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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Indeed. Regardless of what he's linked to there will always be some roundabout loopy argument to explain why it isn't so bad. If that fails just deny, deny, deny and then start shouting obscenities.

I think there might be some Ford supporters who claim it's a personal matter, but I don't think there are very many who are okay with infidelity on principle. It's too closely linked with dishonesty and deceit.

And, if Ford is shown to have cheated, that's a big dealbreaker for women who vote, especially if there's a pattern to it rather than just a one-time thing.

Seriously if you ever want to get flamed just go on twitter, find an angry Ford supporter ranting about the media and politely ask them to explain to you what facts exactly the Toronto Star lied about (regarding the crack scandal). The hate will spew forth.

That's true, and there were all kinds of justifications flying about when Dale accepted the second apology (e.g., that he, rather than Ford, didn't want to be exposed in some way during questioning when it came to trial, or that Dale somehow realized he didn't have a case). However, if Ford turns out to be an adulterer, I don't think anyone would blame it on the Star ('The media drove him into the arms of another woman!') or claim it has nothing to do with his overall integrity - I mean, people didn't think Lastman's illegitimate children were irrelevant to his character as an elected official, right?
Shoot me now.


Careful. We mustn't talk about our feelings if they include thoughts of anyone's death. It simply won't do to have us drag down the high-minded thoughtfulness of Cowboy Logic et al.

I have hereby failed in my previous effort to refrain from commenting on CL's spurious miscasting of my own words (and have obviously been having too much fun reading the Conrad Black fan-fiction). I have been trying to refrain because (1) don't feed a cliche thread derailment attempt and (2) I dispute the premise that it is categorically inappropriate to mention (or even to express a hope for) Rob Ford's death in a thread devoted to Rob Ford's mayoralty, especially when some of those sentiments are real-time reactions to discovery of his indiscretions and/or witness of his subsequent comments and reactions thereto.

So I'm not going to go the extra distance to properly contextualize my "wish for Ford to die in a car crash" by quoting the then-recent Ford news to which I was reacting (most likely one of his many DUIs) because I shouldn't have to.

Is it possible to talk "inappropriately" about the prospect of/cause of/feelings about Ford's eventual death? Obviously. Is it always the case that any such discussion is inappropriate? I think not.

Am I allowed to say FML, or is that too dark?
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Seems like Goldsbie's in the same category as Dale in the eyes of Ford Nation: an insufficiently virile wimp...
I think there might be some Ford supporters who claim it's a personal matter, but I don't think there are very many who are okay with infidelity on principle. It's too closely linked with dishonesty and deceit.

If Ford supporters had a problem with dishonesty and deceit they would have stopped supporting Ford a long time ago.

Ford Nation is a cult of personality. If they didn't mind the rumours of wife-beating and sexual harassment, and the verifiable sexual humiliation of Ford's wife re: the pussy-eating comment, they won't care about infidelity. Their hero is a hero, and therefore is entitled to literally anything he wants.
Careful. We mustn't talk about our feelings if they include thoughts of anyone's death. It simply won't do to have us drag down the high-minded thoughtfulness of Cowboy Logic et al.

I have hereby failed in my previous effort to refrain from commenting on CL's spurious miscasting of my own words (and have obviously been having too much fun reading the Conrad Black fan-fiction). I have been trying to refrain because (1) don't feed a cliche thread derailment attempt and (2) I dispute the premise that it is categorically inappropriate to mention (or even to express a hope for) Rob Ford's death in a thread devoted to Rob Ford's mayoralty, especially when some of those sentiments are real-time reactions to discovery of his indiscretions and/or witness of his subsequent comments and reactions thereto.

So I'm not going to go the extra distance to properly contextualize my "wish for Ford to die in a car crash" by quoting the then-recent Ford news to which I was reacting (most likely one of his many DUIs) because I shouldn't have to.

Is it possible to talk "inappropriately" about the prospect of/cause of/feelings about Ford's eventual death? Obviously. Is it always the case that any such discussion is inappropriate? I think not.

Am I allowed to say FML, or is that too dark?

Sorry for the part I played in a derailment; please believe me when I say that wasn't my intention. I'm certainly not about to tell you what not to do (and please note that I was careful to avoid that). I agree that the subject matter excites strong feelings in anyone who pays attention, and it should. I wish I hadn't engaged with CowbowLogic in the way that I did; I wasn't really around for the previous episodes, but it won't happen again. I stand by the thrust of what I said, but if I said it again I'd say it a different way or perhaps not at all.

Just think: one day soon, Toronto politics won't be like this any more. There'll still be things we dislike (hopefully a lot less) and things we admire (perhaps more). Rob Ford will no longer be in the spotlight at City Hall... although the issues which have propelled him there won't magically go away just because Rob and Doug Ford have been toppled at long last from their perch. Their squawking silenced, they will no longer be permitted to use the whole city to line their cage. I look forward to that day, but I doubt we'll have another thread quite like this one.

Now: back to Mayor Ford's Toronto.
If Ford supporters had a problem with dishonesty and deceit they would have stopped supporting Ford a long time ago.

Ford Nation is a cult of personality. If they didn't mind the rumours of wife-beating and sexual harassment, and the verifiable sexual humiliation of Ford's wife re: the pussy-eating comment, they won't care about infidelity. Their hero is a hero, and therefore is entitled to literally anything he wants.

Ah, maybe I'm just being naïve. I just wanted to believe there was something even the most die-hard Fordite wouldn't forgive Ford for.

Someone referred to the people on the I Hate The War on Mayor Ford FB page as evil. I think of them mostly as disingenuous, irrational and weaselly, but really they just have too much of their intellectual/cognitive capital invested in the idea of Ford being incapable of doing wrong, of every Ford misstep being excusable, and in their concept of what Ford stands for, to even consider changing their minds.
Huge rally today:

Is Ford paying people to attend his rally by subsidizing their cost of doing laundry? The sign seems to say so. Presumably this would become illegal once he officially begins his campaign.
Ah, maybe I'm just being naïve. I just wanted to believe there was something even the most die-hard Fordite wouldn't forgive Ford for.

Someone referred to the people on the I Hate The War on Mayor Ford FB page as evil. I think of them mostly as disingenuous, irrational and weaselly, but really they just have too much of their intellectual/cognitive capital invested in the idea of Ford being incapable of doing wrong, of every Ford misstep being excusable, and in their concept of what Ford stands for, to even consider changing their minds.
I think the only thing would be if RoFo actually kilked someone while drunk driving.
Ah, maybe I'm just being naïve. I just wanted to believe there was something even the most die-hard Fordite wouldn't forgive Ford for.

Someone referred to the people on the I Hate The War on Mayor Ford FB page as evil. I think of them mostly as disingenuous, irrational and weaselly, but really they just have too much of their intellectual/cognitive capital invested in the idea of Ford being incapable of doing wrong, of every Ford misstep being excusable, and in their concept of what Ford stands for, to even consider changing their minds.

That's making me ruminate over how the Reign of the Fords is and is not Orwellian.

War is Peace. Kind of a stretch. The battles are serious, but for the most part rhetorical and emotional. (Except for some poor souls in the wrong houses or buildings in Etobicoke.)

Freedom is Slavery. Not at all! Powers of municipal governments are way too limited!

Ignorance is Strength. So depressingly apropos. Three words written a long time ago pretty much explain the whole hideous story.
This is one of the administrators of the "I hate the war on Rob Ford' page. (admins - I'm not completely sure it's ok to post a photo from facebook like this , so please delete or advise if it's not)


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