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RIP Boeing Administration Building - Malton (Mississauga)

Re: RIP Boeing Administration Building - Malton (Mississauga

What's the point of keeping the facade? Its like throwing out the pages in a book and keeping the cover, it's pointless. When will developers learn that facadism does not equate to saving a building?
Re: RIP Boeing Administration Building - Malton (Mississauga

So basically that federal project to make AVRO JET FIGHTERS was gonna happen in Toronto. wow cool. I wish the Feds cared about us that much right now.
Re: RIP Boeing Administration Building - Malton (Mississauga

I bet if the AVRO plant was in Montreal, the airforce would be flying the Stealth AVRO 4 or 5 by now.
Re: RIP Boeing Administration Building - Malton (Mississauga

There used to be a gorgeous modernist building at the corner of Lawrence and Keele maybe by the Walmart. It housed a TD bank, it was also recently torn down.
Re: RIP Boeing Administration Building - Malton (Mississauga

The Arrow was cancelled by a western Canadian Conservative with virtually no support in Quebec.
Re: RIP Boeing Administration Building - Malton (Mississauga

:wtf: :brickwall :b rickwall:brickwall :b rickwall:brickwall :wtf: :wtf:
:tdown: ::tdown: >: :x :eek: :no: 0] :evil :( :rolleyes :poke: :wtf: :tdown
I can't add to that except to say that the philistine, Benjamin Arnold traiters who did this should rot in purgatoty for a long time before I'm ready to forgive.

Note: this may seem harsh but I am beyond livid, plus a little drunk. F*****G ARROW would have been our signature contribution to the 21st century. And the p****s just demolish the last vestige like it's a temporary toilet. They're traiters in my books.

That's my 2 cents!!
Re: RIP Boeing Administration Building - Malton (Mississauga

rumor has it that there is an avro arrow on the bottom of lake Ontario. too bad the project was canceled. all the engineers and designers got laid off and moved to the united states to work for NASA and develop all kinds of crazy stuff for the US military. the united states is where it is now (technologically) because of Canadians. i wonder if the power they got from our brains was in our hands not not theirs, how this world would be today. i dunno, world peace, hydrogen cars, clean energy, etc...

Diefenbaker, why?, why you break the arrow?

look at the pretty arrows being ripped apart...

now that the building is gone, it's another tragic event in Canadian history.
Re: RIP Boeing Administration Building - Malton (Mississauga

all the engineers and designers got laid off and moved to the united states to work for NASA
And all the technicians and engineers that didn't relocate went to Ryerson to teach.
Re: RIP Boeing Administration Building - Malton (Mississauga

I've heard there is an Arrow buried somewhere under Downsview. There are actually a few engineers from Dehavilland who wander around there with detectors and shovels looking for it.

I've also been told that they, the guv'ment, has one stored in an underground bunker somwhere- its still in working order. It must be in the same place with all the crashed UFO's and the frozen bigfoots. I guess they're keeping it in case we get attacked.

I should add that the person who told me about the bunker thing could be a complete nut. 8)
Re: RIP Boeing Administration Building - Malton (Mississauga

There used to be a gorgeous modernist building at the corner of Lawrence and Keele maybe by the Walmart. It housed a TD bank, it was also recently torn down.

No, the building you speak of wasn't torn down. It is being converted into condos, so construction hoarding is covering most of it. TD is still there in the building, and will stay there.
Re: RIP Boeing Administration Building - Malton (Mississauga

By bringing up UFOs, Bogtrotter stumbled (no pun intended) on something big! The US Air Force contracted Avro to build flying saucers in the 1950s!

According to page two of the document in, two flying saucers were built under the Avrocar program in the 1960s. One of the flying saucers was tested in Malton. If that's the case, this building that you guys are talking is really special.


The Avrocar


The Avrocar being tested (in Malton?)

Re: RIP Boeing Administration Building - Malton (Mississauga

Regarding the flying saucers...

If you have Video On Demand, at least Rogers customers anyways, in their free section, they have a CBC documentary on it called "IT CAME FROM MALTON".

go to "FREE ZONE"
Re: RIP Boeing Administration Building - Malton (Mississauga

DB was bluffed by the Americans, because they didnt want Canada to become a major world power.

Re: RIP Boeing Administration Building - Malton (Mississauga

The Avro Arrow was the biggest blunder in Canadian history.
Re: RIP Boeing Administration Building - Malton (Mississauga

Worse than Dieppe?
