News   Sep 17, 2024
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News   Sep 17, 2024
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News   Sep 17, 2024
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RBC Centre (LEED Gold, CadFair, 41s, KPF/B+H/&Co.) COMPLETE

Who? In January fiendishlibrarian and CanadianNational both predicted that both buildings would be under construction this year, EnviroTO predicted the office tower would, and I predicted the Ritz would.
The new rendering of the 41s RBC is a strange one given the tower is on the identical background (same POV) as the "soaring" 48s version first released.... in fact this version is made to appear nearly 1/3rd shorter not 7 floors shorter.

The real impact @ 610' plus whatever... will be huge on Wellington Street.

Here's a quicky impression of the Olsen twins at sunrise... Wellington never looked so good/

wow that is the first render I have seen of both towers together. AND it is the first time I have actually liked the Ritz looks far less boxy in this rendering.
Thx urbanboy... I was about to delete due to lack of interest.
I am glad you didn't!

I wonder how these towers are going to look on the skyline. They will be very prominent given their location.
The impact will be mitigated, I expect, by Simcoe Place directly to the south.
Seeing that rendering makes me wonder louder how the street will be impacted by those podiums shooting out from each of those buildings.
Depends on how they line up. Ideally, it will turn it into a real street instead of a negative expanse between one parkette and the next.
Wellington desperately needs something like this here... and it desperately needs some trees between john and peter - that stretch in front of icon i and ii feels like a desert!
So both of those towers are going to be side by side? Btw, why is RBC building another tower? What's happening to the gold tower on Front St.?
^ Sold it to Home Depot. They're melting it down for bullion.
RBC Centre (UT)

I don't know..something about the blandness of the RBC, the slant of the Ritz, the mismatched podiums (heights and setbacks)...they just don't look right side-by-side. Considering it's the same developer, little effort seems to have been made to try and have the two buildings complement each other.
^ you do realize one of the towers is photoshopped into a rendering of the other
yeah...maybe if a better rendering of the two comes out it might be an improvement but the Ritz is definitely set back farther from the street than RBC; and a 9 storey podium of office space is not going to be the same height as the Ritz' 4 or 5 banquet hall podium. Anyway, as always, I guess we will have to wait for the finished product before judging too harshly.
"Ritz is definitely set back farther from the street "

not sure about that

"a 9 storey podium of office space is not going to be the same height as the Ritz' 4 or 5 banquet hall podium. "

the floors of the ritz very easily could be double height floors
