Bob But Not Doug
New Member
To be fair to Doug, can you imagine trying to coach Rob through anything more complicated than a drive-through order?
80s Doug Ford @80sDougFord 1h
Campaign Diary: Month 1: Drug fueled gibberish. Month 2: Sh*tfight with Police Chief. Month 3: Humiliation on American TV. Cool! #topoli
I don't know, a lot of people are feeling sorry for him. (Probably the same ones who were supporting him before, but still.)
It will be online here soon (tomorrow morning?):
It will be on sites like The Pirate Bay sooner.
It might be on YouTube and such even sooner, but not for long - copyright claims.
Should've caught it live with us, friend.
Thanks, next time (there will be more still) Where did you catch it? At a pub somewhere?
oh I wasn't thinking of anyplace that extreme...Yeah, if you can stomach it, check out the I Hate The War on Rob Ford FB page; full of "He nailed it!" "He was great!" "We love you, Rob!", etc..
People feel sorry for him the way people feel sorry about any dimwitted ogre. The gross personal flaws, including violence and hate, are looked at as caused by his stupidity rather than any malevolence. There is a sense that at some point he must have been mistreated to become the horrible person he is now, and now Kimmel is just beating him up more, forcing him to watch his own videos of foolish conduct like a Clockwork Orange style punishment. And while he certainly didn't have to go on the show, we cannot expect Rob Ford to know any better and avoid the show, because that's just who he is: when people call him up and ask him something he always says yes.
Of course this is all our problem because he's the mayor.
Neil Flagg is living proof Fakebook and Sh!tter is full of poorly written stuff.
Neil Flagg and Ray Comfort (you know, that Young Flat Earth Creationist) are probably long lost cousins.
Thanks, next time (there will be more still) Where did you catch it? At a pub somewhere?
Streaming site; link was posted here. Could have caught it on City at midnight too if you have access to that. It might be replayed later, Doolittle tweeted about rewatching it on another channel and then going to bed but I know nothing about that.
I agree and that is why I won't watch the show.I was always pretty convinced the man was slightly mentally challenged, but I'm seriously considering removing the "slightly". This is a guy with a pronounced learning disability.
yes it is...whose in charge of water-testing in Ford Nation