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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Interesting photo of Rob Ford:


All alone, standing in the light, what's he thinking???
Who is to the right of Ford? Kind of looks like Kouvalis, but I'm not sure.
As for the DiManno article, I agree with some of what she says. Her main problem is how she says it--and this goes for all her articles. Her prose is overwrought and cumbersome, and it only makes her writing sound self-conscious. She needs to learn--or her editors need to learn?--that using language excessively isn't a mark of intelligence, and it's definitely not a mark of clear thinking.

As for the Ford picture, he looks miserable. Absolutely miserable. He hates it; all of it. He needs to learn to let daddy down. Then he'll likely be at more peace.
Who is to the right of Ford? Kind of looks like Kouvalis, but I'm not sure.

Looks to me like Ford is hanging with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (to his right)
Ill be seriously depressed if the judge doesn't allow us a new mayor. I' have no idea if ill be voting for a lefty mayor in vaugan or a right centre like stintz. But either way this mayor looks to be Found On Road Dead.
Ill be seriously depressed if the judge doesn't allow us a new mayor. I' have no idea if ill be voting for a lefty mayor in vaugan or a right centre like stintz. But either way this mayor looks to be Found On Road Dead.

I will vote for the person who seems most capable, can read from a script, truly represents all the citizens of Toronto and who has a strong vision for the whole city. If they run on a strong (yet doable) transit plan and an aggressive plan for cyclists I'll hit and street and help campaign for them.
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