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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Wasn't there something about reappointing all the committees after 2 years? If so, I wonder who will be replacing Del Grande.
Similarly, does Doug Ford believe his words when he tells us that this occurred because his brother is so busy working hard for you that he requires a driver? The picture was taken at 10 in the morning. Busy men in leadership positions aren't travelling to the office at 10am. They're coming in to work at 10 in the morning because a) They're poorly organized and unsuited for the job they do and, or b) taking advantage of their position. The event happened because Rob Ford feels entitled and exhibits poor judgement. A driver is probably a legitimate expense for a mayor who needs to be transported during the workday to far-flung areas in the city But did Lastman and Miller use a driver to get them from house to office in the morning? That's probably a luxury that could be labelled gravy.

Great point there, I think that flew over most of our heads. At 91 years of age Hazel is up before the crack of dawn preparing her breakfast, squeezing in a half hour of gardening (seasonal) and is in her office by 8am. When she leaves City Hall she's off to community events most nights of the week and then home in bed, usually no later than 10pm (after a stiff drink!). Does Hazel have a driver? I don't think so. She'll be missed.
Just to be clear....

Is that a 1.75% increase next year, and the 0% increases the following 2 years, or continued 1.75% both years (ie: freeze at 1.75% instead of additional increases)?

The only time "0 percent increases" is actually used is in reference to the budget, not the tax rate.

I think she may have one now. But she certainly didn't until well into her 80s. And she still cycles to work more often than Rob Ford does.
She doesn't have a driver. I saw her a couple of weeks back, driving her silver Chevy Volt along Rathburn.
She may still personally drive, but I believe that when it comes to work, she finally hired a driver after some fender-bender in her mid-80s...
I think he has a great advantage because he had a media presence for several years on CityTV, and of course so did his late father. Oh, and he's smart. But yes, he does have to reach out to the rest of the city, as he should of course.
Mayor Rob Ford refuses to hire a driver after he was seen reading on Gardiner Express

Mayor Rob Ford is flatly rejecting pleas from his councillor brother and the Toronto police service to hire a driver, saying it would be “a waste of taxpayers’ money.â€

Ford made the comments after a news conference Tuesday where he urged Torontonians to go online and vote for a local under-12 boys’ soccer team to win BMO “Team of the Week†honours.

Asked if he’ll get a driver Ford, surrounded by young soccer players, noted staff members occasionally drive him to events but said a full-time driver would be too costly.

“A million people a day go to work in this city and they drive themselves, I don’t see why I’m any different so right now I’m not planning to go out and spend 50, 60 thousand dollars to hire someone to drive me around.

“They offered me a car when I first got elected, and a driver, and that was well over 100 thousand combined. I think that’s a waste of taxpayer’s money.â€

Ford’s refusal to be driven made headlines last week when he was photographed reading papers, preparing for a news conference, while driving his Cadillac Escalade SUV on the Gardiner Expressway.

Asked later if it was him reading behind the wheel, the mayor shrugged: “Yeah, probably. I’m busy.â€

That alarmed the Toronto police service which discourages driver distractions, saying they put lives at risk.

“On behalf of all the citizens of Toronto that value road safety, Mr. Mayor, please get a driver. . . . ,†Sgt. Tim Burrows, a social media officer, wrote on the police Facebook wall. “It is obvious that you are busy enough to require one and no amount of money you are saving by not having one is worth the life of one of your citizens.â€

Councillor Doug Ford vowed to convince his brother that the mayor of Canada’s largest city needs a driver so he could give his full attention to preparing for meetings and events instead of keeping one eye on the road.

The councillor said he has bugged his little brother to get a driver since his election in late 2010, and called the conduct that led to the photo uproar “beyond the point of ridiculous.â€

On Tuesday, after the mayor soundly rejected his advice, Councillor Ford said: “I can’t win. I tried my hardest.â€

Mayor Ford, who does not release his itinerary to the media and holds relatively few public events, urged all Torontonians to go online and vote for Mooredale Lightning Gold 2000 U12 boys’ team’s to become a BMO Team of the Week.

One of the coaches said he got the mayor involved through a friend of a friend in Ford’s office.
This little beauty is from yesterday's Globe.

Rob Ford: Who has time to read in the middle of a phone call?

Special to The Globe and Mail
Published Saturday, Aug. 18 2012, 12:00 AM EDT
Last updated Monday, Aug. 20 2012, 10:21 AM EDT

“Yeah, probably, yeah. I'm try[ing] to catch up on my work and you know I keep my eyes on the road, but I'm a busy man.†– Rob Ford, mayor of Toronto, responding to a reporter’s question over whether or he was reading while driving.

‘But I might not have been reading at that particular moment because I was also listening to a sports-radio call-in show and there was an idiot on the line who’s all “Rah rah NHL Players’ Association,†which is a glorified union, so I’m about to phone in myself when the phone rings and it’s my wife and she wants to talk about new lawn furniture because honestly now is the perfect time to get an amazing deal. All the big players like Lowes, which I personally think has a better selection of lawn furniture and gas grills than Rona, not that I want to get involved in the Quebec election, have their stuff on sale, but there’s still great selection. If you wait until September what happens is you find the perfect table but only four chairs and you buy them anyway thinking you’ll buy more in the spring, only when spring rolls around it turns out they don’t make that set anymore so you spend the next four summers not having enough chairs and then one evening you go to a barbecue and you’re like, “Holy crap,†because this guy who lives two doors down has the exact same lawn furniture! So right there on the spot I start peeling fifties off a wad and telling my neighbour I’ll spend whatever it takes, and the guy is like, “No thanks,†and then at home my wife says what I did was inappropriate. So there I am on the Gardiner talking about lawn furniture and I haven’t read basically anything of that document you can see there in the photo when the call-waiting beeps and I pick it up and this lady is offering me a one-time-only chance to double the spending limit on my credit card AND win a free Caribbean cruise. I couldn’t believe it either. So I click over and tell my wife the incredible news and she's like, “It’s a scam!†So I click back over to the credit-card woman to ask her if this is true and she just keeps repeating herself and after five or six times it suddenly dawns on me that I’m talking to a robot and for a second I wonder if she’s one of those really hot robots like you see in movies but then I notice this car in the next lane and I swear it’s the same lady who reported me for giving her and her kid the finger last year but I can’t see for sure so I accelerate but I have to slam on the brakes because my lane is backed up for some reason and I quickly reach my hand down between my legs because there’s been this loose Timbit rolling around and the only time you can catch it is when you start or stop and the thing is rolling. I miss the Timbit then I look over and see that the GO train is going faster than me, and that’s why I look ticked-off in the photo because it always burns me up when the freeloader transit types win. And actually if you look closely at the photo my lips aren’t moving, so I wasn’t reading. I’m just too busy.’
Has anyone reported on this little gem, yet?

Quote of the Day: Where is Nenshi? wonders baffled Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

Posted by Zoey Duncan on Monday, August 20, 2012


"He will be like a rock star."

That was Toronto councillor Doug Ford's prediction, as told to the Globe and Mail, as to how Albertans would react to the presence of his brother, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford in their province. In reality, there was no evidence of a rock 'n' roll welcoming (narcotic, or, God forbid, sexual) for the Big Smoke's political Meatloaf. Only a smattering of less-than-welcoming tweets as to where he might visit while in Calgary.

But to some extent, Mayor Ford was indeed put under the microscope on his "working vacation" last week.

Mayor Ford may attract more attention than Calgary's Naheed Nenshi when it comes to making headlines. Unfortunately for Ford, the headlines tend to zero in on his blunders (like reading a speech in his car—reportedly while driving 70 km/h, or raising his fist and taking a run at a reporter), rather than trendy things like starring in a documentary or promoting food trucks.

Ford planned to watch a pair of CFL games in both Edmonton and Calgary, including seeing his beloved Toronto Argonauts take on the Calgary Stampeders. He was also hoping to meet Nenshi and Edmonton Mayor Stephen Mandel. The Globe and Mail notes that Ford has made a point of not attending an annual gathering of mayors.

But perhaps it hadn't occurred to Ford nor his office to check whether those two mayors were even available to hang out with him. He hadn't actually booked a meeting with either mayor ahead of time. If he'd attempted to do so, he might have learned that both of them—like him and countless other politicians in August—were on vacation.

Mandel was in Europe at the time, but his office said he would join Ford at the football game if his plane arrived on time. (No word on whether that came to fruition.)

Nenshi was in PEI after a trip to London for the Olympics, as anyone following him on Twitter could easily ascertain. But it seems Ford had no idea of his Calgary counterpart's whereabouts. And after accidentally walking into the Calgary Stampeders' dressing room during a football game (while looking for a toilet and ignoring an apparently not clear enough sign stating "authorized personnel only"), Ford rather awkwardly told the Calgary Herald:

"He’s not here. I guess he’s away. We put a call… my staff put a call into his office… he’s away on holidays or something, so they don’t know where he is. Maybe you know where he is? I don’t know where he is. Is he here tonight? I don’t know."

As the summer winds down, let Mayor Ford's folly be a lesson to you: Don't drop in unexpectedly on acquaintances.
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