Richard White
Senior Member
That's too bad, and NL's suggestion is a good step. I tried to find if there were any specific environment rules for repair and storage facilities and could not but could have missed it; however, leaking regulated fluids into the ground is fairly general. Be forewarned that, the way things have been going, the MOE is probably down to one part-time inspector. A nice long shot photo of a puddle might help.
One problem, besides living next to an industry with a high 'scuzzy fctor', is that zoning rules define classes of occupancy, not specific occupiers, and if repair and storage facilities are included, they're legal and hard boundaries between zoning classes are a fact of life. You also might want to check if the municipality/region has an anti-idling bylaw and how it is worded.
Good luck - you'll need it.
Yea they are getting crafty.
They are piling so many vehicles there that they are trying to obstruct the view from the residences. They don't care and regarding the idling it's hard to capture that.
She needs a google nest camera but she's an 85 year old woman with no internet or tech knowledge. Basically they start up their heavy and medium tows then let them warm up for a bit before taking off.
In order to catch that you need ongoing camera footage or to catch them at the right time. I've been there when they idle and you can hear it with the windows closed and see the exhaust.
When she moved in back in 1997 that tow yard wasn't there. Now it is directly behind her property separated only by a wooden fence.
Ah well, we will do what we can but she doesn't want to rock the boat too much given the problems they could cause. I told her to contact the MoE but she didn't want to piss them off and make a bad situation worse.