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Rob Ford's Toronto

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That is, if he lives long enough to lose the election.

As much as I've always thought Rob Ford was an abhorrent joke on humanity, it it sad to think that people would want to see his demise. The man needs help. He needs to figure out how to rise above his upbringing. The missing-link Fords have subjected all of Canada to their basal instincts and it's certainly time for them all to blink out. Let's not lower ourselves to their subterranean level.
As much as I've always thought Rob Ford was an abhorrent joke on humanity, it it sad to think that people would want to see his demise. The man needs help. He needs to figure out how to rise above his upbringing. The missing-link Fords have subjected all of Canada to their basal instincts and it's certainly time for them all to blink out. Let's not lower ourselves to their subterranean level.

I agree. I'm always uncomfortable with posts that predict or point out the likelihood of his early demise. There are people out there who drink and drug far harder than he does, and live to a ripe old age. We're not medical professionals, we're political watchers.
As much as I've always thought Rob Ford was an abhorrent joke on humanity, it it sad to think that people would want to see his demise. The man needs help. He needs to figure out how to rise above his upbringing. The missing-link Fords have subjected all of Canada to their basal instincts and it's certainly time for them all to blink out. Let's not lower ourselves to their subterranean level.

RoFo simply doesn't have the capacity to rise above his upbringing. It's sad as hell, but plain as day. He is a one trick pony. There is no pleasure in his demise, beyond the moving on for the greater good of the city.

I've called a very short date on his arrest. I'm gonna call right here and now for the first time, that I don't even think he will be alive by voting day.
That's a rather morbid prediction.

I wonder if Doug would run in that scenario? ( If still time to register. )

It is, and I'm not altogether okay with it, and actually, if it's anything more benign than him with half a needle full of H still in his arm, Doug may well be able to work the sympathy vote to the big chair. That must not be allowed to happen. Period.
Whenever I get too worried about Rob dying, I remember that Kathy and Randy are still, against all odds, also alive.
As much as I've always thought Rob Ford was an abhorrent joke on humanity, it it sad to think that people would want to see his demise. The man needs help. He needs to figure out how to rise above his upbringing. The missing-link Fords have subjected all of Canada to their basal instincts and it's certainly time for them all to blink out. Let's not lower ourselves to their subterranean level.

To be fair, predicting his death is not the same thing as wishing him dead. I suspect that he cannot continue to live this way, but that doesn't mean I want him to die.
Coming right up!:)

Star is a slow on the uptake with this. Surprising.


Councillor Doug Ford - the mayor's campaign manager - shrugged off the signs.
"That's fine," he said. "They're going to get dirty, we're going to try to stay as positive as possible.
"If that's the only way they want to try to defeat (the mayor), good luck. People are smarter than that out there. People can see right through this."
Geeze, I go away for a week and 500+ pages happen here, and none of it is particularly important. Whenever I was asked where I was from people in Costa Rica (travelers from around the world and locals) want to hear all about our Mayor. Couldn't get away from it.

Doug won't run for Mayor, he doesn't have the desire, temperament or the skin for it. I think they'll try to install baby-Ford into Doug's riding, beyond that there will only be Rob if he gets in again.

Set your DVR for tomorrow's jets debate (Rogers channel 10), it should be a wild one! If I can get up on time, I'll be there. It will likely go into Tuesday, unless the issue is deferred (and I strongly suspect it will be) so then that becomes a heated election issue that will pull from the transit hot-button.
Geeze, I go away for a week and 500+ pages happen here, and none of it is particularly important. Whenever I was asked where I was from people in Costa Rica (travelers from around the world and locals) want to hear all about our Mayor. Couldn't get away from it.

Doug won't run for Mayor, he doesn't have the desire, temperament or the skin for it. I think they'll try to install baby-Ford into Doug's riding, beyond that there will only be Rob if he gets in again.

Set your DVR for tomorrow's jets debate (Rogers channel 10), it should be a wild one! If I can get up on time, I'll be there. It will likely go into Tuesday, unless the issue is deferred (and I strongly suspect it will be) so then that becomes a heated election issue that will pull from the transit hot-button.

Starting on Tuesday the odds are good. (welcome back, btw and check your calendar) :^D
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