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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Good. Why is he travelling? ...

Sorry, I wasn't clear in my post. Dixie Chicks started talking about him, and the audience reacted by laughing and booing. I wish Ford had been booed by the Conservatives last night when Ford showed up at Harper's event.
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HI can you please not use that kind of language? Thanks.

Nope. It's an indication of how vexed I am about the current situation. I understand that it's not the best use of the language, but I tend to be quite colloquial.

Here's my promise: I shall stop using colourful language when the Fords are imprisoned or dead. Deal?
Sorry, I wasn't clear in my post. Dixie Chicks started talking about him, and the audience reacted by laughing and booing. I wish Ford had been booed by the Conservatives last night when Ford showed up at Harper's event.

I can't believe they allowed him at a CPC event. Not that they're not equally emotionally bankrupt. What a joke.
Nope. It's an indication of how vexed I am about the current situation. I understand that it's not the best use of the language, but I tend to be quite colloquial.

Here's my promise: I shall stop using colourful language when the Fords are imprisoned or dead. Deal?
Could you use colourful language that is not also incredibly sexist? I am sure you could be quite creative.
Or....I guess I should. A public forum ain't exactly like talking with my friends.

My apologies, no sexist intent meant.
Nope. It's my favourite word. Drawn from its colloquial use in Britain.

stop being an ass. OP is right--despite your lame anglophilic "they do it in the UK, so it must be cool" defense, no one wants to read misogynistic expressions like that on this site. "thanks"
Thanks MTown, apology accepted here as well.

Has anyone ever read Michael Murray's work online? I read this a while ago and saved it, and while doing a clean out I came across it. He claims he knew Ford at Carlton, and they have kept in contact, mostly drunk texting or calling each other. Obviously, a lot of what he writes about Ford is fictional, but this is just plain bizarre, it was written in December 2012.

"Scandal Scenario #1

A sex tape purported to feature Mayor Ford, his brother Councilor Doug Ford and an unknown prostitute has been circulating the Internet. The Mayor’s office wants to assure everybody that this is a hoax perpetuated by the left wing media in an effort to subvert the democratic process and defame hard working civic officials. The faces of the men in the videotape are not visible, as they are concealed by football helmets, and Rob Ford’s famous third nipple is nowhere in sight. It should also be noted that Rob and Doug are very common names, and the fact that they are repeatedly bellowed throughout the video in no way links the Ford brothers to this robust threesome."

Scandal Scenario #4

Although the Mayor tried cocaine back in his youth in the 80’s, he has not knowingly used it in a freebase situation in quite a stretch. The Mayor regrets his youthful experiments (there was no sexual experimentation) with drugs, and hopes for a speedy conclusion to the NHL hockey lockout."
Or....I guess I should. A public forum ain't exactly like talking with my friends.

My apologies, no sexist intent meant.

I also have UK friends who throw that word around and no matter how acceptable it is there, it makes every decent person cringe here. Having sunken to using sewage words myself when it comes to Ford, I understand, and appreciate your restraint. Thanks.
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I do apologise. Amongst my friends, it's a normal term. Flung around like daylight.

Anyway, I honestly didn't mean to offend.
Can't remember if this has been posted already (no dig at MTown intended), just seemed timely:

Rob Ford and Toxic Masculinity

"Violent temper. Refusal to admit wrongdoing. Penchant for expressing every feeling as anger. Penchant for expressing anger through physical intimidation. Homophobia and transphobia. Impulsive, risky behaviour with no consideration of potential consequences. Obsession with the competitive parts of politics (campaigning) and disdain for the collaborative parts. ”Boys will be boys” brand excuses for egregious behaviour. Yup. Toronto Mayor Rob Ford sure is winning at Toxic Masculinity Bingo."

"Articles imploring Rob Ford to step up to some ill-defined code of manhood do not help matters. It is not useful or accurate to frame honesty, accountability and “honour” as masculine traits, nor is it ever helpful to implore someone to “be a man.” Why not just “be a decent, trustworthy human being”? Why gender that? This kind of macho posturing only serves to validate idealized masculinity and reductive, binary understandings of how gender can and should influence identity."
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