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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Rob Ford guarantees are worthless even before his the revelation of his crack use. Oh and speaking of which - does anyone even recall the rumor that he launched a profanity laden, "do you know who I am?" tirade against the 911 operator during the Marg episode? It doesn't sound as improbable now does it?

I've been thinking about that lately as well but the other day I stumbled upon an article that mentioned something I'd never heard before. Chief Blair passed the issue up to the OPP Commissioner who in turn backed up his account (which essentially agreed with Ford).

The OPP commissioner has upheld Chief Bill Blair’s description of a controversial 911 call placed from the mayor’s house after a CBC ombudsman’s report questioned the chief’s impartiality.

Chief Blair referred the matter to Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner Chris Lewis for an independent review after a report from CBC ombudsman Kirk LaPointe suggested the chief’s description of the call may lack credibility because he was “not a disinterested party.”
Well the National Post is out swinging today, co-echoing it's simultaneous articles about Ford "Why has Rob Ford’s use of crack sparked such an intense moral panic?" by J. Brean and "Despite everything, Rob Ford’s fiscal record is solid" from T. Corcoran.
Yes, those are the real titles.

The first one made me laugh out loud. Because I can't think of anything that sends a real blue-blood Post-believing conservative into a fit about morals and the decay of society and immigrant-befouled liberalism than the associations conjured up by the word 'crack'. I don't think I have to explain much more about that one. I never though I'd see the day that the Post implied that crack wasn't that big deal at all.
Secondly, Corcoran's article is a hefty ass-licking affair that gives new meaning to the term 'selective evidence'. By not including just about all the things that Ford is putting us in debt to (esp. The Scarborough Subway's price tag and operating costs), the unknown costs of police surveillance, the robbing Peter to pay Paul policies of user fees vs. taxes, etc., etc. and padding it out with enough ormolu-plated praise to pad an entire solitary confinement cell, well it truly is a hideous piece of writing. Oh - neither article goes on at any length about the criminal web of associates and influences in the Ford saga.

It's distressing to see the Post take this slant. For a conservative paper which usually means a law-and-order stance, coupled with fiscal prudence and rapid censure involving anything unseemly to do with sex, drugs or living in one's parent's basement, it's a bit of rot.

Then again, look at it this way - NP is also a paper that has generated profits in what, only 10% of the quarters since its' existence. By right, it should have been dead.

As to the articles, Corcoran is an instant avoid in my books, and Blatchford is getting more and more unreadable (I think she truly found herself where she is now, vs. the Globe).

Top Five Strangest Cults In History:

1-The Prince Philip Movement
2-The Raelians
3-The Aetherian Society
4-The Church Of Satan
5-The Discordian

To these I would add:

6 - Scientologists
7 - Marxists / Fundamentalist communists
8 - Flat Earthers
9 - The Objectivists (Ayn Rand)
10- Ford Nationals

Talk about setting a low bar for a 'charismatic, infallible' leader, with a few 'divine axioms or inarguable sayings' to utter, leading his people to 'a promised land' against a 'conspiratorial enemy'.
"I cannot support taxing the taxpayer". Now there's one for the ages.



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He was recorded trying to help a constituent score some Oxycotin on the street, so the drug connections shouldn't be a surprise either.

To be honest, that's one of the most endearing incidents he's known for. Only thing he's done that made me like him more, even though it's fairly inappropriate.
I listened to the Oxy conversation again recently. Dieter talks about ominous phone calls and threats from thugs. Sounds a lot different now than it did listening then.

Is your new driver your crack dealer?
Rob will not walk in Santa Claus parade. Maybe after today he gets that people aren't very happy with him, but I doubt it.
According to Don Peat, the Mayor's Office remains in talks with the Santa Claus parade for his involvement in this year's event. It's obvious Ford plans to continue his staged event media strategy to dodge this scandal, and it bothers me that he'll be given a platform that is so visible to young people. Here is my letter to the organizers of the parade.


The Toronto Sun's Don Peat reported today that you are still considering some sort of role for Mayor Ford in this year's parade. I cannot stress how terrible this decision would be for the children of Toronto, and the image of the Santa Claus Parade. Parents and teachers from across the city are already struggling to explain why a man who admitted to breaking the law by smoking crack, and then lying about it shamelessly, would still remain Mayor and avoid any serious punishment. His involvement with the parade would only further reinforce to Toronto's youth that such behaviours are acceptable and will result in no serious consequences.

Knowing that Mr Ford is refusing to seek serious help for his dangerous addictions and the impulses that drive him during his 'stupors', i feel that allowing him in an environment close to so many vulnerable young people would be reckless behaviour on your part as the organizers.

I implore you to decline offering the Mayor any official involvement in this year's parade. He is a terrible role model for children and should not be accorded the privilege of participation in an event that has remained a symbol of Toronto the Good for so many years.


Edit: Just as I posted this, I read that he's not walking in this year's parade! Some small good news.
According to Don Peat, the Mayor's Office remains in talks with the Santa Claus parade for his involvement in this year's event. It's obvious Ford plans to continue his staged event media strategy to dodge this scandal, and it bothers me that he'll be given a platform that is so visible to young people. Here is my letter to the organizers of the parade.


The Toronto Sun's Don Peat reported today that you are still considering some sort of role for Mayor Ford in this year's parade. I cannot stress how terrible this decision would be for the children of Toronto, and the image of the Santa Claus Parade. Parents and teachers from across the city are already struggling to explain why a man who admitted to breaking the law by smoking crack, and then lying about it shamelessly, would still remain Mayor and avoid any serious punishment. His involvement with the parade would only further reinforce to Toronto's youth that such behaviours are acceptable and will result in no serious consequences.

Knowing that Mr Ford is refusing to seek serious help for his dangerous addictions and the impulses that drive him during his 'stupors', i feel that allowing him in an environment close to so many vulnerable young people would be reckless behaviour on your part as the organizers.

I implore you to decline offering the Mayor any official involvement in this year's parade. He is a terrible role model for children and should not be accorded the privilege of participation in an event that has remained a symbol of Toronto the Good for so many years.


Edit: Just as I posted this, I read that he's not walking in this year's parade! Some small good news.

Maybe ask your councillor to move a motion to have the Mayor be occupied doing something else during the parade. Maybe schedule an inspection by the mayor of the garbage sorting facilities.
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