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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

Of course he would. If the chance comes, he'll dump Queen's Park in a heartbeat for greener pastures, never mind the upheaval he'd leave in his wake. It's never been about public service for the narcissistic oaf. We all know that.

The only real question is will Opportunity come a-knockin,' and I wouldn't count on it myself. Trudeau managed to squeak out a win this time entirely because of 2 people: Andrew Scheer and Thug Ford. I understand a lot of people are pissed at Scheer right now, but shouldn't some of that anger be directed at Ford? The Cons lost Ontario entirely thanks to him, after all, and at least a few of them must be cognizant of that little fact.

Yeah I would say if Patrick Brown or Elliot was in charge they would have won at least more 10-15 seats in Ontario for sure.

Pretty much that is the next election will be about really.

Until the tories can flip 15 or so seats in Ontario they cant win.
I really doubt the Albertan-Saskatchewan caucus will vote for an Ontario conman as leader of their party.

But they like their current homer from Sask. who benefited from a sudden surge in Conservative memberships which may have been linked to the Quebec dairy/supply management lobby, which helped him inch past a Quebec-based competitor who is opposed to supply management. LOL
FYI drove by Renata's house on Edenbridge this morning; it finally has a SOLD sign...

One of the better quips of the night...


She was really relying on campaign victory in order to pay for that mortgage, huh.

Still, Renata's electoral showing is a good reminder that the Ford name didn't mean anything, even in their home base of support.
Kirsty Duncan is popular in her riding. There is a restaurant in the Rexdale area that always puts up Ford signs on their front grass area and they had a Liberal sign up.
She was really relying on campaign victory in order to pay for that mortgage, huh.

Still, Renata's electoral showing is a good reminder that the Ford name didn't mean anything, even in their home base of support.

I had been pegging her as the more authentic tinfoil conspirazoid within that household--but in a way, I also wonder if she was egged on to run by the Flagg Nation et al cheering squad, which I'd imagine to have morphed t/w the Bernier direction (much as they were mayorally cheerleading Faith Goldy vs "John Liberal" last year). And of course, Ms. Isis-comparison herself, Penny Morrison, was working on her campaign...
It's always pretty hilarious when politicians of Ford's ilk get up on their hind legs and try to pretend they're anywhere close to the political mainstream. It's even funnier when the mouth-frothers in their rabid fanbase applaud such cynical moves as if they're even remotely sincere, to wit:

I don't think many on this forum would have predicted that Ford would be the calm voice of reason that tries to unite the country. After 4 years of Trudeau division, he has a difficult task.

Ford's extremism and thuggish behavior/personality are entirely to blame for the Cons losing Ontario in the election, Burl. Doesn't that bother you? Even a little? As for him being "the calm voice of reason," pull the other one. You may be a troll, but I'm beginning to wonder if you're just some apolitical prankster who's more interested in stirring the pot than posting opinions here that you actually believe. I've met such people in real life. They're rascals!

As for "4 years of Trudeau division:" Seriously? Trudeau's a feckless neoliberal turd, and as with all such creatures, he's dedicated to serving the corporate state and the super rich. All done with a thin veneer of pretend progressiveness, which accounts for the "division" in your mind, I suppose. Practically the first thing he did after the election was to delightedly shriek that he now had a mandate to continue with the Trans Mountain pipeline, for Chrissakes. He's doing the Cons' dirty work for them.
