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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Just a tired guy slurring his speech, guys. Slurred speech is a common symptom of extended sleep deprivation. Bros in my high school slurred their words after being kept awake for days by the CIA all the time.
If he was so tired that he couldn't speak properly then maybe he shouldn't have driven to the event by himself

Passing out at the wheel is pretty bad
Driving while too tired to speak coherently or walk in a straight line is driving while impaired.

I understand having to meet professional obligations even while exhausted; the Mayor was expected to be there and to be fit for duty.

I also understand being too tired to drive and because my night schedule differs from most of my clients, I've taken transit or cabs at even the slightest hint of questioning my ability to operate a vehicle. Most professionals, like performers or athletes, get right into the work zone once they start interacting with others.

If I ever showed up to an appointment as Ford did on Friday, I'd soon be out of business.

Ford is responsible for his actions, but I can't help questioning how the hell those he was with before leaving for Taste of the Danforth did nothing. You might not be able to physically restrain someone, but it would take no more than a few phone calls, texts, emails to let his family or office know he was not it any shape to represent the city. My hope on a purely human and compassionate level is that someone did call, even if the plea was ignored.

I sure as hell hope Rob Ford doesn't drive his kids around in that condition. Whether it was exhaustion, prescription meds, mental illness, drugs, alcohol, bad burgers it indicates an adult incapable of running his own life, let alone a city I love.

And yes, I've had my share of excessive drinking, mostly while young and stupid, with the occasional mid-life bender. Thankfully my friends followed the code of not letting anyone drink and drive and not leaving anyone alone at the bar.

It's become painfully clear Ford's "loved ones" are more interested in willfull blindness than seeing a road to recovery.
Pretty obvious to me RF says he's got cologne in his car. Pretty obvious to me RF was a combo of tired & perhaps mildly buzzed. He's carrying a large coffee afterall. Pretty obvious to me that RF is a hoot and a populist and explains why he'll be re-elected.

Cologne my butt, that makes no kinda' sense.
He wanted to "go up and party", so he couldn't have been that tired.
Brother Doug said when he arrived he was fine, he didn't look fine in those videos or when corralled by police and his staffers after chasing him down. If he was fine why did a staffer drive him home?
As usual, it's all BS.
I can't help but notice the conspicuous absence of our Ford supporting members since this broke on Friday. Funny how they always conveniently disappear for a few days when a Ford story breaks. Do they come together, pull out a white board and work out talking points?
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A man named Harrison phoned into the radio show on Sunday and pointed out that Councillor Ford has said in a previous interview months ago that his brother doesn’t drink. (Doug Ford in fact said in March he had never seen his brother drink.)

Doug Ford, who doesn’t drink, acknowledged he has seen his brother with a couple of drinks, but added: “Rob doesn’t sit there in public hammering away on drinks. It just never happened.”

Those comments run counter to an interview Councillor Ford gave back in March on Newstalk1010 after the Star reported Garrison Ball organizers asked the mayor to leave the event because they were concerned he was impaired.

Radio host Jerry Agar questioned Doug Ford about whether his brother has an alcohol problem. Doug Ford went as far as saying he has never seen Rob drink.

“When I’m out at an event, and you can ask any councillor, or anyone, I’ve never seen Rob drink. At family functions, I’ve never seen Rob drink,” he said in March.
Rob Ford sought unusual after-hours visit with jail inmate

Here we go again! LOL!

An after-hours appearance by Toronto Mayor Rob Ford at a west-end jail in March was deemed unusual by correctional officials and prompted an e-mail describing the incident for the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, multiple sources have told The Globe and Mail.

Mr. Ford went to the jail that night to speak with a then-inmate named Bruno Bellissimo, The Globe has learned. Mr. Bellissimo, 43, is not named in the e-mail, but two sources, including Mr. Bellissimo’s mother, identified him as the person Mr. Ford was trying to contact.

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Ford's judgement is always in question, but, he and his brother are also very sly.

In my opinion, Ford purposely chose this time since he knew no one would be visiting. He didn't want witnesses.

As per usual, he played his 'Mayor card' to get preferential treatment. He was cagey enough not to reveal the actual purpose of his unscheduled visit. His 'Plan A ' was to request 'a tour' of the facility, once that was denied he moved to 'Plan B' (his real reason) and asked to speak with a specific prisoner. Which, was again denied. I can just see Ford handing out magnets to the guards, telling them to call him if they have any probs at any time. Blah, Blah, Blah.

Thankfully the guards adhered to the rules and brought this odd visit from the Mayor to the attention of supervisors at the jail.

Good on the Globe for bringing this bizarre visit to light.
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First of all, the mayor of Toronto has no control over provincial detention centres. Secondly, a tour of this sort would have to be arranged days, if not weeks, in advance (official tours do happen from time to time). And thirdly, 7PM is a really strange time to show up.

I do find it interesting how the Globe and Mail is pursuing this angle (the Fords' drug connections). There's got to be more to this coming.
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