransom until his parents paid up for drug money owing. The parents called the cops instead. The entire family are thugs.
Several people have noticed a 5-6% increase anytime there's news coverage of a Ford "event". (After last week, this means even breaking wind will be breaking news.)

Margin of error in most polls cited is 3%.

A Ford is a Ford is a Ford.

And 27% is the Alan Keyes Constant / Crazification Factor. Constants are called constants for a reason.

Doug is at 27+6=33%, yes?

Sounds plausible to me. It certainly fits trends. I don't know what to make of Mainstreet's results. They are so far outside the trends we've be seeing, except perhaps for the Tory finding. Does anybody recall if they published sample sizes in various regions of the city?
Is it just me, or am I misunderstanding the situation.

Three Fords are running for election. But, I hear Rob and Doug don't really - in their hearts of hearts - want to be mayor. Or that poor lil "Keep your mouth shut" Mikey was being forced to be a Councillor. Now a trustee. Am I reading things wrong?
Actually I think Randy taught Doug how to succeed in that business. Randy and his partner beat up a guy and held him for ransom until his parents paid up for drug money owing. The parents called the cops instead. The entire family are thugs.

Properly, according to the press, Randy beat him up and then two other guys forcibly confined him in order to try to extort payment - proving that Randy is no more capable of handling the complex aspects of operations than are his brothers.
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Transcript of the exchange

Doug: Why don't we grab line 4 there? The next one up.

Rob: Yeah, Pam?

Doug: Okay, Pam, are you there?

"Pam": Hi, yeah, I'm here. Mayor Ford, is that you in the Gawker video, and is that you photographed with your arm around drug dealer Anthony Smith?

Rob: There's… (laughs) Number one, there's no video, so that's all I can say. You can't comment on something that doesn't exist.

Doug: I want to…

Rob: And I take pictures with everybody. Umm, everywhere I go, as of last night, I take pictures with everyone, so, uh…

Doug: Okay, so lemme — I want to address this picture. Okay? Okay?

Rob: Sure.

Doug: I just wanna address one comment about this picture, Rob, that you don't know about. Or no one else has known about. I've been getting calls, from some councillors, too — which, I think, this is absolutely disgusting and racist — that "What is Rob doing with his arms around two young black men?"

Rob: (scoffs) That's…

Doug: I'm tellin' ya! That's a racist comment. Rob has taken thousands of pictures with young black men, with their hats on, with their little funny signs and everything else, but I think it's disgusting that you would even come up with a comment, "Why is he taking pictures of two young black youth?" And, by the way, you're accusing a person that's passed away of allegations again: "he was a drug dealer." You know, when Rob takes a picture, there's thousands of people…

Rob: I havta ask 'em first.

Doug: You gotta ask 'em, "Have you ever smoked a joint, have ever done this, have you ever done that? Before I take a picture, can I see your qualifications and your resumé?"

Rob: Oh, that's funny…

Doug: So that's just a racist comment, and I'm gonna get into some other racist comments about my Somali community that people have been calling about.

Rob: Unfortunately, we have some racists there, and that's one of 'em. That's very sad that she's a racist. Ahhh boy…
Tonight's challenge: Parse this 'sentence' from Doug Ford:

"And, by the way, you're accusing a person that's passed away of allegations again: "he was a drug dealer." You know, when Rob takes a picture, there's thousands of people…"
Tonight's challenge: Parse this 'sentence' from Doug Ford:

"And, by the way, you're accusing a person that's passed away of allegations again: "he was a drug dealer." You know, when Rob takes a picture, there's thousands of people…"

(1) I hear that allegations are a rather painful cause from which to die (especially more than once).

(2) Those dead people are always making allegations, aren't they?
After Friday's switcheroo, maybe the term should be changed to "latte-spitting."

Don't even drink the damn fancy things, but now wish I did. Just for comic effect. Much more will come out, surely, so plenty of time to get it right!

ETA: Maybe latte-spitting could become a thing? Like on Sun boxes when the inevitable string of Warmingtongue-inspired FCs hit the streets and whatnot?
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What (if anything) do we know about Doug Ford and steroids? I've seen a couple oblique references earlier in the thread?

Nothing, so far as I know, that is at all concrete. The idea that his behaviour suggests 'roid rage is bandied about occasionally.

ETA: But his behaviour suggests ignorance and narcissistic grandiosity too, so who can say?
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