@Northern Light why did we resurrect this thread?
It's not about protecting Dundas. No one here on the anti rename side gives a rat's bottom about the man. It's more about these initiatives coming from a well of deeply toxic and misinformed progressive politics.
To summarize:
Every group of humans has been enslaved and owned slaves at some point in history. Slavery was a human universal. Doesn't justify it anywhere, BUT it wasn't an inherently British or "white" institution as some of the most vile activists frequently imply.
The vast majority of people today agree that past wrongs including slavery were bad. For activists to insist on this being acknowledged is simply banal. Bad things are bad. Duh? It's more important how we respond to this history. I and many others would argue that empty virtue signaling like renaming streets is decidedly
not the way to go.
Finally, as others have already pointed out, this does nothing to expand education and employment opportunities to the disposed. You know, the things that would actually fix some of the problems facing marginalized groups. Such a bleeding shame to see our classical liberal and moderate politics thrown out the window for narrow minded ideology.