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"Rapture politics"

That's a good point, adma... I went to New York a few weeks after 9/11 and it was actually quite pleasant if a little quiet.
"Its only 54-55 paragraphs long."

I pasted it into MSWord and it was 12 pages and 7555 words long...
This month's Harper's also has an interesting article which might be of interest to some of you. In a nutshell, even though 85% of Americans identify themselves as Christians, the policy of their government is distinctly un-Christian (issues such as foreign aid, taxation to fund better schools and hospitals for the poor, capital punishment and gun control) - especially when compared to the policies of atheist Scandanavian countries. The version of Christianity practised by most Americans is more of a Benjamin Franklinism ("God helps them that help themselves") than a bible-based Christianity. (There's also an article which posits that Bush backers stole Ohio in the last election).
This thread reminds me of a link Darkstar416 sent out... check it out:

American Taliban
Wow, I had already heard of the more publicized ones, but this one shocked the hell out of me:

"We don't have to protect the environment, the Second Coming is at hand."*
- James Watt (Secretary of the Interior)
*Secretary of the Interior in the Reagan Admin. Responsible for National Policy regarding the Environment
The Republican Party convention in the summer of 2004 was a parade of Christian fundamentalism. After Bush's keynote speech, you may recall a Christian personality taking the podium and leading the audience in prayer. The entertainment in between speeches was almost all secular country music artists or Christian rock/ contemporary Christian artists. As somone who is socially conservative but not Christian, I felt there was no way I could ever have a place in that political party.

There are many ills facing American society. The Christian Right's religious ferver was a reaction to those ills, almost parallel to the reaction of the Taliban to the problems facing Afghani society. The US is under the influence of an American Taliban now. The difference is that most Afghanis in the Taliban were illiterate, so one could excuse their ignorance, if not their actions. American leadership is literate (except maybe Bush) and ought to know better.
